Chapter 324 The real purpose, the fake magic whip

"In my hand, there is a thing that is the master of the catastrophe. Today, everyone will show their skills. If Zhou Shanzong does not participate in it, he can get it if he successfully obtains the No.1 sect or cultivator!"

Zhao Lang's voice resounded through the mountains, causing countless people to be in a trance for a moment.

The object of the Lord's robbery!

Everyone looked at Zhao Lang in shock, speechless.

In Buzhou Mountain, there was an instant change from a burst of excitement to complete silence, and a needle could be heard.

"This guy!"

Hongjun stood up suddenly, feeling a little unstable in his mind.

On the day he made the deal with Zhao Gongming, he had already handed over the whip to the latter.

Later, when the Six Saints were summoned, in order to hide what he had done, he did not tell the saints about the existence of the God Whip, and even said that only one Conferred God List was the object of the Lord's Tribulation.

But where does what Zhao Lang said now put him?
Even though he was uneasy, Hongjun couldn't appear at this time.

And Yang Mei, who was far away from Tianhe, also lightly put down her hand at this time.

The object of the Lord's robbery?

Zhao Gongming gave away the objects of the Lord's Tribulation, which is something that promotes the Heaven's Tribulation.

It didn't touch his bottom line.

In Buzhou Mountain, there was silence at this moment.

After a moment.

There was a commotion!
"The object of the main robbery? I will participate!"

"I will participate, if I can get it, won't I be able to protect myself in the next catastrophe?"

"Don't snatch it from me, that thing is mine!"...

The venue here is full of voices, and all the prehistoric practitioners are eager to try!
That is no ordinary magic weapon.

Even an ordinary innate spirit treasure is enough to make them fall in love with it, let alone the main thing of the next catastrophe!
That is very likely to be the basis for one of them to save their lives in the next catastrophe!

The Sage Sect has saints, but they don't. Most of them are small sects in the wild, or they have some cultivation, but they can only be a lone ranger practitioner, no matter how strong they are, it is useless.

Still have to find someone to rely on.

Even if it's a magic weapon, it's fine!

And Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion will turn green and blue for a while.

There are four or five changes in an instant, which is very exciting.

He never imagined in his dreams that there is actually a master tribulation object?
Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't even believe what Zhao Lang said was true.

"Sage Zhoushan, how could you have the Lord's Tribulation Item? Daozu said that there is only one item. Now it is in my hands. Why do you also have it?"

With a bitter expression on his face, he asked while maintaining a smile as much as possible.

Zhao Lang glanced at him.

Then he stretched out his hand, and the universe in his sleeve suddenly threw out a ray of light!
God whip!
However, when this magic weapon appeared, Hongjun understood.

This is no magic whip, it is clearly another magic weapon!
Zhao Gongming is playing tricks, leading the saints to compete with each other!

But he thought again.

its not right……

The original intention of his Taoist ancestor was also to cause conflicts among saints due to competition. Zhao Lang's move, although he put himself in an embarrassing situation, did indeed promote the catastrophe.

As for where the real whip is, no one knows except him, Zhao Lang.

Looking down at Buzhou Mountain, Hongjun continued to pay attention. The difference from before was that he suppressed the trace of anger.

During the feast at Buzhou Mountain below, everyone's eyes had already focused on the fake magic whip.

Which of them has seen this thing?

No one knows what this is.

However, Zhao Lang put a lot of effort into this thing.

From the day he spread the news to Honghuang, the next ten days were spent refining imitations according to the appearance of whipping the magic whip.

Although it is said to be an imitation, the product rank is actually better than the real whip.

It's just that there is a specialization in the arts, this magic weapon may be deeper in spiritual power, but it is not the thing of the master.

It's just an ordinary Acquired Supreme Treasure rank magic weapon.

With the blessing of chaotic spiritual power, it even has impressive power.

But with the list of gods?


The real whip is in Yang Jian's hands, and he is still waiting for him to become a saint and leave the customs, and change his fate against the sky.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang put away the fake magic whip.

Everyone's expectant eyes were a little slack in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang raised his hand again.

However, a small peak in Buzhou Mountain collapsed in an instant and broke into two pieces.

Casually moving a piece of it above the feast, Zhao Lang used his chaotic spiritual power.

The law of earth was activated instantly, and the hill gradually changed its shape, and finally became a millstone platform hundreds of meters long.

The stone platform fell on the open space in the middle of the dojo, stirring up dust that covered the sky.

Only then did everyone understand why there was such a space in the middle.

It turned out to be used to set up a competition arena!
"If you have no opinions, then start now?"

Zhao Lang's voice sounded again, reverberating endlessly, without being noticed for a long time.

