Chapter 323

Although this matter sounds like whoever can do it, but how difficult it is, how many setbacks and difficulties will be encountered, only Zhao Lang knows.

He never felt how beautiful everything here is, no matter how beautiful it is, it is better to live in safety.

If you can add a little more freedom, that would be even better!

Zhou Shanzong's disciples and grandchildren took the prehistoric practitioners to visit, and finally came to a dojo.

It's just that the place is full of guests now.

Zhao Lang is at the leader's place at this time, chatting with Lao Dan about something.

"I pay homage to the Zhoushan sage!"

"I pay homage to the saint, the saint's merit is immeasurable!"

When those cultivators saw him, they hurried forward from the seats at the back, came to Zhao Lang, knelt down on the ground, and bowed one after another.

Zhao Lang was discussing the recent prehistoric situation with Lao Dan, he didn't want to argue with him, but he had to smile.

"Everyone, please take your seats."

Some disciples also came up to help these people up. Their cultivation bases were not low. They were either Daluo Jinxian, quasi-sage, and the last one was Taiyi Jinxian.

Many people have even heard of Zhao Gongming only in mythology.

To the end of my life, I never imagined that I could come to Buzhou Mountain one day, and I could visit the place where the saint usually stayed, and I could have the same guest banquet.

This is a great honor for them!
So they were naturally respectful and honestly took the seats at the back.

Zhao Lang chatted with Lao Dan, although it seemed to be chatting, it was just to cover up the sound transmission between the two.

Without the secret realm of the great avenue, Hongjun must be secretly looking at Buzhou Mountain with a blushing face at the moment. This is something that can be thought of with his toes.

"Hongjun really said that?"

Zhao Lang asked Lao Dan in a voice, it seemed a little unbelievable.

The latter nodded with a wry smile.

However, at this moment, disciples of Zhou Shanzong came to report.

"Master, the sage Yuanshi Tianzun is here!"

Zhao Lang and Lao Dan looked at each other, and after understanding, they stood up calmly.

Looking at the crowd in the distance.

It is indeed Yuanshi Tianzun, but this guy...

This is to bring all the people from the interpretation?

Zhao Lang was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the teaching would bring the Twelve Golden Immortals and even some junior disciples whom he didn't know at all.

Yuanshi Tianzun led, stepping on an auspicious cloud and slowly landed, followed by all the disciples.

Stepping towards Zhao Lang's position, Lao Dan also stood up.

"Sage Zhoushan."

Yuanshi Tianzun came to Zhao Lang and yelled with a smile on his face.

Seeing the other party nodded slowly, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Lao Dan again.

"My brother came earlier than me. I'm ashamed that I'm still in Kunlun Mountain, which is the closest."

As he spoke, he saluted Lao Dan lightly.

After all, Lao Dan is the elder brother among the three Qings, and he never lacks in etiquette in teaching.

The latter smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Zhao Lang again.

"The main reason is that I didn't know which disciples to bring here, so I just brought them all. You should have seen some of them, Saint Zhoushan."

Stretch out your hand and point to the Twelve Golden Immortals behind you.

Zhao Lang glanced over.

"Not only have I seen it, some have even touched it."

Just a joke, to the ears of all the golden immortals, they were instantly terrified...

Because they thought of the terrifying past between each of them and Zhao Gongming.

Especially Master Huanglong, it can be seen that he was extremely unwilling to come.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Gongming made a joke."

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled lightly. In the eyes of the other prehistoric practitioners, there seemed to be no contradiction between these people, but they were happy and harmonious.

After all, there are so many prehistoric cultivators present, and the saints are naturally the most concerned about face, so they are all so polite.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Take a seat."

Just as everyone was about to take their seats, another mountain patrol disciple came to report.

"Master! The Master of Saint Tongtian has arrived!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw several people descending on the field.

Everyone couldn't help casting their gazes, especially those cultivators in the prehistoric period, who felt the mighty coercion of the sage from the Master Tongtian at this time.

"I was still thinking about it just now. If Master Tongtian brought all the disciples of the sect, I might not be able to accommodate it in Buzhou Mountain. You will be there after speaking."

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, watching Tong Tian approaching slowly.

The latter looked smug.

He glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun with both eyes, but he didn't make any sense.

The latter also snorted coldly, turned and sat down.

