Chapter 333

Under the blessing of spiritual thoughts, Zhao Lang saw a faint purple aura near the Nuwa Temple.

That is the unique spiritual power breath of the monster race.

If Zhao Lang hadn't seen it right away, I'm afraid these mortals with naked eyes would never have discovered it.

With a flash of spiritual power, Zhao Lang came to the gate of Nuwa Temple, and there were many human races descending incense among them.

He didn't enter it, but waved lightly.

After a spiritual power protruded from his sleeve, only a moment later, a miserable voice sounded.

However, from the mountain gate, a few big monsters seemed to be dragged by something, and they were thrown in front of Zhao Lang's eyes.

These big monsters are not weak in cultivation, but they are like ants in front of Zhao Lang, the sage of Zhoushan.

Soon, he was oppressed by the latter's majestic holy power and showed his original shape.

Seeing this, everyone in the temple panicked.

"Ah! It's a monster, a monster!"

"Run, it turned out to be a monster!"

"What are you waiting for if the man doesn't run away? Waiting for the monster to eat him?"...

Everyone fled down the mountain temple one after another, some of them were bolder and hid not far from the mountain to watch.

Those big monsters seemed to show their true colors, baring their teeth and claws, opening their bloody mouths.

But that is in the eyes of ordinary humans.

In fact, this is a manifestation of their being oppressed by the holy prestige of the Zhoushan sage.

"You guys, how bold are you?"

Zhao Lang's expression was indifferent, and he spoke slowly.

The voice descended like a voice from the sky, passing into the ears of those big monsters.

Instant pain.

"Almighty, spare your life, we just stay here for a while, borrowing the blessings of the saint Nuwa to cultivate, and we haven't done anything bad! The Almighty is a lesson! The Almighty, forgive your life!"

Hearing what they said, he definitely couldn't believe it. Zhao Lang's spiritual sense swept away, and he immediately knew the cause and effect.

But it was really as they said, never harming innocent humans.

"Don't stay here any longer."

Zhao Lang said lightly, and then withdrew his mana.

An invisible pressure disappeared immediately, and several big monsters took a long breath in an instant.

He looked at Zhao Lang in horror, bowed three times, and then dispersed.

The people at the bottom of the mountain are all dumbfounded!
"Is this a great fairy?"

"I don't know where the cultivator and fairy family are driving away the monsters for us!"

"It must be from the Taoist sect, right? He's not wearing cassocks and he's not bald. He's definitely not a great Western power."

"What if it's a blindfold?"...

The people who had just run down the mountain rushed up, stood behind Zhao Lang, and knelt down in unison.

"Immortal Immortal! Thank you Immortal for eliminating evil for us!"

Zhao Lang also heard what they discussed just now.

At this time, almost no one in the human race remembered the Zhoushan saint, and only the six heavenly saints had an influence in their minds.

Zhao Lang didn't care either, after all ignorance is innocent.

"Everyone, please stand up..."

He said with a faint smile.

However, there were a few people in front of them, unable to kneel for long, and their expressions were a little sad.

"Xianchang, I wonder if you can do us another favor, we are willing to exchange everything!"

Finally, they seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly said to Zhao Lang, after finishing speaking, they kowtowed and bowed nine times, refusing to get up no matter what.

"You get up first..."

Zhao Lang was a little embarrassed, subconsciously said.

However, those people almost smashed their heads.

The sounds from the head and the ground are endless.

"Get up first."

Zhao Lang said again, but he just waved his hand.

Those people only felt their legs lifted involuntarily and stood up.

After looking at each other, I am even more convinced that Zhao Lang is a powerful practitioner.

"Prince Immortal, there is a terrifying monster that feeds on virgins here. Many of our families have already been harmed by that monster. We have invited some Taoist priests, but they did not drive him away. Instead, it aroused his murderous intentions. ..."

"Right now, we are miserable...that's why we came to the temple of Empress Nuwa to burn incense and pray for blessings!"

"No, I just met you, the fairy elder! You were sent by God and Empress Nuwa to save us!"

How do you feel that you are being taken advantage of?
Zhao Lang had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Nuwa sent me? She's not qualified yet."


The few commoners were speechless. You must know that Nuwa sage is a sage of the way of heaven recognized by the whole world. He has the merit of creating creation and man!
Zhao Lang didn't want to worry about this kind of thing, but at this moment, the system's reminder came out, which made him start to think.

"Ding! It is detected that there is a big monster causing harm to the common people, the host can choose."

"One, it has nothing to do with me, if you don't help, you can get a spirit treasure."

"Second, help the people and get rid of the evils for them, and you can get a law of the road."

A spirit treasure...

The power of a law...

Even though Zhao Lang now has hundreds of laws, the laws of the great way are not everywhere!
Compared with a Lingbao, it is like the difference between a gravel and Buzhou Mountain.

There is no comparison.

It seems that the system also wants me to help?

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Lang said after making a choice.


Hearing his agreement, the people wanted to kneel and kowtow again, but Zhao Lang stopped them.

"You guys take me there, in broad daylight, bright and clear, let me see what kind of monster it is, how dare it be so presumptuous?"

Everyone agreed, and a group of people led the way, as if because of the powerful immortal beside them, they walked confidently.

All the way to another mountain, but when they saw the dark cave above and below, they were still afraid after all, and stopped in their tracks.

"Immortal Head, where is it? That big monster is very terrifying, you have to be careful!"

The people are a little worried.

Even backed down.

"Otherwise, forget it, if you are not his opponent, Immortal Elder, after he gets angry, we will be the ones who suffer..."

