Chapter 372
"The master has actually transmitted the voice, and asked me to save this person. Could it be that this is the man of great luck that I intercepted?"

Thinking of this, Wen Zhong immediately decided to do it himself.

I saw a golden light flashed across Luanjia, and he was holding a magic weapon in one hand.

With just a slight wave in front of him, he blocked back the mana that was detaining Master Sun and Huang Long.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Zhong got down from Taishi Luan's car.

He looked at Shen Gongbao who had just stood up.

The latter's appearance did make him a little stunned, but thinking that since he is the ancestor of the sage Zhou Shan, he is so concerned, it must be of great help!
Don't judge a book by its cover!

Fear Liusun and Master Huang Long looked down, their expressions were very surprised, but in fact they had already burst into laughter in their hearts.

"You two are the golden immortals who explain the teachings, right? Why do you want to do it in Chaoge City? Don't you know that the Sage Sect can't meddle in the prehistoric things? Are you doing this to break the rules?"

Wen Zhong said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Master Huang Long and Detaining Sun were quite sensible and went down the steps, they looked at Wen Zhong and gave a cold snort.

"If it weren't for you, this person would definitely die today! He holds the secret of my interpretation of teachings in his hands. Let me tell you, Wen Zhong, don't try to win him over! This person is a villain. Will betray others again!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them waved their sleeves and left in a cloud.

But the words of the two of them are all pointing at Wen Zhong.

Let him know that Shen Gongbao is an important disciple in the teaching.

There are many secrets of elucidation on the body.

If this person can be used by Jiejiao, he will definitely become a confidant in explaining the teaching in the future!

And Jujiao is now thinking of ways to deal with the teaching.

Naturally, such a good thing will not be let go!
The play has reached this point, and Shen Gongbao also knows that he has no way out.

I can only follow the plan and continue acting like this.

Then he smiled lightly, it doesn't matter this smile, the originally ugly face looked very treacherous...

"Yes, I am a disciple of Chanjiao, but now you can see that they are targeting me, so I am naturally going to betray Chanjiao."

Hearing this, Wen Zhong nodded.

"Okay? If that's the case, fellow Taoist, why don't you follow me to brother Chao first, I will arrange a place for you in the human race, and in the future, I will introduce you to my master, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and let her take you there Bi Yougong, when the time comes, you will become one of my disciples, and it will be easy for you to find them in the future to avenge today's revenge, what do you think, Fellow Daoist?"

As Wen Zhong said, he offered an olive branch to Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao also agreed to Wen Zhong, and then followed his car back to Chaoge City.

I heard that the grand master's class teacher returned to Beijing.

King Zhou of course wanted to greet him in person.

Even though he hadn't gone to court for many days, he had to go to court for the sake of hearing about the Grand Master.

However, no one expected that King Zhou would bring Daji with him to the Shang Dynasty.

However, Su Daji was extremely charming. Accompanied by King Zhou, the two supported each other, and they came to the throne.

In the hall, all the ministers and ministers held the wat board and knelt down on the ground.

"See King Zhou!"

King Zhou nodded, but ignored all the nobles.

His gaze was fixed on Su Daji.

Until someone sent a report outside the hall, saying: "I heard that the grand master is returning to the imperial court today, and he is waiting outside the hall!"

Hearing this, King Zhou averted his eyes.

A trace of reason flashed in his somewhat slack eyes.

Wen Zhong had to see him.

However, at this moment, without being summoned, Wen Zhong stepped directly into the hall.

But he saw him glaring angrily, staring at the hall.

"You are so brave!"

Everyone was shocked, and they all lowered their heads.

Wen Zhong seemed to have said something they dared not say.

After finishing speaking, Wen Zhong looked at Su Daji who was beside King Zhou.

His eyes narrowed into a slit.

His cultivation realm at this time has come to the Daluo Jinxian realm.

Naturally, one can tell what is a demon and what is a human.

However, Su Daji didn't feel frightened, but returned Wen Zhong's charming eyes.

Except for the two of them, no one looked at each other.

