Chapter 244 Misunderstanding
Watching her slowly remove the shoulder straps, the original red fairy dress was already faintly visible.

Plus this fiddle.

Zhao Lang could only stand there in a daze.

Caught off guard!

"What are you doing!"

Frowning tightly, Zhao Lang thought it was Yuanfeng who hadn't recovered from the stimulation in the chaotic world, so he turned around immediately.

With a slight flick of the two fingers, the belt that had already slipped to Yingying's waist was brought up by spiritual power.

But it's not over yet!

Yuan Feng actually hugged Zhao Lang from behind again!
"A sin!"

Shocked, Zhao Lang immediately wanted to use his spiritual power, but under the causal perspective, he saw a person.

That person is Bi Xiao...

I saw Bi Xiao stunned outside the gazebo, with some pills in his hands, which must have been sent to Yuanfeng.

However, seeing this embarrassing scene in the peach forest, her pretty face turned red and white immediately, her white teeth pressed between her jade lips, and there was a slight ripple in her eyes, then she turned and left.

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to stare at Yuanfeng.

Shengwei Lingli immediately moved it to another place in Buzhou Mountain.

However, looking at the pavilion at this time, Bi Xiao has disappeared...

Within the secret realm of the avenue.

There is no breath of her.

"Bi Xiao!"

The divine sense was swept out, Zhao Lang panicked!
She must have misunderstood something!

Frowning tightly, he began to search for Bi Xiao with the spiritual power of Shengwei in the wilderness, but the latter disappeared after only a moment of spiritual power floating.

Standing outside the mountain gate, Zhao Lang was very anxious.

"Ding! It is detected that Bi Xiao has left the secret realm of the avenue, and the host can choose."

"One, go out immediately, look for Bi Xiao, and stay with him, but you will be besieged by saints. If you survive, you can get ten laws of the great way."

"Second, continue to retreat, you can't die on the mountain, and you can use your spiritual thoughts to protect Bi Xiao, and you can get the power of a great law."

Zhao Lang's face was ugly.

This was the first time he wanted to go out after retreating for so many years.

But going out at this time is tantamount to becoming a target of public criticism.

Although Zhao Lang's current cultivation base has reached the same level as Hongjun, if all the sages of heaven join forces to fight him, the chances of winning must not be great.

Bi Xiao has a cause and effect with herself, if something happens to her, there should be spiritual fluctuations coming from the prehistoric.

After Zhao Lang found out, he was able to take him back to the secret realm of the Great Dao immediately.

After making a difficult choice.

Under the mountain gate, Zhao Lang looked outside the mountain.

I was very worried.

There is self-blame and hesitation.

He just stood there quietly.

This stop is ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years is coming soon, and during this period, no matter who it is, Zhao Lang will not see him.

In the end, he chose to retreat alone.

The fact that Bi Xiao left Buzhou Mountain became a hurdle in Zhao Lang's heart.

He was worried every day, what would happen if Bi Xiao was in danger in the wild?
Any accident among the three Xiaos is enough to be the reason for Zhao Lang to leave the mountain, but at the moment, all the sages of heaven in the prehistoric are all thinking about how to deal with themselves.

If they knew that Bi Xiao was in Honghuang, they might attack him.

But since Bi Xiao can still hide her aura and hide in the flood, it means that she is fine now, if something happens, cause and effect will be passed into Zhao Lang's mind immediately.

Zhao Lang, who really wants Bi Xiao to come back, can only hope that this karma will not come.

Another thousand years passed.

Ten thousand years soon, Zhao Lang practiced in closed doors.

Wash away all dust and mundane things.

However, in the past [-] years, the development of the human race and the disciples of Zhoushan Sect in the wild has become very smooth.

Because a large amount of Heavenly Dao merit is collected on the human race, so that everyone can basically share a little bit.

Just because of this, it is enough to change their fate.

However, under the changing times, Zhao Lang predicted that the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods is not far away.

Precisely because of the great merit and luck among the human race, the Saint Sect wants to gather luck in its own sect by preaching and evangelizing among them.

Although this is futile, after all, everyone in the Shang Dynasty regarded Zhoushan as their heaven.

But those saints spent a lot of time poaching.

It can also be said to be persistent.

Today, Zhao Lang is retreating.