Who dares to have an opinion, here is Buzhou Mountain, Zhao Lang has the final say on everything.

"it is good!"

"I come!"

"I'll go first!"...

The so-called one response, the scene at this time can be described more than anything else.

Zhao Lang sat down satisfied, and swept the other saints from left and right.

Except for Yuanshi Tianzun with a dark face, everyone else is quite normal.

Especially that Tongtian, sitting in the seat opposite to Yuanshi Tianzun, almost laughed out loud seeing the latter's ugly face.

Soon, someone was already on the stage while talking.

After reporting his name, someone challenged him.

The first ones must be some reckless people, even with low cultivation, but their courage is commendable.

The competition also ended with one point ending, one side fell off the ring or surrendered.

Even though they want to fight for the ownership of the Lord's Tribulation, after all, there are still many saint sects that are countless times stronger than them.

Therefore, most of them simply surrendered and abstained because the situation was not good.

Hongyun Patriarch stood in Taichung as the referee.

According to him, it is much more interesting to compete with practitioners on the stage than to fight crickets.

It can be seen that this old guy is not a good master of cultivation on weekdays.

After six or seven games, many people were silent and hesitant at the beginning.

Gradually, more and more people discovered that the Saint Sect had no intention of making a move.

It is radicalized.

Taking advantage of this time, someone also came to Zhao Lang to talk about the past.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and came to his side.

"Brother Dao, I didn't expect you to finally leave the customs. Congratulations."

He saluted lightly and smiled lightly.

Zhao Lang stood up and chatted happily with him.

However, at this moment, Guang Chengzi quietly left the table without anyone paying attention.

He found a place in Buzhou Mountain far away from the arena, and looked left and right.

After a while, a voice sounded.


Hearing the voice, Guang Chengzi was taken aback.


He turned around, looked at Taoist Ran Deng who appeared at an unknown time, and said respectfully.

Although Ran Deng was wearing cassock at this time, he didn't seem to have the same feeling in his eyes as other Western disciples, as if he still had a lot of distracting thoughts.

"Well, what does Master mean?"

Taoist Ran Deng said calmly.

Hearing what he said, Guang Chengzi hesitated.

As if he suddenly remembered something, Taoist Ran Deng looked around.

After all, this is not Kunlun Mountain, the two of them still choose to use sound transmission to communicate.

Guangchengzi was the first to speak.

"The meaning of the master is that I want you to be the last to attack the teacher. Almost no one in the room can beat you. If you can get the object of the master robbery, bring it back. In this way, the Conferred God List will be given a magic whip!" , I have a better chance of saving it in the next catastrophe!"

Guang Chengzi sounded cautiously.

"Based on your cultivation, as long as the saint doesn't make a move, he will definitely have no opponent."

He looked sure, and his tone was supremely confident.

"By the time……"

Guangchengzi looked around.

"It's best to take all the things of the Lord's robbery into my elucidation, and by the way, arouse the anger between the Western religion and the Jiejiao."

At this moment, he felt quite treacherous.

Ran Deng nodded.

I agreed in my heart, but my mouth said, "Amitabha, good!".

This scene happened to be observed by Maitreya Buddha, but the latter didn't know what was said between them.

Back on the avenue, the two sat down separately, as if nothing had happened.

Maitreya also returned to the table, looking at the burning lamp beside him, he asked with a smile.

"Amitabha, the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng and Guang Chengzi chatted very happily?"

Hearing this, Zhunti on the side also turned sideways.


Ran Deng smiled faintly.

"It's good, the Jiejiao wants to take the things of the master's robbery and target my sect. Guang Chengzi came to remind me to be careful. After all, I used to be in the same sect. I have good intentions and don't think too much."

Now Taoist Ran Deng is second only to Zhun Ti in Western religion, and is higher than Maitreya and even many ancient Buddhas.

When he said that, no one thought about it.

But he didn't dare to think too much, but Jieyin still opened his eyes lightly, and gave him a bitter look.

The meeting is halfway through.

The contestants in the avenue also changed wave after wave.

The prehistoric cultivators were a little tired. They looked at the saint sects at the front and couldn't help but start guessing.

"Why haven't they made a move yet?"

"Could it be that we waited for our energy to be exhausted before taking action?"

Thinking of this, many prehistoric cultivators are like waking up from a big dream, and no longer compete for the first and the last.

Zhao Lang naturally observed this.

This will not work.

If there is no one to compete, wouldn't it be to let those saint sects take advantage?
Old Ancestor, I can see that there has to be a fair thing.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang stood up.

Then everyone raised their ears to listen, for fear of missing something.

However, what Zhao Lang said next was what really caused the Saint Sect to have a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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