King Zhou was on the sidelines, not knowing what to do.

In the end, it was King Zhou who broke the deadlock.

He looked at Wen Zhong, smiled faintly and said, "Wen Grand Master's words...what do you mean?"

Wen Zhong saw at a glance the true face of the fox demon Daji.

But he hesitated at this moment.

As an old minister of the former king Tuogu, Wen Zhong is also a disciple of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit of Jiejiao.

No matter in terms of Taoism or seniority, he is far from comparable to King Zhou.

Therefore, King Zhou naturally did not dare to disrespect him.

It can be heard that Zhong is not the same for King Zhou.

He dared to stare at the throne with so many ministers at that time.

You know, if you look up at the king, you will be convicted of intentionally assassinating the king.

However, this crime did not seem to be so serious when it came to Wen Zhong.

"Bold monster, aren't you afraid of death?"

Wen Zhong narrowed his eyes, looked at Su Daji and asked sharply.

Su Daji was confident at this time.

After all, the person beside her is King Zhou, and she is now the princess of a dynasty.

Wen Zhong snorted coldly, and then followed.

He was about to use his spiritual power!

But saw him take out a magic weapon from his sleeve.

The next moment, the magic treasure golden light shines, illuminating the entire hall!
However, at this moment, Daji's hand also secretly used the purple ghost power to support King Zhou's back.

It seems to mean, "If you dare to make a move, then I will let King Zhou die too!".

Wen Zhong hesitated again.

At this moment of hesitation, Zhao Lang's voice came from his mind.

"Su Daji is still useful, let's keep it for a while."

Hearing the master's voice transmission, Wen Zhong was taken aback, naturally he didn't dare not listen.

Although he himself is considered an important figure among the human race.

If you move to Honghuang and face Zhoushan sage Zhao Lang?
That's just the descendant of a junior!

Even his master, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, respects Zhao Gongming so much.

It can be seen from this that Wen Zhong also absolutely did not dare to be presumptuous.

After he heard the sound transmission from his master Zhao Lang, he immediately withdrew his spiritual power.

Seeing the grand master, the people in the hall were furious and wanted to attack?

King Zhou was also at a loss for a while.

Vaguely, he felt a trace of killing intent.

However, this killing intent did not come from Grand Master Wen, but from Su Daji.

He thought it was the former.

Seeing that Wen Zhong had collected mana.

Su Daji also slowly lowered his hands, and King Zhou felt much safer.

King Zhou looked at Grand Master Wen, who was full of anger but was one of the ministers, and said with a smile.

"It's a great joy for the grand master to return from the battle and return to the imperial court! Today, I set up a banquet to welcome the grand master!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Daji who was at the side.

"Aifei, do you have any good ways to make the Grand Master happy?"

Daji smiled.

"I heard that the Grand Master is indeed not an extraordinary person! The body of a half-immortal is indeed extraordinary. It must be difficult to please such a powerful person with an ordinary feast. There is a way for the courtiers to ask the lovers of the family to help build the deer platform, and allow I heard that Grand Master can enter and exit Lutai at will."

Hearing this, King Zhou also remembered.

It seems that I still have a deer platform that has not been completed!

Now, it is better to take advantage of Wen Zhong to return to court.

Take the opportunity to do this in advance.

"Daji knows me!"

Thinking of this, King Zhou nodded.

"Okay, go ahead and continue building the terrace immediately!"

But hearing this, Wen Zhong waved his hand.

"It's not necessary!"

Grand Master Wen frowned, and looked at King Zhou who was a little stunned on the stage.

"Your Majesty's kindness, my lord! I appreciate it! It's just that this deer tower cannot be built in a day. I have been fighting in the front line, and I have heard that the Majesty spends his days drinking and talking in Chaoge City and ignores the government. Why is this? Could it be? Bewitched by someone?"

he asked knowingly.

King Zhou was a little speechless, he looked at Daji beside him, not knowing how to answer.

Daji said out loud.

"Isn't the king's previous court affairs not enough? Now I want to relax, can't I?"

Wen Zhong glared angrily.

