My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 334 My Ancestor I Have No Family and No School!

Chapter 334 My Ancestor I Have No Family and No School!
But I saw a magical sword appeared in Zhao Lang's hand at an unknown time, and with a single thought, the magical sword was swung out instantly, cutting off the arms of the golden-winged roc in the human form!
With a miserable voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

The golden-winged roc was already immobilized by the pressure of the five-color divine light, but now its wings were chopped off, and it kept rolling on the ground, looking a bit like a bug.


The two fairies were also dumbfounded.

How can you do it right away?
Looking at Zhao Lang, their expressions instantly became ugly.

The golden-winged roc is a strong man who has just reached the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!

It is very useful for Nuwa to send him down to earth. Now that his wings have been cut off, not to mention whether he can be restored again, even if he can, his cultivation base will drop sharply!

At this moment, the golden-winged roc was howling again and again, his eyes were red, and he was twitching continuously on the ground.

"How dare you? What are you looking at! Hurry up!"

With an order, the yellow scarf wrestlers beside the two fairies stepped forward one after another, reaching out to grab Zhao Lang.

But what is Zhao Lang's cultivation?
They are not on the same level at all.

With just an understated look, those hulking and powerful yellow scarf wrestlers retreated instantly, retreating anxiously.

The faces of the two fairies were gloomy.

"Brother Dao, this is your fault. After all, he is a member of our Wa Palace, and Empress Nuwa still has important matters to entrust to him. Now you cut off his wings, Empress Nuwa blames it, you can take responsibility start?"

For this kind of people whose cultivation bases can't see through, the two fairy boys are quite smart.

After all, they are people who have followed Empress Nuwa for countless thousands of years, and they have seen some things in the world.

Even if they insisted on bringing him to Empress Nuwa for questioning, they might not be able to catch him.

But thinking of this, they could only ask questions like this.

Zhao Lang smiled leisurely.

"Nuwa? Even if I go to Wa Palace with you, she won't dare to do anything to me."

When he said these words, everyone present sniffed.

A little too crazy?

Even if you are stronger than Da Luo Jinxian, you are a sage of heaven after all!

All saints are ants, how dare he say such a thing?
Could it be that he deliberately provokes the saint Nuwa?

Even those common people hiding in the corner have the same thoughts in their hearts.

"Speak wildly, I think you are out of your mind, how dare you go to Wa Palace and say that?"

The golden-winged roc didn't give up. Even though its wings were broken, its attitude was still stubborn.

"Is it true that you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River?"

Zhao Lang sighed.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

As he spoke, he tapped his toes and disappeared into the world in an instant.

The two fairies were taken aback for a moment, this guy who came and went without a trace must have a strong background.

But they still have confidence in Nuwa Saint.

Even in the current flood, Nuwa is not the strongest among the six saints, but she is a saint after all, and she was once the leader of the demon clan.

The yellow turban warrior picked up the golden-winged roc that had lost both arms, and picked up its two broken wings, and disappeared out of the cave with the two fairies in an instant.

The people present were at a loss from beginning to end.

It turns out that these are all heavenly beings!

Fortunately, the big demon has left, and they are safe for the time being.

the other side.

On the Zhonghuang Shanwa Palace.

Zhao Lang suddenly appeared in the hall.

It caused a beautiful person who was leaning on the precious couch and meditating with his eyes closed to frown slightly.

"Who is so bold?"

She opened her mouth lightly, opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Lang.

"Who are you?"

At this time Zhao Lang's changed appearance, Nuwa naturally couldn't recognize it.

However, Zhao Lang just smiled, and before he could speak, that fairy boy and others came.

There was a report from someone outside the hall, and Nuwa waved her hands lightly, and sat up.

The two fairy boys brought a number of yellow scarf fighters, and carried the golden-winged roc with its broken arms and his broken wings into the hall.

Nuwa took a look, and Ye Mei frowned.