He, who hadn't spoken for a long time, looked a little sad.

Still because of Bi Xiao.

But suddenly, a voice outside the mountain gate caught his attention.

"Master? Is Master there? Disciple, please see me!"

With a frown, it was Empress Shiji.

Zhao Lang didn't want to see him at first, he was depressed, and he didn't have that leisurely mind.

However, a karma in Shiji's body vaguely made Zhao Lang change his mind.

Then inside the bamboo house, Zhao Lang flicked two fingers slightly, and Shi Ji was directly moved from under the mountain gate to the house.

Looking at the antique calligraphy and paintings around him, Shi Ji was startled.

Didn't expect Master to have such a good mood?
She tidied up her appearance and fluttered down to bow.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zhao Lang didn't open his eyes, and asked lightly.

Shi Ji saluted respectfully and replied.

"Master, a few days ago, I saw Master's righteous sister in the prehistoric world."

She thought that Bi Xiao was sent down by Zhao Lang, everyone in Zhou Shanzong knew that San Xiao would not leave the mountain, and Zhao Gongming would not leave the mountain, but this time Bi Xiao went down the mountain and was bumped into by her, so she was puzzled.

Worried about whether Zhao Lang's subordinates were unavailable, so he volunteered to return home.

Hearing Bi Xiao, Zhao Lang was taken aback.

However, after Shi Ji finished speaking her thoughts, Zhao Lang shook his head again.

Fortunately, nothing happened to her.

"There is no shortage of manpower for teachers, you can go to the wilderness to practice with peace of mind."

Zhao Lang said lightly, and then waved lightly, Shiji was moved out of Buzhou Mountain.

But he was relieved anyway, at least Bi Xiao was safe and sound.


Continue to retreat!
A few more years.

"Senior Zhao, how long are you going to retreat for?"

Outside the bamboo house, Taoist Duobao asked hesitantly.

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

Slowly got up and walked out of the bamboo house.

Although he was depressed, he couldn't stop practicing during this period.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, he has integrated all of his existing Dao laws.

Now, Zhao Lang has a total of more than [-] powers of the Dao Law!
More than thirty!

It may be very slim compared to the Three Thousand Dao, but looking at the prehistoric world, perhaps only Daozu Hongjun can rival him.

Seeing Zhao Lang, whom he hadn't seen in thousands of years, walk out of the bamboo house, Taoist Duobao saluted lightly.

Because the dao rhyme on the former body is more profound.

"what happened?"

Zhao Lang asked.

Taoist Duobao hesitated.

"A few days ago, my disciple sent me a voice transmission, saying that there might be some accidents during the cessation of teaching. Now that the master is looking for me everywhere, I think it's better to go back first, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to you, senior."

Did something happen during the cut-off?
What is the leader of Tongtian going to do?
Wouldn't it be okay to stop for tens of thousands of years?

Zhao Lang sighed helplessly, but there was nothing he could do. If Master Tongtian found out that Daoist Duobao was on Mount Buzhou, things would become troublesome.

Zhao Lang is most afraid of trouble.

Nodding his head, and after saying a few words, Taoist Duobao was moved out of the secret realm of the Dao by Zhao Lang.

The one who passed by with him was Master Yuding.

Seeing Daoist Yuding staying at the foot of Buzhou Mountain furtively, Zhao Lang had already noticed that he was not let in.

Seeing Taoist Duobao leave Buzhou Mountain with a cloud and head towards the East China Sea, Yu Ding was convinced that Zhao Lang was not among them.

"Senior, please meet me!"

There was some tiredness in the voice of Master Yuding.

Nothing can be done.

Coincidentally, Zhao Lang's mood is somewhat relieved today.

Waving lightly, Daoist Duobao appeared beside him.

Zhao Lang took a step forward.

The two changed positions in an instant, and came from outside the bamboo house to the Chaos Palace.

Looking at the throne in front of him that he hadn't sat on for a long time, Zhao Lang hesitated, and stood there looking at Yuding.


Daoist Yuding has not recovered yet.

This is the first time he has seen Zhao Lang since the Zhoushan sage reappeared.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun is now completely at odds with Zhou Shanzong.

But this time, Yuanshi Tianzun did not try his best to plot against Zhao Lang and Zhou Shanzong's disciples like before.

