Chapter 301 Miserable Black Bear Spirit


"You are Zhao Gongming?"

There was fear in his eyes.

However, in front of him was Zhao Lang with a smile on his face.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhao Lang smiled faintly.

The black bear spirit panicked, he could clearly feel a majestic and vast spiritual power at this time, as if it wanted to wipe out his primordial spirit!
Go away!

Thinking of this, he felt the wind under his feet and oil on the soles of his feet!
Just ready to slip away.

But he found that he couldn't mobilize his spiritual power at all.

"You! What are you going to do!"

He roared and glared at Zhao Lang.

Wait, he said he was Zhao Gongming?

What if you are pretending like me?

What if he was just playing tricks!

Suddenly thought of some possibility, the Black Bear Spirit changed his words.

"Do you dare to let me invite someone!"

Zhao Lang was happy.

"Who are you inviting?" He asked with a smile.

The black bear snorted coldly: "You said you are Zhao Gongming, you are Zhao Gongming? Zhao Gongming doesn't come out of the mountain, you think I don't know? Do you dare to ask me to invite someone who has really met Zhao Gongming!"

what a mess...

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.


As soon as he finished speaking, the black bear spirit felt as if there was an invisible spiritual power restriction all over his body, and it was suddenly lifted!
Hastily mobilized the purple ghost power, a gust of black wind twisted and fled at high speed!
As for whether he will come back, Zhao Lang does not know.

It was originally a big monster, and it would eat it without seeing anyone, so there was no need to kill it directly.

After all, Zhao Lang is not the kind of bloodthirsty person.

Looking down, Zhao Lang looked down at Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi who were kneeling down devoutly.

Lightly nodded.

"Not far ahead is Mount Buzhou, I'm here to help you two as a teacher."

As he spoke, Zhao Lang stretched out his fingers.

A little light in the void in front of you.

I saw that the void was torn apart instantly, and a mysterious spiritual power gushed out of it instantly!

These two beams of light are divided into yin and yang, one black and one white, escaping into the eyebrows of Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi.

The two were immediately pleasantly surprised to find out.

I actually broke through and became an Earth Immortal realm!

Good guy, Master is worthy of being a master, a great ability is not in vain is a great ability!
This master did not worship in vain!

Thinking of this, the two kowtowed again.

When he looked up again, Zhao Lang had already disappeared.

Not leaving.

But in the prehistoric mainland of China, saints cannot stay for long.

Even if you show up, it's best to stay behind the clouds.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause many visions and cause innocent people to die tragically.

Zhao Lang followed the two behind the clouds.

After the cultivation base is improved, it will be much faster.

Before reaching Earth Immortal, it can only be said to practice martial arts.

However, after reaching the realm after the earth immortal, that is called cultivating immortals!

There is no comparison between a person who practices martial arts and a person who cultivates immortality.

Brothers Chen and Yao, while breaking through to the realm of Earth Immortals, they also comprehended a lot of supernatural powers.

For example, escape technique.

The escape technique is divided into the five elements escape technique and the empty escape technique.

Kong Dun is the kind that Zhao Lang used to deal with Yang Mei before, if he hadn't studied the escape technique to the extreme, he couldn't use it.

However, it is also thanks to the existence of a law of escape, which makes Zhao Lang even more powerful.

The two brothers traveled all the way through the earth, at least they knew that they were going in the right direction, so don't ask about the future.

Anyway, if you follow the master, you can't suffer!

The two of them thought so anyway.


Not long after I started, I encountered a problem again!

That black bear spirit really did what he said!

If you say call someone, call someone.

Zhao Lang saw why the two of them stopped, and then looked at it carefully, only to find that it was the black bear spirit again, but this time, the person in front of him seemed to be a big monster whose cultivation base was much higher than his.

Daluo Jinxian.

Da Luo Jinxian level big monsters are not common in the prehistoric world at present, at most they are some Jinxians, Taiyi Jinxians, generally in the realm of Xuanxian.

However, if the big demon of Da Luo Jinxian is strong, he may even have a chance to fight against the quasi-sage of the human race.

But only human race.

If it is dealing with that kind of ancient creatures, such as Zhao Lang.

Still be beaten to death.

At this point there is no need to dwell on it.

In Zhao Lang's prehistoric age, it can be said that no one is his opponent, not even anyone worthy of these two words.