He said in a deep voice, "Monster! Don't think that I dare not kill you. Do you think your cultivation level is enough? Da Luo Jinxian, who is a mere monster, dares to act presumptuously in front of my disciples?"

None of the people present dared to talk to the king and the current princess Su Daji like that.

Wen Zhong was the first one.

Moreover, King Zhou was still unable to convict Wen Zhong.

Because he respects Wen Zhong far more than anyone else.

The status of this person in his mind is almost like that of his father.

Mention someone who is like a father.

I have to say, the one who will stand up and speak next.

His name was Bigan, and he was King Zhou's uncle.

He stood up and looked at the high priest Wen Zhong.

seems to agree with the latter statement.

"I heard that what the grand master said makes sense! You evildoer, you have caused chaos in the court and confused the king, please the king quickly put this evildoer to justice! Give me Shangtang a bright world!"

However, King Zhou didn't care so much about Yafu Bigan.

Not everyone is as powerful as Wen Zhong and can be admired by King Zhou.

Besides, recently Daji mentioned a lot about Bigan to him.

He felt that the latter probably had the intention of treason.

He casually glanced at Yafu Bigan.

Brow wrinkled.

"Did the king let you speak?"

Wen Zhong on the side also pulled Bigan, and said: "Ya Fu, calm down, you are not to mess with this witch, she will be handed over to me, and I will fight her slowly in the future."

Yafu nodded, and then returned to the train.

However, Daji said suddenly.

"I've heard for a long time that Bigan is the heart of a sage, a heart with exquisite seven apertures. Why don't you take it out and let the family's lovers take a look at it, and let the king have a look to see if Bigan has rebelled?" heart of?"

Hearing this, there was an uproar in the hall.

This is King Zhou's uncle!

Who dares to talk to him like that?

Even today's grand master, I heard that the grand master will respect him three points!
Not because of his cultivation or seniority, but because this person is a man of righteousness!

So, after hearing what Daji said.

Everyone is gnashing their teeth!
But when it came to this, King Zhou took it seriously, and he also agreed.

"That's right, Bigan, I've heard that you have a delicate and exquisite heart, why don't you dig it out and let the widows take a look at it to show your loyalty?"

Wen Zhong frowned, and couldn't bear it any longer. He was about to speak, but Bigan stopped him.

Bigan smiled.

"A man is born in heaven and earth. The king ordered his ministers to die, and the ministers must die. But there is one thing, you stupid king, if you can't reflect on this, I will regret it even though I die. After you die, will you have the face to see your friends?" Ancestors?"

After finishing speaking, Bigan drew the sword from Wen Zhong's waist.

Among all the civil servants and generals in the palace, only Grand Master Wen can carry a sword. This sword is very sharp!
Wen Zhong didn't react.

But seeing Bigan raising his sword and dropping his sword, he immediately slashed open his chest!

Stretching out his hand into it, he dug out his heart!

Blood dripping!Terrible!
Everyone was shocked and backed away, only Wen Zhong was stunned.

He looked at Bigan with regret.

There was nothing special about that heart, it was just clean.

Seeing this, Daji snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Are you really a straight-tempered person? Can't you take a joke?"

"However, this Bigan heart doesn't exist. The seven-orifice exquisiteness in the legend? It's just an ordinary heart. It seems that not all rumors in the world are credible!"

The civil and martial arts in the classroom are all gnashing their teeth now!

Except for a few treacherous ministers, all loyal ministers and good generals are disheartened at this moment!
Previously, some loyal ministers were burned and thrown into the basin.

Now, Yafu Bigan was forced to dig his heart out in front of the court again!
It's really the anger of man and god!

Grand Master Wen looked at Bigan who was lying beside him, and bowed deeply.

Then he ordered the guards in front of the left and right halls to take him out.

After arranging for the burial, he sighed and looked at King Zhou in the hall.

If it wasn't because of Zhao Lang's words, he would definitely kill this demon fox!
"Chen! There is one more thing to do when the class teacher returns to the court!"

Wen Zhong said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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