Chapter 291: Lantern Visits?

Why is he here?

Looking at the burning lamp at the foot of the mountain, Zhao Lang hesitated.

This guy's current status is not low in Western religion.

With the catastrophe approaching, could it be that you want to win me over to help the Western Church?
It shouldn't be, although Zhunti and Jieyin are shameless, they should still have self-knowledge.

The one who made things difficult for Zhao Lang before was none other than Zhunti, who also attacked Zhou Shanzong several times, and even some disciples who had entered the prehistoric era were taken away by him.

Among them are the Eighteen Arhats.

It was Zhao Lang's disciple back then!

Although this is all Zhao Lang's eyeliner, thinking about it still makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

With a snap of his fingers, Zhao Lang moved Taoist Ran Deng into the Chaos Palace.

Looking at Zhao Lang in the hall, he lit the lamp and bowed to salute.

"Amitabha! The saint is so leisurely!"

It really looks like it!
Zhao Lang snorted coldly. "Speak up if you have something to say."

"It's good, Saint Zhao, coming here this time does not represent the Western religion, please rest assured Saint." Ran Deng smiled faintly.

Doesn't it represent Western religion?

Could it also mean that elucidation and teaching are not successful?
Zhao Lang sneered.

However, thinking of this, he was shocked in vain.

Might not...

Even if Duobao can rebel against religion, Ruo Randeng has already been clearly arranged by Yuanshi Tianzun...

"Then who do you represent?" Zhao Lang turned serious and asked lightly.

"On behalf of the leader of Chanjiao, Master Yuanshi Tianzun, I would like to visit Zhao Shengren." Sure enough!
For a while, Zhao Lang even admired it.

As expected of Yuanshi Tianzun!

This infernal way...

It was unexpected and unimaginable.

I was really careless.

"I said why Yuanshi Tianzun's reaction was not as strong as that of the leader of Tongtian when Ran Deng apostate. So it was your plan?" Zhao Lang looked at Ran Deng.

The latter saluted respectfully, and at this time also put down the single palm on his chest, and changed to Taoist etiquette.

"I'm just following the orders of Master."

However, after staying in Western religion for so long, my mind has calmed down a lot.

It's not at all like the deputy head teacher who was aggressive and wanted Zhao Lang to come out of the mountain to punish him.

However, he didn't dare at the moment.

As soon as he entered the Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang's monstrous holy prestige.

Just tell him that if he dares to be presumptuous, he may die today and no one will be able to protect him.

Whether it is Zhunti or Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of Tianzun calling you here?" Zhao Lang asked lightly.

Taoist Ran Deng smiled: "I don't know if the sage knows that the next catastrophe is coming?"


I know better than any of you.

If he doesn't come after 2 years, Yang Mei will die.

He must be going to force Hongjun to hurry up and agree now.

However, these certainly cannot be talked about with Ran Deng.

Zhao Lang said lightly: "I know."

"Worthy of being a saint, he predicts things like a god, and he is in control of everything in the prehistoric world!"

Ran Deng smiled flatteringly.

However, Zhao Lang disagreed.

"What do you ask this for?"

"Could it be that Tianzun still wants to cooperate with me? I have robbed all the merits of heaven, and he doesn't hold a grudge?"

After saying this, Ran Deng was startled.

"Didn't you give up on the merits of heaven? Now that the saint casts spells, all the temples of Zhoushan saints in the world have disappeared, and the human race has forgotten your existence. Isn't this a deal between you and Taoist ancestor?"

Hear this.

Zhao Lang cursed inwardly.

Hongjun old thief, you are really quick!
But there is no way.

It is true that he has already agreed, but he has not yet figured out how to give up the merits of heaven.

Hongjun's move can be regarded as solving Zhao Lang's troubles.

Directly in the human race, erase your own existence.

In this way, let alone 2 years.

In another ten years, the human race will no longer remember the existence of Zhoushan Saint.

At that time, the sages of various Heavenly Dao families will be able to take action to snatch merit.

"So what?"

Zhao Lang asked lightly.

"Ah! The sage is immeasurable, you really have a great heart. Now that you have given up the merits of heaven, my master is willing to let go of the gap between you and Zhou Shanzong. As long as you are willing to help explain the teachings to obtain immeasurable merits during the catastrophe, everything before that What do you think of a one-off write-off, and countless magic treasures presented afterwards?"

Just when Taoist Ran Deng finished speaking, a system emerged in Zhao Lang's consciousness.

"Ding! It is detected that Yuanshi Tianzun wants to test the host, and you can choose."

