Chapter 300 True or False Zhao Gongming?
At this moment, he only had boundless fear and panic in his heart!
A pair of old eyes stared at the sky tightly, looking back and forth, as if worried.

It is completely different from the feeling of looking down on the common people just now.


A voice was like the voice of the sky, and it seemed that the Chaos Realm was speaking.

Not angry.

As soon as the voice fell, Taoist Yang Mei's figure disappeared from the sky of the Chaos Realm.

On the other side, in the wild.

Zhao Lang, who hadn't seen Yang Mei for a long time, was relieved.

After merging the newly obtained Dao Law, he closed his eyes and meditated for a while.

However, his divine mind inadvertently swept down the prehistoric world, and he found it helpless.

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi have yet to find the way to Mount Buzhou...

Anxious for his IQ, Zhao Lang shook his head and laughed, and had to sweep his divine sense out of the secret realm of the Dao to see what happened to the two of them.

However, by coincidence, Zhang and Yao happened to be caught in this glance, as if they had picked up something good?

The two of them are located on the edge of the prehistoric China mainland.

Although it took them several years to find Buzhou Mountain, at least they have been wandering in the clouds.

After all, he is a cultivator, and if he usually eats and sleeps in the open, it is considered a hard practice.

Moreover, after several years of ascetic practice, the cultivation base has also been improved to a certain extent, from the original stage of practicing qi and transforming essence to the stage of practicing spirit and returning to emptiness.

It is already very close to the Earth Immortal, but even at this distance, many people have spent their entire lives breaking through.

It is already a great fortune to achieve this state in just a few years, if it is not because of Zhao Lang's blessing, I am afraid that they would have been difficult to come out of Fengqi Mountain alive...

this day.

The two came to a place called Luofu Cave in Mount Emei.

Zhao Lang was stunned for a moment, his spiritual thoughts swept away, and he thought about it for a moment.

Finally remembered.

That should have been his fairy cave mansion.

However, the reason why Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi came here was because someone was here, pretending to be themselves?
Zhao Lang was a little bit dumbfounded, the way of heaven arranged good fortune, some things, if you want to change, you may try to achieve it from another angle, this kind of things that no one can think of, has already happened, so he is not surprised .

I just want to take a look, who is this person pretending to be himself in the Luofu Cave of Mount Emei?

The appearance of spiritual thoughts gradually manifested, and Zhao Lang stood on the cloud with his hands behind his back, looking down with great interest.

I saw Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi in the woods, bumping into walls like headless chickens.

After going around for a long time, it will stop.

The two picked up something from under their bodies with some surprise, which seemed to be a magic weapon.

Probably at the level of acquired Lingbao.

You know, Houtian Lingbao is not everywhere in the mainland of China.

How rare this kind of magic weapon is, can only be decided by fate.

Not human.

The two of them were able to pick up this magic weapon while walking in the mountains and forests, so they must be lucky.

But on second look, no.

The two have fallen into a mana limit.

Obviously, this is a trap set by others.

It must be the fake Zhao Lang from Luofu Cave.

Sure enough, the two were excitedly thinking about how to use the magic weapon, but one of them slowly walked out of Luofu Cave.

He stopped the two of them with one sound, and they were all startled.

"Good guy, where did you get the charcoal essence!"

They both exclaimed.

Looking at the person at the entrance of the Luofu Cave, Zhao Lang also glanced at him.

I saw that this student's face was dark, as if he was born from a coal fire, it was too dark!

Good guy, the arrangement of Heaven's Dao is really ingenious.

Even if he randomly pulls someone to fill the gap, he won't be like this, right?

Thinking of this, he continued to observe.

However, that one walked out of the cave slowly, although he was born dark, he was tall and burly, with big arms and round waist.

"you two!"

Standing outside the cave, he frowned and looked at Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi.

"You two are so brave!"

Hearing this voice, the two trembled.

Because relying on the voice and momentum, one can roughly tell that this person's cultivation base is above the two of them, and far better than the two of them.

"Senior Wuliang, the two of us are just passing by here!"

