Chapter 245 Awake Zhou Zhan

"Where's Brother Zhao? I'm here to find Brother Zhao!"

Outside the Chaos Palace, Zhou Zhan wanted to enter it, but Tianba and Diba blocked him at the entrance of the hall.

"Brother Zhao? Presumptuous! How can Zhoushan Saint Patriarch be called by you like that?"

Tianba frowned, looking at Zhou Zhan with an obvious intention to do something.

If it was Zhou Zhan's strength before, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian would just make them both overwhelmed.

But now, Zhou Zhan's cultivation base has all been lost, relying on the miraculous effect of Zhao Lang's recovery elixir, he barely regained a trace of his previous cultivation base.

And how could they be the opponents of the descendants of the two ancestor dragons and the first unicorn?
But Zhou Zhan, who has a straightforward temper, did not back down and insisted on breaking into it.

"Let him in."

At this moment, Zhao Lang's voice came out of the hall.

Tian Ba ​​Di Ba was startled, and then retreated unwillingly under Zhou Zhan's triumphant smile.

"Hmph, who is this?"

Diba turned his head and asked Tianba.

"How do I know, Master's people?"

"It's all your fault. If the master blames you later, let's see if I won't knock your dragon's mouth crooked later!"

"Hey! You kid, do you feel itchy if you don't teach me a lesson for a few days?"...

The two scuffled outside the hall, Zhao Lang found out but didn't care.

Tianba and Diba have been like this almost every day since their birth.

No wonder.

Looking at Zhou Zhan who was slowly walking into the hall, Zhao Lang smiled gratifiedly.

"Brother Zhou."

This is the only one who makes him feel like a brother.

There are not many stories between the two of them, nor do they get along for too long.

But Zhou Zhan treats people with sincerity, and is willing to hand over to Zhao Lang even the Dao Law of his own family.

This is also the reason why Zhao Lang insisted on pulling him out of the Dao Palace despite the risk of being discovered by the Demon God.

Zhou Zhan came to Zhao Lang in two or three steps, looked him up and down, and laughed loudly.

Zhao Lang was taken aback, then smiled and said, "What's wrong? You recovered?"

Zhou Zhan nodded.

"The elixirs you made are good! I've never seen them before, are you making them yourself?"

After waving his hand, Zhao Lang said: "It's just a leisurely pastime."

Zhou Zhan smiled, his eyes swept back and forth on this friend whom he hadn't seen for countless years.

For countless thousands of years, the only one who rescued himself was also the only best brother back then.

driven by emotions.

In the end, he hugged Zhao Lang.

This was the first time Zhao Lang was hugged by a man like this.

Suddenly the atmosphere was a little awkward...

Before letting go, Zhou Zhan was already in tears!

"I thought I was going to die in that Dao Palace!"

Zhao Lang patted Zhou Zhan on the shoulder like comforting a child.

"Don't worry, as long as I, Zhao Gongming, live, you will not die."

What do you want for the rest of your life with such a close friend?
Zhou Zhan nodded with a bitter expression.

"Now that I'm useless, staying here with you, if I attract those guys from the Dao Palace, I'm afraid it will bring you trouble..."

Zhao Lang knew what he was going to say, so he interrupted him directly.

"Brother Zhou, you can rest assured that those guys from the Dao Palace will never come here."

Seeing that the former was so determined, Zhou Zhan was taken aback.


"Brother Zhao, do you know that those black-robed people are simply terrifying! Back then, the five saints of the Thunder Clan, together with me and the elders, were no match for a single black-robed man!"

Zhou Zhan said nervously.

He thought Zhao Lang was comforting him.

In fact, he didn't know that this was the Great Desolation, not the Chaos Realm.

After Zhao Lang patiently told Zhou Zhan the difference between the Great Desolation and the Chaos Realm.

Zhou Zhan was shocked, and looked at Zhao Lang in surprise.

He couldn't believe it.

"Prehistoric? Dao secret realm?"

What did you hear yourself?
These things are beyond his cognition.

What prehistory?
Why haven't I heard of it before?

"Brother Zhao is joking!"

With a faint smile, Zhao Lang nodded irrefutably.

"Brother Zhou."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Zhao Lang raised his head and looked at Zhou Zhan.

"What happened in the Chaos Realm? Why did those guys from the Dao Palace want to arrest you and extract your cultivation base?"

Zhao Lang asked seriously.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhan sighed and said helplessly.

"I don't know either. I only know that there were rumors in the Rilei clan that whenever a certain number of saints in a clan reached a certain number, they would disappear out of thin air. As expected..."

After a pause, he continued.

"I think there is a high probability that these people who disappeared out of thin air were taken away by the Grand Dao Palace."

Life and death are uncertain...

so horrible.

