Chapter 292 Heavenly Venerable Chain Count

"This...this is?"

"Six soul banners!"

Master Tongtian sneered.

All the disciples looked at the magic weapon in Tongtian's hand in shock, all of them were surprised.

The spiritual power emanating from it faintly made their hearts tremble.

A chill seeped from the soles of the feet to the top of the head!

"Let them fight, this seat is the final winner!"

Tong Tian said, laughing wildly.

The emotion in the eyes seems to be sure to win.

But on the other side, Zhao Lang was still struggling.

In the end or not out of the mountain?

He looked at Buzhou Mountain in front of him, hesitant in his heart.

After 2 years, the catastrophe will definitely come.

But at that time, if it really didn't interfere with the Heavenly Tribulation, wouldn't the previous preparations be useless?
Yang Jian is still breaking Huangyuan, and his disciples are still floating.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang felt a little dizzy.

However, just thinking about this point in my heart, there was a lot of excitement on Buzhou Mountain.

Zhao Lang was taken aback when he noticed a sudden fluctuation of spiritual power outside the secret realm of the Great Dao.

Who would dare to act wildly on my ancestor's chassis?

With a sweep of his brows, his spiritual thoughts scattered.

Above the secret realm of the avenue, two people are fighting.

There is not much difference in strength between the two, they are both around the quasi-sages, but it doesn't matter if they fight back and forth, it has attracted the attention of people from thousands of miles around.

All the disciples looked up one after another.

These two cultivation bases are quasi-sages, but how can the fighting between the quasi-sages be described as a collapse of heaven and earth?
I saw a lot of spiritual power surging in the four directions under the magic spells, which looked so shocking that people didn't know it after seeing it!

Just when the fight between the two was on the rise.

They didn't notice that they had come to the top of the Buzhou Mountains.

Although there is a secret realm of the Dao, their mana cannot invade.

But who would be so stupid as to fight in the saint's dojo?

Isn't this a contempt and provocation to the saint?
That is to say, the two of them didn't pay attention, and they were in a tense game with each other.


One of them slowly showed his defeat, and was about to get out of the way, but the other party was biting hard, and mana suddenly rushed up one after another!
A violent shock spread from above the secret realm of the avenue.

The two were taken aback for a moment, and stopped their magic power one after another.

His eyes fell and he looked down.

Their mana hit the secret realm of the Dao, and was stopped by the thin golden curtain, forming a violent explosion above the sky!

However, at this time, they finally saw clearly below.

Their hearts trembled, their brows tightened, the two of them had no time to think, and after only a moment of effort, they suddenly felt dizzy!

After a flash again, he glanced around and found that the world had changed.

They are surrounded by carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and resplendent!
His eyes fell on the person in front of him, and then he realized that he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed one after another.

"How courageous? Dare to be presumptuous on my ancestor's dojo?"

On the Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang said with a faint smile.

The two realized it later and were terrified.

"Senior, I didn't know that this place is your dojo, so forgive me!"

However, Zhao Lang didn't believe what they said at all, firstly because under the blessing of Shengwei, the two could see clearly at a glance, and secondly because of the system prompt that appeared in his mind:
"Ding! It is detected that the saint Nuwa wants to test the host, and you can choose."

"[-]. Immediately kill the two of them, let Nuwa waste all her efforts, and get a magic weapon presented by Nuwa."

"Second, expose the two of them, and slap Nuwa on the sidelines, so that she can stay away from Shangtang Chaoge, and you can get a law of the great way."

I knew it.

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

Now that I have given up the merits and virtues of the human race on the mainland of the prehistoric China, it is time for the saints of various families to share the profits.

At this time, Nuwa, who is a sage of heaven, definitely does not want to fall behind the rest.

Sending people to find out their own reality, it should be to form an alliance.

However, Zhao Lang didn't even bother to form an alliance with her.

If it was placed countless tens of thousands of years ago, before Zhao Lang became a saint, he might form an alliance with the saint of heaven.

But now, looking forward to the flood, no one is Zhao Lang's opponent.

Even Hongjun.

He won't give face.

Not to mention a Nuwa.

But because of Fuxi's relationship, Zhao Lang still decided to order the former.