Sweeping with spiritual thoughts, checking for cause and effect.

"How bold are you?"

However, she is a saint after all, so her thoughts are still rigorous.

"Tell me, which saint's disciple are you? Let your master come forward to see how to solve this matter."

After all, among the wilderness, there are not many people who can seriously injure Da Luo Jinxian so much.

If the person in front of him belongs to other saint sects, then his master must make an apology and make amends.

Zhao Lang thought for a while, then smiled lightly.

"Me? I'm not a member of the Saint Sect."

Hearing this, the two fairy boys dared to speak.

"Your Majesty, this person has insulted you with his words, please punish me severely, so as to make an example to others!"

Zhao Lang was unmoved, and didn't even want to defend himself.

Nuwa snorted.

"A casual cultivator with no family, no sect, no teacher and no ancestors, dare to be so presumptuous? Left and right, throw him into the furnace."

Hearing this, the yellow turban wrestlers responded one after another.


The golden-winged roc was also satisfied.

"Hahaha, weren't you very powerful just now? Why can't you do it now? What kind of magic weapon is the refining furnace? It only takes a moment, let you be a Daluo Jinxian or a quasi-sage, and after three moments, both the soul and the body will be turned into dust! "

He said sarcastically, hearing that Empress Nuwa was going to throw Zhao Lang into the furnace, it was a joy to hear!

However, at this moment, Zhao Lang flicked his sleeves, and immediately.

A mysterious law of spiritual power lingers around the body, and the next moment the original appearance appears.

An immeasurable fairy appearance, extraordinary and refined!

Zhao Gongming, master ancestor of Buzhou Mountain Saint!

"Nuwa, do you think a small refining furnace can hurt me?"

Zhao Lang laughed jokingly.

Nu Wa got up suddenly.

"Zhao Gongming?"

Hearing these three words was like thunder to everyone.

In the prehistoric times, who doesn't know Zhao Gongming among the cultivators?
What's more, some time ago, he also hosted a feast for the practitioners of the wilderness. After the battle with another Dao sage, there were more rumors about Zhao Lang again.

It is impossible for the golden-winged roc not to know Zhao Lang.

This man was his nightmare.

As early as when the demon master Kunpeng was still alive, the golden-winged roc had suffered at the hands of the former.

Now that he has even lost a pair of golden wings, thinking of this, he is really full of emotions, but he is helpless.

The yellow turban wrestlers didn't dare to make a move anymore, they all retreated a few steps and stood back to their original positions.


Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

"Why don't you take me?"

The corner of Nuwa's mouth twitched slightly, her expression extremely awkward.

"Sage Zhoushan? Why did you show up in such a change that you almost misunderstood."

Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

"Look at what's around you?"

Zhao Lang looked at the golden-winged roc.

"In the mainland of China, there is no evil among the human race. As a sage of the heavens, you are incensed by the human race, but you are used to letting the people under your seat do evil and evil. What should you do?"

He asked the crime directly, and Nuwa was a little dazed when she heard it.

Who would dare to talk to her like that?
Only when she, the Nuwa sage, asked others about their sins, how could anyone ask about their sins?

Now Zhao Lang actually asked her in a few words, but he really didn't know how to answer.

"I have long seen that the golden-winged roc was ordered by you to harm the common people in the human race. Nuwa, as a sage of the heavens, you still have the merits of creation. ,Yeah?"

Zhao Lang has no expression on his face, and his words are pearls.

This place is obviously Wa Palace, but Nu Wa feels a little guilty, as if she is in Zhao Lang's Chaos Palace.

"You go down first..."

After thinking about it, Nuwa finally waved her hand, signaling Xiantong and others to go down first.

"But ma'am!"

The golden-winged roc seemed a little dissatisfied, and was about to ask, but was interrupted directly by Nuwa.

"Go down!"

Nuwa's tone was unquestionable, I'm afraid they would be punished if they stayed for a while.

Pushing everyone away, only the two of them were left in Wa Palace.

