My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 330 An accident happened, Zhao Lang's battle collapsed!

Chapter 330 An accident happened, Zhao Lang's battle collapsed!

"Taoist Collapsing Heaven!"

"Aren't you determined not to see the Yellow River?"

Zhao Lang's voice resounded through the secret realm of Buzhou Mountain Avenue!

Immediately afterwards, like an ancient giant god, laws lingered all over his body, and he got up in pain.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Zhao Lang asked the Taoist Bengtian in the midair in an indifferent voice.

The latter laughed out loud.

"Hehe, you deserve it too? To deal with you, Wu Zhixiao waved his hand, and your dojo will instantly turn into dust!"

Taoist Bengtian was tall and tall, and under the black robe, his combative face still made many people feel his powerful law and spiritual power.

What a big mouth...

Zhao Lang looked at him disdainfully.

"Could it be that you're going to do something here? Everyone here is a cultivator of the wilderness, as well as a sage of heaven. Are you afraid that they will besiege you?"

After speaking, he smiled again.

"You're just one person."

Hearing this, Taoist Bengtian snorted coldly.

"Don't compare these ancient wastes with me, Zhao Gongming, let me ask you if you dare to fight me?"

At this time, it was in front of all the cultivators in the Great Desolation and those saints.

The other party was obviously coming for him.

And this is inside the secret realm of the avenue.

This guy put it in with his own hands, and if he wanted to move it out at this time, it would not be so easy to move.

It seems that I have to do it myself, the ancestor.

"it is good!"

Zhao Lang replied indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, with the chaotic spiritual power aroused in his hand, surrounded by the power of infinite law, his figure gradually rose into the air, and stood in the air facing the Taoist Bengtian. Dust!
"Hahaha! Good!"

Taoist Bengtian seemed to enjoy seeing Zhao Lang serious.

However, after he laughed again, his face gradually became gloomy.

A hint of excitement appeared in the vicious eyes.

He said sharply: "Zhao Gongming, I'm going to see today, how you let his yin and yang fall into your hands! Whatever means you have, just use it!"

As soon as the words fell, a black light suddenly appeared from his body!
However, it can be seen that the infinite void is faintly mixed in it, and there are thousands of chaotic spiritual power hidden in the infinite void, eager to try and move!
However, Zhao Lang didn't change his face, his immortal appearance was vast, and the power of laws circulated in his body in an orderly manner.

Surrounding his figure, several bright rainbows suddenly appeared, cutting through the void in an instant, and criss-crossing the endless sky!


Following a loud roar, Bu Zhoushan suddenly trembled violently for no reason!

Taoist Bengtian used all the laws of destruction.

At this time, the saints didn't care about who the person in front of them was.

They only know in their hearts that they are not in the same realm as them at all!

So they didn't intervene, they just used their holy power to protect their disciples.

The prehistoric cultivators also gathered together one after another.

Even though they wanted to escape here in their hearts at this moment, without Zhao Lang's consent, the secret realm of the Great Dao would not be opened for anyone.

Therefore, tens of millions of practitioners can only stay in the corner and use their spiritual power to save their lives.

Comparing the spiritual power of the two in midair, everyone in the field is like ants.

Not to mention intervening to help Zhao Lang, even keeping the physical body from being oppressed by spiritual power is a difficult task!
All the saints also changed their faces drastically at this time.

Zhao Gongming is scary enough.

Where did this great power come from?
Could it be that he is also a hermit in the wild?

Impossible, there is only one Dao sage in Honghuang, and that is Zhao Gongming.

Could it be that he is a person in chaos?
Thinking of this, the Six Saints didn't dare to intervene easily, after all they were not familiar with Chaos, and they didn't want to get involved in any cause and effect.

However, Zhao Lang was standing above the void at this time, carrying a vast spiritual power of law, his expression was always so indifferent, and he was opposed to the Bengtian Taoist on the opposite side.

It was in stark contrast to his violent expression.

In an instant, the infinite law of heaven and earth is filled with spiritual power.

The aura of the two spread, and they even wanted to break through the secret realm of the Great Dao.

Infinite visions, thousands of fortunes, and many turbulent currents in the surrounding mountains!
The two are above each other.

Under the feet of the two of them are his two turbulent rivers of time, layers of chaotic law aura floating under their feet!
Mobilize the truth of their respective laws!

Everyone's eyes were on these two people, and the good-for-nothing competition for the object of the main robbery turned into a confrontation between two Dao sages!

Some even feel excited.

This kind of situation is rare in countless thousands of years!
Instead, they look forward to it.

Even all living beings outside the secret realm of the Great Dao cast their gazes at this moment.

Most of the eyes are still full of fear and horror.