Even with Zhao Lang's current cultivation base, he would feel an incomparably terrifying aura when he entered the Grand Dao Palace.

What's more, Zhou Zhan and others who are far inferior to him?
Of course, among those imprisoned in the Dao Palace, there may be someone stronger than Zhao Lang!

Frowning tightly, Zhao Lang asked.

"Did Yuanfeng be arrested together with you, or?"

Zhou Zhan shook his head.

"She seems to be voluntary."


Is Yuanfeng insane enough to go to a place like the Grand Dao Palace voluntarily?


No wonder they were talking nonsense.

Thinking that Bi Xiao left because of Yuanfeng, Zhao Lang couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But there is no way, it was just a misunderstanding.

"Then when you were in the Grand Dao Palace, did you have any impression of a Taoist who taught Yangmei?"

Zhao Lang looked at Zhou Zhan and asked.

Zhou Zhan was taken aback.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Zhao Lang with a little horror.

"Raising eyebrow Taoist... how do you know this person?"

Hearing this, Zhao Lang couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Afterwards, he told Zhou Zhan everything that happened between the Taoist with raised eyebrows and himself from beginning to end.

Zhou Zhan frowned.

Suddenly, his whole body was shaken, and he shuddered!
"The raised eyebrow Taoist is dead..."

Zhao Lang was shocked.

The Taoist who raised his eyebrows has died?

This may be the most unbelievable thing he has ever heard.

You must know that raising eyebrows is the main body of the law of space among the Ten Laws of Primordial Meng.

It is equivalent to Hongjun who replaced Tiandao after joining the Tao.

Raise your eyebrows to master the law of prehistoric space.

This kind of person who makes Zhao Lang feel headache and nervous, is he dead?

"Ding! It is detected that Zhou Shan said that Taoist Yang Mei has died, and the host can choose."

"One, leave the customs immediately. No one is Zhao Lang's opponent at this time. There is no threat. You can get a law of the road."

"Second, continue to retreat and die without leaving the mountain. The truth is undecided, and it is open to discussion. You can get a law of the great way."

Getting out will never be so easy.

Zhao Lang would not believe that Taoist Yang Mei would fall so easily.

Think back when the latter summoned a demon god.

Zhao Lang felt that this guy was probably his biggest nightmare before being invincible.

Now that Zhao Lang is not invincible, he died first?

Even if Zhao Lang was killed, he would not believe it.

After carefully making a choice, Zhao Lang looked at Zhou Zhan.

"Where did you hear that?"

Zhao Lang asked.

Zhou Zhan shrugged, "There was a violent shock in the Chaos Realm tens of millions of years ago, and after that, the Chaos Realm Continent became extremely huge."

"You also know me. I usually like to walk around, so I have traveled on that continent for a long time."

"The Taoist Raising the Eyebrow you just mentioned, I have heard from several Daoist Saints in the Chaos Realm before that the Taoist Raising the Eyebrow has fallen recently, and the law of space is also missing."

Zhou Zhan said that he does not know the rest.

Zhao Lang frowned tightly.

If he died after I pretended to be a saint, then it would be nothing...

It could even be said to be joyously worth celebrating.

But I don't know when the timelines of the Chaos Realm and the Great Desolation matched, Zhou Zhan said tens of millions of years ago.

It is very likely that only a few days have passed in the flood.

This chaotic realm...

What a headache!

Think for a moment.

Zhao Lang sighed and said helplessly.

"You can rest assured staying with me, there will be absolutely no danger."

Zhou Zhan nodded excitedly. He has lived for countless thousands of years, but at this moment in front of Zhao Lang, he is as obedient as a child.

Then Zhao Lang took Zhou Zhan around in Buzhou Mountain. Although he couldn't get out, the Buzhou Mountain range has three thousand mountains and countless small peaks, which is enough for Zhou Zhan to walk for a while.

Zhou Zhan is also very curious about this world that he has never heard of.

Zhao Lang ignored him.

As long as it is within the secret realm of the Great Dao, Zhao Lang can live there under shelter.

When I came to the gazebo alone, things during this period were too complicated.

All the brains were pushed into Zhao Lang's head, and he only felt a pain in his head.

Sweeping out his divine sense, Zhao Lang turned his attention to Yang Jian.

The latter can be said to be extremely well concealed in the chaotic world.

Under Zhao Lang's protection, he will not be discovered.

The continuous thunder formation continuously tempered the latter's physical body, and at the same time greatly improved his cultivation base.

"Hey, Patriarch, I would have felt so much more comfortable if someone had helped me like that!"

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang didn't bother Yang Jian.

Withdrawing his divine sense, he decided to observe the disciples in the wild.

However, just when this idea first moved.