Zhao Lang disdains to associate with Nuwa, who does have the merit of creating creatures and souls, but since the Lich catastrophe, she has become like other saints, doing things for the sake of luck and merit.

Zhao Lang still remembers the time when he came to him to plan to frame Lu Ya.

"Sage Zhoushan."

Nu Wa finally spoke lightly.

"Do you know what my status is in Honghuang?"

Zhao Lang smiled casually.

"Heavenly Dao Saint?"

Nuwa shook her head, as if she had other answers, which aroused Zhao Lang's interest.

"Oh? Otherwise?"

Nuwa said: "Although I am a sage of heaven on the surface, my status is not even as good as Zhen Yuanzi and others in the prehistoric world. Do you know why?"


Because you are a sage through merit and virtue, and your merit is not as good as the two Western religions, let alone the Sanqing. Among the six sages, you are the most independent saint and the weakest one.

Although Zhao Lang had an answer in his mind, he didn't say so, but continued to ask.


Nuwa sighed.

"Among the six saints, whether it is the Sanqing or the Western Sect, they all have the right to compete for the luck of the world, but I don't, mainly because I can't let go of the monster race in my heart, and I have no disciples. How can I compete for luck? By this means."

It turned out that Nuwa sent the golden-winged roc to disturb the human race, and then pretended to subdue it, in order to make the human race worship her and gain the merits of heaven and earth.

Although Nuwa's words are high-sounding, Zhao Lang believes that such things that harm others and benefit oneself should never be said from the mouth of a saint.

"Sage Nuwa, when you sent the roc down to the realm, did you ever think that these people are the offspring you created one by one?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly and asked.

Hearing this, Nu Wa fell silent.

It turns out that she also has emotions, but it is usually inconvenient to express them.

Fuxi had discussed this point with him a long time ago. If it wasn't for the fact that Zhao Lang and Fuxi had a good relationship, I'm afraid he would come here today to question him.

"But, what can I do? Zhao Gongming, you are now in this position. In this respect, I am not as good as you...I have never asked others. Today, I want you to teach me."

Nu Wa suddenly looked at Zhao Lang, probably because she had heard something about Zhao Lang from Fu Xi, and her opinion of Zhao Lang had changed recently.

Under the other party's inquiry, Zhao Lang's system prompt was also activated.

"Ding! It is detected that Nuwa Saint is asking for help from the host, and you can choose."

"One, if you refuse to help Nuwa and let her hold a grudge against the host, you can get an acquired Lingbao."

"Second, make insinuations, in Fuxi's favor remind Nuwa, you can get a law of the great way."

Looking at the options in front of him, Zhao Lang sighed.

To think that this kind of thing needs my ancestor to teach her?

After making a choice, Zhao Lang looked at Nuwa who looked expectant.

"Sage Nuwa, there are many ways to obtain merit. Nothing is black and white. There is also a neutral point. If you can maintain this neutrality that you hate, it will become your advantage in the next catastrophe. .”

After he finished speaking, Nuwa didn't seem to understand.

But Zhao Lang already felt that the rewards from the system had been issued.

good!mission completed!

He looked at Nuwa.

"That's all I said, I hope you will respect yourself and don't let this happen again."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lang smiled lightly, tapped his toes, and disappeared in a wisp of breeze the next moment.

Only Nuwa was left alone in Wa Palace, pondering carefully...

When Zhao Lang left here, he didn't go back to Mount Buzhou directly, but chose to continue pretending to be an ordinary person and take a look at the prosperous Shang Dynasty for the time being.

However, just as he came to a gate, someone exclaimed behind him.

Zhao Lang turned around, two or three people were running wildly.

The most important thing is that they are all somewhat cultivated.

"What? Another big monster?"

Zhao Lang raised his brows and swept out his divine sense, wanting to see who was chasing them.

However, after observing, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Is this more vicious than the big demon?"

(End of this chapter)

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