Yao Shaosi smiled apologetically, took the magic weapon from Chen Jiugong's hand, put it on the ground, and raised his hand cautiously.

Said he was not a thief.

However, the pretending Zhao Gongming snorted.

"I see that the two of you are destined to be with me, why don't you stay here in Mount Emei and be my disciple!"

Hearing this, they were in a dilemma.

Although they have not formally apprenticed to Zhao Lang, they have traveled tens of thousands of years to find their master.

Give up now...

I feel uneasy.

What's more, the master's method, the two of them have also seen it, more than one can describe it as earth-shattering?

Although the black servant in front of him has a good cultivation base.

But the cultivation base is probably in the realm of Xuanxian. Compared with the power to destroy the world and destroy the world, they still yearn for the latter.

So it was a bit difficult at this time.


The two choked.

But he saw the black fellow, frowning tightly, looking at the two of them.

"The two of you have blind eyes? Could it be that you don't know me, Zhao Gongming, in Luofu Cave, Mount Emei?"

Zhao Lang was almost unable to stand firmly in Yunshan.

It's the first time I've seen someone pretending to be someone else so confidently!

No regrets at all!
"Zhao Gongming?"

The two of them had never heard of this character before, so they were naturally in a daze for a moment.

However, that black servant felt that this was insulting him?
Explosive drink.

"Hmph! Since you don't want to, then stay here!"

As he spoke, he stomped his feet suddenly.

A black cloud suddenly rose, and he stood on it, soaring upwards, standing under the cloud on the top of the mountain, looking down at the two of them, glaring angrily!

Just at this moment, in Zhao Lang's mind, the system's prompt also appeared very punctually.

"Ding! It has been detected that Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi are about to die at the hands of the black bear spirit. You can choose."

"One, turn a blind eye, let the black bear spirit kill two people, and you can get a plant of ice grass in the sky."

"Second, if you rescue him, Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi can completely confuse the host."

Zhao Lang looked at the options in front of him.

At this point, any magic weapon or a simple law of the road are not the focus of Zhao Lang's choice.

We definitely can't let the two of them just die here...

Black bear spirit?
I said why is it so dark!
With a wry smile, Zhao Lang looked down.

The two of them were terrified...

My good fellow, Xuanxian Da Neng wants to do something to the two of us?
What can we do?

Why is it attracting so much hate?
However, following the figure of this black fellow, they looked up.

But he laughed out loud, ecstatic.

"Master! Master!"

"Master! We have found you!"


Excited voices continued below, one after another.

It's not hard to see how excited Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were.

However, that black servant, who was pretending to be Zhao Gongming, was in a daze for a moment when he heard the two were so excited.

Then he laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha! It's only now that I realize how powerful it is to be a teacher!"

"Hmph! It's too late, the death penalty is inevitable, but the living penalty is inevitable!"

He was thinking about how to punish the two, but he was startled.

Because he found that the eyes of Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi did not seem to be directed at him.

Although he was facing his own direction, he seemed to be unable to listen to what he said.

"The teacher is talking to you two! Did you hear that?"

He frowned again.

On the other hand, the two kowtowed three times and bowed nine times at this time, how could they have the heart to answer?
"I'm so angry! Could it be that the two of you are deaf!"

The black servant looked at this scene, feeling a little displeased.

But when he was angry.

Behind him, it seems to be hitting the sky, and it seems to be in the clouds.

There was a voice, like the voice of heaven.

"Hei Si, look over here."

The sound sounded, startling it.

Who knew that this fright had actually manifested itself in its true form.

Although the human body is still a human body, it has a dark black bear head on it!


Shocked, he turned his head abruptly.

Suddenly, a look of horror appeared in his eyes!
"Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Then you still dare to pretend to be me?"

Although there was no obvious anger in the voice, it made the black bear spirit terrified after hearing it!
"Could it be... Could it be you?"

His voice trembled.

Even the big monster in the realm of Xuanxian can feel a terrifying spiritual power at this moment, repeatedly trampling on his primordial spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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