33 In the sky, Hongjun was already pacing back and forth anxiously.

He was wondering whether he should make a move or not.

Right now, he might not be able to defeat the two of them.

But the Dao sage of that day and countless prehistoric practitioners are still in Buzhou Mountain!
What should we do if two people fight and inadvertently cause the former to suffer?
He wanted to cause the saints to fight and arouse the prehistoric karma.

But he never thought of destroying the saint!

But the two great saints who are facing each other now, each reveals boundless spiritual coercion.

From this point of view, it is not impossible to destroy the saint.

He hesitated in his heart, but at this time Taoist Yang Mei tore through the void and stepped into Zixiao Palace.

Turning around to look at the iceberg-like Yang Mei, Hongjun asked anxiously.

"Is this the person you brought?"

Taoist Yang Mei replied indifferently: "Don't you want Zhao Gongming to die?"

"Oh! I want to get rid of Zhao Gongming, but it's not in this situation! Now the saints of the prehistoric and heavenly ways can't get out of his dojo, if something goes wrong..."

Hong Jun frowned and said.

However, before he finished speaking, Yang Mei interrupted him.

"Aren't you heavenly saints immortal? Why? Can't you even see this scene?"


Hongjun gritted his teeth, snorted coldly and shook his sleeves and turned around.

"If it really hurts the sage of Heaven and Dao because of this, the catastrophe will be delayed again. Do you know how much energy I have put into planning this catastrophe? Now that you have sent people to interfere with me, do you want me to join the Tao? "

He questioned Taoist Yang Mei in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, Taoist Yang Mei frowned slightly.

What do you mean?
Question him?
In the whole prehistoric and the entire chaos, he is the one who is the least willing to let Hongjun join the way, but at the same time, he is also the person who most needs Hongjun to join the way.

All of this is the will of the lord of the Dao Palace. If it doesn't go according to his will, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for the upper body...

Thinking of some things that had happened before, and the fear that person brought him, Taoist Yang Mei couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into Zixiao Palace.

And this time.

Not in the mountains.

The confrontation between the two giants has lasted for half an hour.

This half hour is fine for the sages of heaven, but it is really miserable for ordinary prehistoric practitioners.

Neither of them took the lead.

But it unleashes infinite coercion, the holy power of heaven and earth!
Finally, Taoist Bengtian took the lead in casting the spell, and with one palm he swung a huge black glow, covering most of the sky!
At this moment, Zhao Lang was looking at the system prompt in front of him.

"Ding! It is detected that Taoist Bengtian has attacked the host, and you can choose."

"One, take action immediately, regardless of Zhou Shan's common people to face Bengtian Taoist, defeating the latter can obtain the law of destruction."

"Second, find an opportunity to keep your own disciples and prehistoric practitioners first, and you can get a Dao law."

This choice made him hesitate.

Zhao Lang frowned, the reason why he didn't make a move was because this place was Buzhou Mountain.

If there is a real fight here, I am afraid that everything around here will not be able to withstand such a powerful spiritual pressure.

What's more, his disciples are still here.

He was hesitating in his heart, but he didn't expect Taoist Bengtian to take the lead in launching the attack.

Expelled with a palm, the spiritual power of the law rushes forward, menacingly!
Make choices on the fly.

Zhao Lang pinched his fingers and muttered something, calling out the Ten Thousand Treasures Immortal Formation to resist.

He didn't dare to take it lightly when dealing with these guys from Da Dao Palace.

After all, his cultivation level is not much different from that of Taoist Bengtian, and the other party has mastered the ten methods of primordialism for a longer time than himself. In terms of proficiency, he must be the latter.

The reason for this was piled up in his mind, Zhao Lang snorted coldly, the Wanbao Immortal Formation vacated in front of him, the spirits of the formation turned into a huge golden curtain, and the eyes of the formation were all over the place, full of magic weapons!

"Wow! Is this the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation of Master Zhou Shan!"

"Too strong, this formation has never been seen before, shocking the past and the present!"

"Worthy of being a Daoist sage, it's really unfathomable..."

The crowd around the audience continued to discuss.

All kinds of remarks and whispering voices came from the mouths of those prehistoric cultivators in Buzhou Mountain, but they were heard by Bengtian Taoist.

I saw that his face was a little ugly again, and suddenly he became a little impatient, with an extremely unnatural expression.

If he hadn't had to deal with Zhao Lang and was at his wits' end, he would have killed these nagging people first.

"Hmph! Am I something you can talk about like an ant?"

He drank from his mouth, his voice was mixed with spiritual power, which almost broke the eardrums of some people with low cultivation!

However, when he was slightly distracted, Zhao Lang did something unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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