A cause and effect flashed into Zhao Lang's mind.

Zhao Lang was taken aback.

His eyes then turned there.

Under observation, he discovered that the eighteen disciples and grandchildren who had assisted Cheng Tang in the past were being stopped by the Judgment Center.

Compared with stopping teaching, Zhao Lang would rather let them go to the west to teach.

It's not because Zhao Lang has changed his mind about those two old dogs taught by the West.

It's because in the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, the Western Sect suffered the least amount of losses.

Through the vast expanse of the wilderness, Zhao Lang came to the place where the incident happened.

Frowning, Zhao Lang saw it.

On the mainland of China in the midst of the prehistoric times, eighteen disciples and grandchildren were at a place called Lingtai Pass at this time.

Daoist Duobao chose to find Zhao Lang on this fork in the road before.

And the same goes for these disciples and grandchildren.

They originally wanted to go back to Buzhou Mountain first, but now that Chengtang's foundation has stabilized, it's time for them to go back to the mountain and obey the arrangement.

If the ancestors also let them go to the west to teach, then it will not be too late to go to Lingshan.

But now, before they reached Buzhou Mountain, they were stopped by several people who closed the Lingtai on the way.

Looking carefully, they are all disciples of the Jiejiao, and their cultivation bases are not low. It seems that they have the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian.

Zhao Lang's spiritual sense swept over, and after understanding the cause and effect, he smiled faintly.

"It turned out to be the four brothers of the Mo Family."

These four will be the four heavenly kings in the heavenly court in the future, and they will still be under the jurisdiction of Zhao Gongming.

However, this is what happened in the past, not now.

Today's Zhao Lang's cultivation base is even higher than that of Hongjun, it is impossible for Fengshen Dajie to want to drag him into the pit.

I saw the four members of the Demon family looking at the eighteen disciples of Zhou Shanzong. They had malicious intentions in their eyes, as if they wanted to do something to the latter.

"Hehe, disciples of Zhoushan Sect? Our master has ordered that any descendant or grandchild of Zhoushan Sect that the Saint Sect encounters will be killed at the first sight!"

"Ding! It is detected that the four brothers of the Mo family want to take action against the grandson of Zhou Shanzong, the host can choose."

"One, go out of the mountain immediately and kill the four members of the Mo family, but it will lead to a battle between the master of Tongtian and the host. If you win, you can get a law of the road."

"Second, you can't pass the test if you die, but if you help the disciples and grandchildren to solve their difficulties, you can get two Dao laws."

These four guys are so violent?
Dare to hurt my ancestor and my grandson?

Eat bear heart leopard gall.

Zhao Lang was taken aback, but the eighteen disciples were not strong enough, facing the four Da Luo Jinxians, they had no room to fight back.

But exit...

Forget it.

In contrast, defeating Tongtian and the Law of the Two Great Dao are not comparable at all.

After making a choice.

In the gazebo, Zhao Lang stretched out with one hand.

The originally calm air in front of him suddenly condensed into an incomparably thick spiritual force.

I saw a sudden storm gathered above the Lingtai Pass in the mainland of China.

The four Mo family brothers who were about to attack suddenly changed their expressions!
"what is this!"

A powerful saint's coercion protruded from it.

Cover this world!


In the vast sky, a giant hand stretched out.

Immediately afterwards, the four members of the Mo family couldn't help struggling, holding them and dragging them back to the void black hole.

The four members of the Mo Family were shocked, but it was too late at this time. Under Zhao Lang's infinite spiritual power, they had already been sucked into the black hole.

After a while.

A holy voice came from above the Lingtai Pass.

"Go and apply for the Western Church. If you have any plans, please let me know as soon as possible."

Zhao Lang's voice reached the ears of eighteen disciples.

They were startled.

They nodded.

It turned out that the ancestors saved us!

Overjoyed, they all kowtowed three times and nine times to Buzhou Mountain with tears in their eyes, then got up and went to Lingshan Mountain.

Let's talk about the four brothers of the Mo family.

They were pulled directly from Lingtai Pass into the secret realm of the Dao by Zhao Lang's spiritual power.

The four of them felt that they had been traveling for a long time under the boundless spiritual power.

Landing on the ground again, he saw Zhao Lang with a majestic face in a black gauze and gilt Taoist robe in front of him.

The latter looked at the four of them.

The Mo family brothers only felt that their heads were about to be blown apart by the pressure of the holy power.

"Saint Zhoushan, spare your life! Saint Zhoushan, spare your life!"

"Master told us to do this!"

"Sage Zhou Shan, please forgive me, the four of us will be devastated!"...

Zhao Lang's expression was indifferent.

After taking back the holy power, he looked at the four Mo family brothers.

The latter all had a bad premonition, popping up in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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