Looking at the two people in the hall, Zhao Lang asked lightly.

"Little demon clan, what did Nuwa send you here to do!"

Zhao Lang saw through his details at a glance, and his identity was clear at a glance.

With one word to the point, the two were terrified, and only then slowly revealed their true colors.

All are monsters.

Still pretending to be a Taoist to display the golden light of Taoism?
Do you also want to hoodwink my patriarch?

With a slight hum, Zhao Lang looked at the two monsters.

In my heart, I was still a little surprised that Nuwa could still cultivate a quasi-sage-level monster.

There are really some means.

But the two demons were brought to light, and finally told the "truth" at this time.

"I don't dare! It wasn't Nuwa Saint's guidance, but the two of us agreed to fight for [-] rounds today. I made a mistake and broke into your ashram by mistake. Saint Wuliang! Please forgive me!"

The two monsters kowtowed one after another, looking quite respectful.

However, Zhao Lang just snorted coldly.

"It just so happens that the two of you are here, how about this, and bring the words I said next to Nu Wa."

"But saint, we are not..."


The two demons tried to defend themselves, but were shocked by Zhao Lang's eyes.

Facing the monstrous holy prestige, even the two quasi-sacred monsters would not dare to do anything wrong.

Obediently knelt down on the ground, waiting for Zhao Lang to order.

"You tell Nuwa that now I have given up the virtues of heaven among the human race, but the imperial capital, don't allow Nuwa to build a golden body there, I don't care about the rest of the place, only that one is not allowed, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk..."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang waved lightly.

After the two monsters were moved out of the secret realm of the avenue, they were speechless and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They still knelt facing Zhou Shanzong's gate in the posture of kneeling.

Finally feeling the subside of the holy power, the two big monsters slowly raised their heads.

"I didn't expect that the sage Zhoushan could see through the magic power of Empress Nuwa at a glance!"

One of the monsters looked at the one beside him.

The latter glared at him.

"Go back and talk about it!"

Speaking of this, the two monsters turned into two black winds, twisting and drifting towards the sky.

Come to the sky above, Wa Palace.

Nuwa sits quietly on the futon, calm and elegant, but from this perspective, she is indeed beautiful.

But it's not really enough to make people linger.

In comparison, even Yuanfeng is more handsome than she looks.

Of course, Yuanfeng's appearance is already overwhelming.

Nuwa closed her eyes to meditate, while the fairies on both sides lightly slapped their cattail fans.

However, a gust of wind outside the hall made her frown.

"Coming back so soon?"

Muttering something in her mouth, Nv Wa swung out a magic power in her hand, and the door of the temple opened wide, and the two big monsters entered it just now.

Kneeling down on the ground, Nuwa's divine sense swept over her, and she checked the cause and effect.

"This Zhao Gongming is so powerful now, is there no one in the prehistoric world who can stop him?"

Thinking about it, she sighed and let the two demons back down.

However, at this moment, a voice came from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, there is a visit from a disciple of Chanjiao."

Hear the fairy boy report.

Nuwa moved her eyes to the outside of Wa Palace.

Willow eyebrows stretched immediately.

She smiled and said, "Okay, it's just in time."

After finishing speaking, she flicked her two fingers, and the disciple who explained the teachings outside the hall was moved into the Wa Palace.

Seeing the sage Nuwa, the former seemed to be expected, but without losing respect and etiquette.

"Your Majesty, disciples are polite!"

After speaking, he slowly raised his head.

Nuwa laughed lightly.

"Could it be that Tianzun has any plans to change?"

The disciple who interpreted the teaching respectfully saluted, and then replied.

"Master said that the merits of heaven and virtue in the prehistoric China Continent are right in front of us, and the next calamity will definitely have something to do with it. He ordered his disciples to come forward and speak. If the empress can build a golden body among the human race at that time, she must also get infinite merit. !"

Nuwa frowned.

"Senior brother took care of me, but why didn't he attract the merits of heaven in the human race country, but let me go instead?"

The elucidating disciple smiled.

"This plan is just to open the curtain between us and the saint sect."


Yun Zhongzi raised his head and smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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