Chapter 329

At this moment on the stage, Taoist Ran Deng has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, so he should be called Ancient Buddha Ran Deng at this time.

After all, in the camp of the Western religion, the Buddha's light in cassock emerged, and his status in the Western religion is not low.

It is even higher than the position of the deputy head of teaching.

Second only to quasi-mention and reception.

The two of them didn't have any idea about Ran Deng's entry. In terms of single-round cultivation, there is always a place for Daoist Ran Deng among the middle-stage quasi-sages and even the peak powerhouses.

Although his cultivation base is mediocre, but now he has mastered two completely different mysterious powers, which is even more powerful.

The level of the middle-level quasi-sage to the peak of the quasi-sage, how can it be compared with the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian?
The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit just won a game, and her eyes fell on Ran Deng, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Because the coffin lamp, the accompanying magic weapon beside the latter, faintly reveals a cyan light, this light is pleasing to the mind and disturbs the consciousness of the mind.

What's more, she herself is not very strong in cultivating her mind, and she is already a little dizzy and weak before starting to fight.

Spirit power seems to be draining rapidly!
Because the coffin lamp was designed to attack the mind of the primordial spirit, it was no surprise that the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was defeated without a single round.

Master Tongtian's face was livid.

In this competition, many disciples who intercepted the teaching went up, but most of them didn't win him any face.

It's all for embarrassment.

If it wasn't for permission, he even wanted to take the stage by himself.

But after all, he is a saint, so it is against the rules to meddle in the affairs of these disciples.

I can't justify it on the face.

Angry in his heart, he looked at Taoist Duobao, intentionally letting the latter take the stage to face Ran Deng.

Duobao naturally understood what the master meant, and he knew what the other party was going to say when Master Tongtian spoke.

So for a split second, he turned his eyes around Master Tongtian and looked at Zhao Lang who was sitting in the front seat, as if he was asking for help.

Because he didn't want to fight against his fellow disciples, Duobao thought at this time that he hadn't reached that point yet.

Zhao Lang sensed Taoist Duobao's eyes asking for help, and looked around, and at the same time, the system prompt in front of him suddenly appeared.

"Ding! It is detected that Daoist Duobao is asking for help from the host, and you can choose."

"One, ignore it, and let the leader of the Tongtian religion send many treasures to fight against the lamp. Both of them must be injured, and they can get a law of the road."

"Second, help Daoist Duobao and save him from the siege, and you can get two Dao laws."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang decisively chose the second option.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to speak suddenly before the leader of Tongtian wanted to speak.

"Master Tongtian, victory or defeat is a common thing. This moment does not mean eternity. Don't get angry and mess up your Dao heart?"

This sentence was said very leisurely, and it reached the ears of the leader of Tongtian.

He was startled, and turned his gaze to Zhao Lang who was smiling.

Think carefully.


I am not going to fight for the Lord's Tribulation, anyway, now that I have achieved great cultivation, even if the Lord's Tribulation is in his hands, so what?

Isn't everything still in my hands?
Then why should I be angry?
What Zhao Gongming reminded is yes!

Nodding his head, he took back the words that came to his lips, and did not send Duobao.

Now that the Western religion has the upper hand, the combustible lamp is secretly connected to the Western religion. He wins and gets the object of the Lord's Tribulation, which is no different from that obtained by explaining the teaching.

So Yuanshi Tianzun didn't plan to stop his own people, but instead looked leisurely.

The overall situation has been decided, he even closed his eyes lightly, recovering his mind.

Yet at this moment.

"Am I coming to meet you?"

A voice sounded in Yaque's silent avenue, and everyone was startled.

Doesn't this tone sound like an ordinary person's?
Also "I?" Could it be a saint?

Some were shocked and turned their eyes to the seat of the saint sect in front of them.

The voice seemed to come from the side that explained the teaching.

Even the disciples in the Chanjiao were taken aback.

what's the situation?
Guang Chengzi was taken aback, didn't he tell them that every Taoist who burns the lamp is his own?
Why are there still people coming forward to fight, not to mention, who dares to be so overconfident in the teaching?
Yuanshi Tianzun also opened his eyes suddenly, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes scanned among the disciples behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a gray-robed Taoist came out indifferently, his face was almost expressionless, but his tone was awe-inspiring, as if he didn't pay attention to the present and the Taoist burning lamp on the stage at all.

"Lingbao, you're crazy!"

Guangchengzi noticed the change in Master Yuanshi Tianzun's expression, hurried forward, and asked eagerly through voice transmission in his heart.

"Headmaster Ran Deng is one of our people. If you don't make a move, we are bound to obtain the things of the Lord's Tribulation. Why bother? Besides, with your cultivation base, you are not his opponent at all, so why don't you return to your position quickly?" ?”

As he spoke, he grabbed the cuff of the Taoist robe of the gray-robed Taoist, wanting to walk back.

Zhao Lang noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with this guy's eyes.

Ever since he attended, he has been staring at himself, not even caring about anyone else.

Even Guang Chengzi pulled him back at this moment, without averting his gaze.

something is wrong...

But Zhao Lang couldn't tell what was wrong.

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Zhao Lang's face changed slightly.

No way?
Noticing the change in his expression, the gray-robed Taoist Master Lingbao also finally put aside Guang Chengzi.