He wants to make every effort to let the whole family of Zhoushan Sect fill the sky in the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods.

Zhao Lang naturally knew what he was thinking.

It's just that he didn't care.

As long as he doesn't make trouble, Zhao Lang will not take the initiative to deal with it, it's as simple as that.

Looking at Yu Ding, the latter froze in place at this moment.

Looking at Zhao Lang's eyes, tears welled up.

Zhao Lang frowned.


"Ah! Senior, Erlang is gone!"

"I can't see Erlang in the whole prehistoric world, and my beloved disciple is gone!"

Master Yuding knelt down on the ground, sobbing.

"Ding! It is detected that the Jade Cauldron has sent a request to the host, and you can choose."

"One, if you don't tell Master Yuding and drive him away, you can get a law of the great way."

"Second, tell Master Yuding the whereabouts of Yang Jian, and you can get two Dao laws."

The law of the road is necessary!

Zhao Lang is now worried about when he will be able to collect the three thousand rules.

But as far as the current progress is concerned, it is very slow.

But this Jade Cauldron...

I really love my apprentice.

Zhao Lang smiled.

After making a choice, he looked at the former and said lightly.

"Yang Jian is fine now, don't worry."

That simple sentence surprised Master Yuding in an instant.

"What? Senior, has Erlang been in Buzhou Mountain all this time?"

Zhao Lang shook his head.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know that soon, Yang Jian will become a big shot in the prehistoric world."

Big man!
Daoist Yuding dare not call himself a big shot, but Yang Jian can?

Could it be that the sage of Zhoushan taught Yang Jian all his magical powers?
Thinking of this, Master Yuding couldn't help kowtowing again and again.

"How can I repay the kindness of seniors!"

"Since you said it, there is something I really want you to do."

Zhao Lang replied to him lightly.

Daoist Yuding was startled, and raised his head to look at Zhao Lang.

Afterwards, Zhao Lang told Yu Ding about his plan.

The latter finished listening.

His whole body was shocked, and he looked at Zhao Lang in disbelief.

The sage Zhou Shan has such a scheming plan!
Afterwards, Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly and moved him out of the secret realm of the Great Dao.

Coming to the foot of the mountain gate, Daoist Yuding dared not stay.

Now that the interpretation of teachings and the Zhoushan sect are completely at odds, if Yuanshi Tianzun is to know whether the real Yuding will come to Zhoushan, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

I was thinking about what Zhao Lang just said.

Yu Ding thought carefully and was terrified.

"The calculations between the saints are really far-sighted!"

But his loyalty to Zhao Lang is naturally there.

So don't worry that he will learn what Zhao Lang said to Yuanshi Tianzun.

After Yuding left.

Zhao Lang glanced lightly.

The line of sight passes through the infinite prehistoric and lands on one place.

At this time, Guanjiangkou is helping Yang Jian to lay the foundation for the Great Immortal Tuntian.

When Yang Jian is born, Zhao Lang will help him prove the way.

After achieving the Great Dao Saint.

Zhao Lang is going to make a big fuss in advance.

The stone in Zhao Lang's heart can be completely removed only when the Conferred God is over.

Moreover, under the observation of his divine sense recently, during the several gatherings of Zixiao Palace, the Book of Heaven was vaguely mentioned.

The list of gods and the whip of the gods.

Although these two magic weapons are not high in rank, they have gathered the merits of the Dao of Heaven on them. Holding the Whip is like holding the Dao of Heaven.

With the help of the divine whip, the primordial spirits of those who are contaminated with great karma will be crushed, and their primordial spirits will also be filled in the list of gods, that is, the incompleteness of the way of heaven.

Now Hongjun can't wait to join the heaven.

The purpose is also very clear.

Just to be able to stand on top of Zhao Lang forever.

If he is really in line with the way of heaven, Zhao Lang is not sure whether he is still his opponent.

Its cultivation base should be not much different from that of Taoist Yang Mei.

It is true that Honghuang will be completely controlled by him at that time.

At that time, not only will I not be able to leave the customs, but those who have a relationship with Zhou Shanzong and myself will need to stay in the secret realm of the Dao.

I was thinking about all this in my heart.

However, a voice shocked Zhao Lang, and then he was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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