Tong Tian smiled and said: "I still make you so troublesome, I'm really sorry."

Zhao Lang glanced at the person he was leading.

In addition to the expected Daoist Duobao, there are Jin Ling, Huo Ling, Gui Ling, Wudang, and the four Holy Mothers of Interception, and the rest are the attendants of the Seven Immortals.

It's just that it can't be called the Seven Immortals Attendant now, because a long-eared Dingguang Immortal was betrayed in advance.

After arranging for everyone to be seated, after a while, Nuwa also came.

She came relatively inconspicuously, but she was a saint after all, and some prehistoric practitioners in the guest seats respected her quite a bit.

Mainly beside her is Fuxi, who is also the person who conveys the letter to Nuwa on Zhao Lang's behalf, and he said that the latter will definitely come.

When Nuwa sat down, she didn't choose to sit next to Zhao Lang like Sanqing, but found a place at random, and the two kept whispering after they sat down.

Zhao Lang didn't care what the two of them said.

Clearing his throat, the dojo is now full of practitioners and strong men from the entire prehistoric world.

They all looked at Zhao Lang, looking quite excited.

Zhao Lang cleared his throat and stood up.

But just as he was about to speak, the mountain patrol disciple came again.

"Master, the Second Sage of the Western Church has arrived!"

Western religion?
Zhao Lang was taken aback, these two old dogs really came?
Although the invitation was sent, Zhao Lang really didn't think of this.

This is not the Peach Club. Behind the Peach Club is the Heavenly Court, and behind the Heavenly Court is Hongjun.

This is the feast of Buzhou Mountain, and in Buzhou Mountain, only Zhao Lang counts.

The rest are definitely not good enough.

Everyone looked at one end following the voice of the disciple who had informed him.

But seeing a golden glow flashing past, the two of Zhunti and Jieyin descended slowly.

Zhao Lang smiled helplessly.

When the two of them came, it could only be said that they were asking for trouble.

Because most of the heavenly saints present were almost poached by Western religion.

Taoist Ran Deng who explained the teachings, Immortal Dingguang with long ears who cut off the teachings, and Taoist Duobao who came back halfway.

Even Zhao Lang was put aside by him.

Those eighteen arhats were exactly Zhao Lang's disciples.

And, even more surprising.

Western religion actually brought all these people?
Is this showing off or provoking?
Obviously malicious?
Zhao Lang thought about it, but he couldn't say anything to drive him away.

After all, all the great powers of the prehistoric world are being entertained today. There are two saints in the Western religion. Although their cultivation is not impressive, they are truly saints after all.

The two came forward, Zhunti was all smiles, and Yingying had a bitter look on his face.

He has many disciples, including Randeng and Maitreya Buddha, etc., so I won’t go into details here.

After a brief speech, Zhao Lang arranged for them to be seated.

So far, all of Honghuang's cultivation powers have gathered here.

This kind of scene is so powerful that it is incompatible.

Although there was a faint smell of gunpowder among the six sages, the rest of them couldn't detect it except Zhao Lang.


Under the blessing of spiritual power, Zhao Lang's voice resounded through Mount Buzhou.

"I am honored to invite you all to a banquet today. I have two things to say."

Everyone's eyes were on Zhao Lang at this moment, looking forward to it.

"One is that I, Zhao Gongming, will no longer retreat from today, but I will not intervene in the prehistoric affairs as usual."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, everyone's expressions changed.

Especially those cultivators who don't know how many times Zhao Lang has passed through.

They were speechless and didn't even know what to say.

"Secondly, there is actually one more thing to gather here today."

Zhao Lang said with a faint smile.

Glanced at the sky inadvertently, Hongjun only felt a burst of spiritual power coming to his body through the vast expanse.

Same as him is Taoist Yang Mei who is watching from outside the Tianhe River. He stands in the void with his hands behind his back.

Guessing what Zhao Lang was going to do in his heart, but this spiritual power came directly to his side through Tianhe, his face changed slightly.

"What is this guy doing?"

Thinking of this, he has already started to use the spiritual power of the law, and with one hand, he tore apart the void in front of him, preparing to escape into the prehistoric.

However, at this moment, Zhao Lang continued to speak.

But what he said shocked all the people who were paying attention to Buzhou Mountain at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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