But after all, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the ancestor is tired of killing, slowing down and observing is a kind of fun.

"Look! It's just these two! There is another pretender who has gone somewhere!"

The black bear spirit looked at the big demon beside him with a big black face.

And this monster really has some background, because she looks very familiar to Zhao Lang.

But I can't describe it...

As for the big monster, Zhao Lang is not going to kill it with a single shot. People have good and evil, and so do monsters.

He continued to observe.

Chen and Yao were almost ready to die.

They never thought that it would be so difficult to be a teacher!
"Master! Help!"

I shouted in my heart for a moment, so that my mouth blurted out.

But still did not see any movement.

They said in their hearts, "It's over. I just became a serious practitioner, and I'm about to die!"

The black bear spirit frowned and stared angrily.

"Where's that guy just now? That pretender, tell him to come out!"

Even though he said so, he still naturally leaned against the big Luo Jinxian's big demon beside him.

However, the latter seemed to dislike him a little, pushed the black bear spirit away, and the monster finally spoke slowly.

"There's no such thing as pretending to be a ghost. I think you are scaring yourself. These two look pretty good, and their spiritual roots are also very good... I can absorb the essence..."

This charming voice slowly came out of his mouth.

Zhao Lang was shocked!
He remembered!
Reminiscent of a long time ago, the avatar was caught in a cave by a big monster...


Thinking of this, Zhao Lang felt a little confused.

"The monster!"

Zhao Lang shouted angrily.

The sound frightened the mountains here, causing countless flowstones to crack and fall one after another!

Everyone below was shocked, especially the big monster who was still talking just now, she suddenly raised her head.


Looking at Zhao Lang, this familiar figure...

There is even a hint of familiarity...

"Sage Zhoushan!"

Exclaimed, she was shocked!

Although Zhao Lang stood above the clouds with his hands behind his back, she had never felt the breath of death so closely!

With a shock in my heart, I immediately changed my original shape!

A nine-tailed white fox appeared, and its giant tail hit the cliff of the valley, causing endless falling rocks.

Take the opportunity to escape!

When he was in a daze, Zhao Lang naturally did not expect this scene to happen.

Watching the boulder fall, he chose to use his spiritual power to protect the two disciples.

Grabbed towards the void in front of him.

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were directly pulled out by a powerful spiritual force.

Coming to the clouds, the two felt dizzy for a while.

"Good guy! I can fly!"

Chen Jiugong was very excited!
However, Zhao Lang squinted his eyes, although he instantly noticed the fox demon's trace.

But it didn't work out for a long time.

Do not know why……

However, the boulder rolled down, and only the wailing of the black bear spirit could be heard from under the valley.

"Master is on the top, and I will be worshipped by the disciples!"

Chen and Yao finally got to see Master, and saw Master so closely.

They found that there was nothing wrong with this person other than being a little bit crooked!

It can be said that she is a celestial being born out of the dust, looking down on the vastness and transcending the vulgarity!
Thinking of this, they don't want to look around for Buzhou Mountain like headless chickens anymore.

He quickly knelt down and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.

"Master, just take us to Mount Buzhou!"

"Yes! Master, we have been looking for it for several years!"



Zhao Lang finally softened his heart.

I wanted to experience the two of them, but when I heard these words, I shook my head and smiled wryly.

"Never mind."

No matter what he said, he took a step forward.

A wave of boundless spiritual power enveloped the three of them. Brothers Chen and Yao could only feel the wind blowing around them. After a moment of distraction, they appeared in a paradise.

Taking a breath of air, they were shocked to find that the air in the world seemed to have a kind of spiritual power that nourished all things in it!

Surrounded by Qihua Yaocao, all kinds of scenery are too beautiful!
The brook is gurgling, the pink is pink, the fairyland outside the world, the blessed land of Langhuan!

This is where?

They looked at Master Zhao Lang.

"Master, where is this?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Buzhou Mountain."

After speaking, he stepped into the gazebo, gently pushed the teacup, and filled it naturally.

"Master, there is one thing I don't know..."

Yao Shaosi seemed to think of something at this moment, or something he wanted to ask all along.

"Say." Zhao Lang replied indifferently.

After hesitating for a moment, he first bent down and knelt down, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, and asked respectfully: "What kind of realm are you... a cultivator?"

How to answer this?
Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

The answer he gave them made their eyes widen in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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