"One, accept the invitation and master the catastrophe together with the interpretation, you can get the great help of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Second, refuse the invitation, but express the position of the host, and you can get a law of the road."

It must be the rule of choosing the road!

Don't even think about it.

Old Ancestor, I am not prepared to participate in it myself.

Zhao Lang thought to himself.

Destiny has returned, and the Chan Church has become a stepping stone for Western religion in this catastrophe.

Only Heavenly Court and the Western Church benefited.

But the real profit...

Or the person behind the scenes of the Grand Dao Palace.

When will the scramble and scramble end?
With a wry smile, Zhao Lang said lightly.

"It's best for Tianzun to think this way, and I don't do it for anything else. If nothing happens to Zhou Shanzong's disciples, I won't take part in it. You can let him rest assured."


This answer was somewhat unexpected.

Ran Deng was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing how to answer.

However, Zhao Lang didn't continue talking with him, and directly waved him out of the secret realm of the avenue.

Daoist Ran Deng stood outside the secret realm of the avenue with a dazed expression on his face.

With a cold snort, he turned around lightly, looked around, and headed straight to Kunlun.

The quasi-sages travel thousands of miles at every turn.

Kunlun is not far from the Buzhou Mountains, and almost never descends from Buzhou Mountains, which is at the foot of Kunlun Mountains.

When he came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Taoist Randeng looked at the gate of teaching.

He coughed lightly.

Hearing the sound, Guang Chengzi came out from the mountain gate.

Looking left and right, the two began to transmit information to each other through voice transmission.

Listened for a while.

"Sage Zhoushan said so?"

Guang Chengzi asked via voice transmission, somewhat unexpectedly.

Taoist Ran Deng gave a deep salute.

Saying: "Amitabha!"

But a voice said in his heart: "Exactly, everything he said will be conveyed to Master."

Guangchengzi understood.

"Go quickly, apostate!"

Although he said so, it was just in case the wall had ears.

Taoist Ran Deng turned around and turned into a rainbow.

Guangchengzi went up the mountain all the way.

When he came to Yuxu Palace, he visited Master Yuanshi Tianzun, and he told all the conversations between Zhao Lang and Ran Deng.

Yuanshi Tianzun was startled.

"What did he really say?"

Guangchengzi saluted respectfully.

"This is what the brother in charge said personally."

Nodding his head, Yuanshi Tianzun naturally believed in Ran Deng, otherwise he would not have let him go to the Western religion to serve as an undercover agent for elucidating the teaching.

Guangchengzi hesitated.

"Master, isn't this his scheme?"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly.

"I don't care about the rest, as long as he doesn't get involved in the next big catastrophe, it won't do us any harm, but we still have to be careful and listen to him."

After he finished speaking, Guang Chengzi handed it to his ear.

This explains how to plan for the time being.

Let's say that when the teaching was cut off, many disciples were very angry.

They gathered together one after another.

"Did you know? It is said that the object of the Lord's Tribulation will be handed over to Chanjiao!"

"What? That group of trash is also worthy?"

"Why don't we kill Kunlun now and kill all the Chanjiao?"

"You are crazy, Yuanshi Tianzun is a sage of heaven!"...

A group of believers were whispering outside Biyou Palace, but all of them wanted to start a war with Chanjiao.

However, at this moment.

In Biyou Palace, Immortal Wu Yun walked out with the rest of the attendants.

"Presumptuous! Who will take the lead?"

Looking at the booing disciples, they frowned.

Everyone calmed down instantly.

"The matter of the catastrophe, the master has his own decision, and you will step down!"

When he spoke again, the other inner and outer disciples had to retreat one after another.

Wu Yunxian and others entered Biyou Palace.

Among them, the leader of Tongtian religion is sitting on the throne.

"Master, the incident has been reported, please give me instructions, what should I do next?"

Wu Yunxian and others knelt down on the ground, looking at the leader of Tongtian and asking questions one after another.

However, Tongtian smiled lightly.

"Don't worry about him, Yuanshi is wasting effort, I don't fight with him, and he can't beat me."

The rest of the disciples were taken aback.

"Master, it is the object of the Lord's Tribulation..."


The Lord Tongtian raised his eyebrows, and the holy power of infinite spiritual power penetrated.

The disciples suddenly felt that Yuanshen seemed to be held down by a powerful coercion.

After a while, Tong Tian withdrew his spiritual power.

All the disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

Tong Tian sneered.

"I have a decision."

As he spoke, he slowly took out something.

Everyone was terrified when they saw the magic weapon in his hand!
(End of this chapter)

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