The latter felt a huge and fierce spiritual force in an instant, and pushed himself several meters away.

Almost lost his footing and fell to the ground, his expression changed drastically.

"Lingbao! What are you doing!"

At this time, the people of the Twelve Golden Immortals also turned pale.

This master of Lingbao usually speaks very little, but judging from the casual raising of his hand just now, it seems that his spiritual power has improved a lot?
Could it be that you want to take this opportunity to show off?
To win the attention of Tianzun?
That's not enough to attack one's own people, right? Taoist Ran Deng is teaching in the west, and he is the confidant of Yuanshi Tianzun, ah?
Thinking of this, they all wanted to go forward to dissuade them.

However, the next moment, Master Lingbao waved his hand, and a wave of spiritual power wrapped him up and sent him to the stone platform.

It is a rule that you must fight when you are on stage.

After all, this is Zhao Lang's dojo, and no one dares to disobey the rules set by Zhao Lang.

The rest of the teaching golden immortals sighed one after another.

What is this called?

Fighting in the nest?
"He hasn't suffered a loss. If he suffers a little this time, he must be able to recognize himself."

Master Taiyi smiled disdainfully.

It can be seen that Master Lingbao doesn't get along very well with all the brothers and sisters on weekdays.

However, the former's move is indeed a bit abnormal.

Seeing his former junior standing in front of him, Ran Deng was a little puzzled.

He didn't know why this junior brother actually wanted to challenge him. Could it be that he had an opinion on him before?

"Amitabha, why is this so?"

The burning lamp ancient Buddha asked puzzledly.

However, Master Lingbao at this time seems to be completely different from the past, revealing an invisible domineering and killing intent all over his body, this feeling can be felt by anyone with spiritual power.

"Since that's the case, I'll do two tricks with you!"

Sighing, Daoist Ran Deng displayed his spiritual power, and all the cultivation bases of the quasi-sage who were approaching the peak of the middle level appeared, and the spiritual power instantly stirred up countless air currents!
It can be seen that he is not serious at all, after all, he is from the same family, and he is planning to return to Kunlun after this day, so naturally he can't make things too rigid.

But at this time, Master Lingbao didn't seem to think so.

Seeing that the corner of his mouth raised, Zhou Tian suddenly had a boundless killing intent, mixed with the breath of destruction.

"Just this kind of strength?"

He said calmly, and those who are interested can hear that the voice of Master Lingbao has changed. It seems that there are two voices, one strong and one weak.

Daoist Ran Deng was stunned, this kind of cultivation base soared so many times in an instant that he couldn't see through it at all.

what is this?
Originally, I thought that this time I could get the thing of the Lord's Tribulation smoothly this time, and bring it back to Chanjiao and leave the West to teach, but I didn't expect that there would be such a sudden situation.

There was no time to react, he hastily turned on the coffin lamp, wanting to explore the past and the future.

Yet at this moment.

A loud noise came out, but the spiritual power of the law of chaos surged all over the master Lingbao, causing infinite changes!
He stepped on the stone platform step by step, forcibly stepping on the huge stone platform into pieces!

Taoist Ran Deng hastily mobilized his spiritual power, put up an auspicious cloud, and maintained his figure.

But the Lingbao master was like a madman, and he stretched out his hand directly.

In an instant, an invisible spiritual force gushed out!

He grabbed the coffin lamp in the hand of the Taoist who burned the lamp, and snatched it away.

next second.

Crisp sound!
The accompanying magic weapon was broken into powder!

The coffin lamp is broken!
Taoist Ran Deng glared angrily.

"Presumptuous! Lingbao! You are bold! How dare you!?"

However, it was too late at this time, how did he know that the person who fought with him was not the former junior, but the ten elders of the Dao Palace, the owner of the law of destruction among the Ten Laws of Hongmeng, Taoist Bengtian!

Zhao Lang finally saw the other party's true identity at this moment, frowning tightly, he stood up and was always ready to face the unknown.

The elders of Dao Dao Palace took action, but it was not the saints of the heavens in front of them, that guy Yang Mei really sent him to the prehistoric world!

It seems that the ancestor, I can still make a move today.

There will probably be a battle between Taoist Bengtian and me today!
At this moment, the body of the Great Master Lingbao suddenly twitched violently!
Thousands of cultivators, all the saints and even the disciples of the saint sect were taken aback.

"My God! What happened here?"

"I don't know! Why did you suddenly hit such a heavy hand?"

"Couldn't this be Zhao Gongming's plan? To kill us in Buzhou Mountain?"

"It's scary! I want to get out of here!"...

Everyone was terrified. Not in the middle of the mountain, a strong wind swept through at this time, and many spiritual plants, giant trees, and smaller mountains were all uprooted!

Crushed into powder one after another!

In the end, the body of Master Lingbao was thrown down by a man in black in midair.

His eyes were sharp, with endless killing intent.

Wherever the line of sight goes, everything is annihilated!
It turned out to be a person from the Chaos Realm!

The faces of the saints changed.

This kind of powerful aura of Dao sage's law is not possessed by their heavenly sages.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that none of the sages of the Heavenly Dao present could match the man in mid-air!
However, at this moment, Zhao Lang spoke suddenly, and at the same time made a choice that shocked everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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