"Yeah...or else forget it, let's go back?"

"The big monster is too terrifying. Several immortal priests were scared away by it..."

"I don't know if it will be the same this time..."

There is a lot of talk, but most of them are not optimistic.

But Zhao Lang's face didn't change.

He stepped forward in two steps, and in the next second his feet shrank into an inch, and he came out of the cave.

He stood with his hands behind his back, but spoke lightly.

"Not yet?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang in the cave!
Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit soared to the sky!
It's still a quasi-sacred monster?
Zhao Lang became interested, but he was unmoved, still as unmoved as a mountain.

In the cave, there was a violent shock, and the gravel on the mountain rolled down, and the people were shocked, looking for a hiding place to avoid being hit by the gravel.

"It's over, it's over! It's angry! If I knew it, I shouldn't have dragged the fairy into this muddy water!"

"That's right! Hey! I'm going to sacrifice a few virgins again, what should I do?"

"God, save us!"...

This earth-shattering movement made ordinary people guess wildly.

The person in front of him looks ordinary, even if he is cultivated, how could he be the opponent of this big monster?

When they were nervous, they shouted loudly: "Immortal leader, Taoist leader! You should run for your life quickly! This big monster is extremely fierce!"

Zhao Lang shook his head and laughed when he heard this.

The body is still standing in front of the dark cave.

However, at this moment, an ear-piercing sound suddenly came from the cave!

A moment later, a golden light flashed by, but the cave was full of golden light!

Unusual, this guy actually has the golden light of Taoism.

It's not like the purple ghostly spiritual power like ordinary monsters.

Zhao Lang became interested, raised a hand indifferently, and poured spiritual power into it.

The next moment, the chirping became even more piercing, as if it was gradually approaching.

The people were shocked, and some even started to ring in their ears.

Yet at this moment.

A golden light rushed out of the cave, mixed with howling cold wind, huge wings covered the sky and covered the earth!
Zhao Lang took a look, isn't this a golden-winged roc?
It is here to cause harm to the common people?
Nuwa doesn't know?
I was wondering in my heart, but the voice of the roc came from mid-air, and the beak of the bird spit out human words.

"Hmph! He Fang Xiaodao, dare to come here to disturb me! I'm afraid you don't want to live anymore?"

His eyes were fixed on Zhao Lang, as if he was ready to fan his pair of huge golden wings at any moment, descending and pecking him to death.

Zhao Lang didn't change his expression, he just raised his hand when he heard Dapengniao's words.

A ray of light flashed from his fingertips, which contained five colors.

"Five-color divine light!"

Dapeng was shocked, but he couldn't react at all.

Zhao Lang seemed careless, but under the profound mana, just such a five-color light was enough to wipe down the golden-winged roc.

Not surprisingly, the moment the five-color divine light touched the Golden-winged Mipeng, the latter's huge body twitched suddenly, and then fell from mid-air!

Its huge body fell heavily on the mountainside, stirring up countless dust.

Everyone was shocked!

what happened?
Why did the big monster suddenly fall down like a convulsion?
Could it be that fairy shot?

But they are only mortals, how can they catch Zhao Lang's understatement just now.

Although the golden-winged roc fell down, it was only a physical body, and its consciousness was still clear.

"Damn it, where did you get the five-color divine light? Could it be that you are Kong Xuan's disciple? Do you know who I am Kong Xuan!"

It drank it furiously, and gradually turned into a human form.

Zhao Lang stood with his hands behind his back, looking at him indifferently.


Hearing what the other party said, Zhao Lang was a little dumbfounded.

"I am his master."

However, just as he finished speaking, a voice came from midair.

"Wait a minute, don't hurt him."

Zhao Lang raised his eyes lightly.

Above the clouds in the sky, two fairies descended slowly, surrounded by several yellow scarf warriors.

"Brother Dao wait a moment, there is something to discuss."

The two fairies came here quickly.

Those human races don't know how to describe their mood at this time.

Those flying in the sky and shining golden light, where are they sacred?
Zhao Lang wasn't ready to make a move, but looked at the two fairies.

The bellyband, bare feet, ball head, and bun face look like three or four-year-old children.

But his cultivation is as far as the Golden Immortal Realm.

Following cause and effect, Zhao Lang soon saw through their footsteps.

"So it's Nuwa's person?"

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang looked indifferent.

"What? You and the Saint Sect are also used to letting the big monster do evil in the human race?"

Hearing what he said, the two fairy boys bowed first.

It is definitely not easy to know that they are members of the Saint Sect.

Although they couldn't see through Zhao Lang's cultivation and identity, they didn't dare to provoke him easily.

"Nuwa Empress sent us to bring him back to the Wa Palace. Brother Dao, why don't you let him go, and it will be considered a good relationship with Empress. It's convenient, what do you think?"

Although they look like children, these two fairies have served Nu Wa for countless thousands of years.

He opened his mouth to discuss with Zhao Lang, but the people who were watching were shocked.

A child of three or two years old actually talks like this?
I have never seen...

Zhao Lang said indifferently with a calm expression.

"You didn't come to arrest him when he was doing evil, but now you are about to be punished, but you come out instead. Could it be that you are protecting the calf?"

Hearing his words, Gold-winged Dapeng's expression changed drastically.

"Hmph! Chou Dao, do you know that I am under the seat of Saint Nuwa? You dare to speak so presumptuously. Now it's already giving you face. You don't think you can really kill me, do you?"

After finishing speaking, the golden-winged roc laughed disdainfully.


Zhao Lang glanced at him.

Immediately afterwards, a finger tapped lightly.

The next moment, everyone present was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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