Chapter 373 Sending troops to attack Xiqi

All the civil servants and military generals hadn't come out of the scene where Yafu dug his heart just now, when Wen Zhong suddenly talked about the court affairs, it also made them tidy up their appearance in a hurry, and raised the wat boards in front of them one after another, facing King Zhou.

King Zhou nodded: "I heard about the Grand Master, just say whatever you want!"

Wen Zhong said: "Then Xiqi Jichang has returned to Xiqi to raise troops against the king. Do you know about this?"

Mentioning Ji Chang, King Zhou couldn't help frowning.

How could he not know?

Previously, because of carelessness, he let the tiger go back to the mountain, but now it can be said that the external troubles have not disappeared, and the internal troubles have arisen again.

Xibo Hou Jichang actually rebelled against Shang!
At this time, the heart of the world belongs to the second, how can I not know it?
At this moment, Prince Zhou's mind relaxed a little.

In an instant, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was not bewitched by Daji, and his mind became sober for a while.

He looked at Grand Master Wen: "Teacher! Do you have a plan to subdue this Xiqi Jichang?"


Wen Zhong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect King Zhou to say such a thing.

"But the king made Jichang's son, Bo Yikao, into meatloaf and gave it to Xibohou to make him eat his son. How can such a big enmity be resolved by persuading him to surrender?"

Wen Zhong shook his head.

Immediately afterwards he said: "There is only one war!"

Hearing this, the court officials couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Now King Zhou has abandoned the government and ignored the government.

With such a king, how could it be possible to win the battle?
But on the other hand, they were willing to believe in Wen Zhong, and Grand Master Wen could put down the rebellion.

After all, he is a cultivator with the body of a half-immortal, and behind him is the powerful force of Jiejiao.

Thinking of this, the surrounding ministers elected Wen Taishi as the general who conquered merchants.

However, Grand Master Wen waved his hand and said.

"Merely Jichang, why should I do it? Your Majesty can order Chonghouhu to lead his troops to attack Xiqi."

In the hall, Chonghouhu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard the grand master mention his name.

After all, being able to be mentioned by this person with good words and good words, it means that the other party still quite recognizes him, and the person who can be recognized by Grand Master Wen must be a great success!
Thinking of this, Chonghouhu walked out of the train.

said in response.

"Minister! May you go to Xiqi to pacify the rebellion!"

King Zhou nodded.

"it is good!"

However, at this moment, Wen Zhong interrupted again.

"There is another person, this person may be helpful for us to deal with Xibo Hou Jichang, today he was brought outside the hall by me, and he is waiting outside the hall."

Hearing this, King Zhou was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered: "Send it! Spread it!"

Afterwards, Wen Zhong waved his hand, signaling to the outside of the hall.

With little effort, Shen Gongbao walked up to the main hall.

This was the first time Shen Gongbao had seen the scene inside the King's Palace.

He was also a human race before, but he never had the chance to see what the royal palace looked like.

Today can be regarded as a wish.

Walking all the way forward, because of his appearance, it is extremely bad to look at.

In addition, the eyes are constantly scanning the surroundings, which looks a bit sly and malicious.

Therefore, the officials in the palace talked a lot.

However, with his appearance, Su Daji immediately fell in love with him!

"This person is not weak in cultivation, and he looks like a villain. Could it be that he was sent by heaven to help me?"

Thinking of this, Su Daji nodded. She didn't continue talking, but just observed Shen Gongbao secretly.

Everyone only looked at the surface and felt that Shen Gongbao was a heinous and notorious person.

However, not only is Shen Gongbao not that kind of person, but he should have been a handsome, graceful man, and his original appearance is no less than Bo Yikao!
It's a pity that when he was promoted to cultivation base, he was replaced by the wicked.

That person was Hong Jin, and Hong Jin was using his physical body to roam free!

As for Shen Gongbao, he became a street rat and everyone shouted and beat him.

Shen Gongbao came to give a deep salute above the main hall, and looked at King Zhou.

"This person can help King Zhou get rid of Xiqi's rebel party!"

Grand Master Wen smiled after speaking, and looked at Shen Gongbao beside him.

Shen Gongbao replied with an embarrassed smile. In the eyes of others, this is a wicked smile...

Hearing that the Grand Master had spoken, King Zhou naturally agreed.

Later, he asked Shen Gongbao and Chonghou Hu to lead troops to attack Xiqi.

However, let's not mention how the Shang Dynasty prepares the army to attack Xiqi, but look at Xiqi...

Jiang Ziya's life has been extremely rough!
He has been through countless things, but none of them seem to be lucky.

This is precisely because Zhao Lang cursed his ancestors.

Therefore, this bad luck naturally came to him.

He didn't know why he was so unlucky.

Now in Xiqi, he fishes in the Wei River.

He holds the fishing rod for entertainment every day. After a long time, even the hook has fallen off, and he is still fishing.

His master told him to wait for the Lord of Ming here.

After defecting, crusade Shang Zhou!
However, he has been waiting here for several years, and it can be said that he is bored!
Sighing, Jiang Ziya moved the position under him, but at this moment!
A fish bit his hookless rod!

Jiang Ziya froze for a moment, then flicked it out.

However, he swung it up and took a look.

However, it was discovered that what was caught was not a fish.

It was a bamboo slip with three characters engraved on it.

The more he read these three characters, the more Shen Gongbao felt a chill down his back!

Because the three characters on it are exactly "Zhao Gongming"!
Jiang Ziya was startled, could it be that the master he caught was Zhao Gongming?
impossible?He is a saint!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya was a little puzzled, and then he put the bamboo slips in his hand.

As a result, the moment the bamboo slip fell into his hands, it turned into flying ash and flew away.

Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is not enough, so naturally he can't see what is contained in it.

I could only shake my head helplessly and continue fishing...

In fact, it was Zhao Lang who helped him break the bad luck spell.

Mainly because Zhao Lang suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful.

After all, this was Jiang Huan's sin. It was Jiang Ziya's turn, and he had suffered so much and had so much misfortune, which was enough.

It is impossible for him to be unlucky for the next Conferred God.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang removed the spiritual power from him.

However, just a moment after the fierceness was withdrawn.

Xibo Hou Jichang came here with a group of people.

Immediately afterwards, Xibohou paid his respects to Jiang Ziya.

He also belongs.

If it weren't for Zhao Lang's removal of this spiritual power for him in advance.

I don't know when Jiang Ziya will be fishing...

Zhao Lang smiled slightly.

He put down the identical bamboo slips in his hand and threw them aside.

Get up slowly from the Chaos Palace.

But at this moment, outside the hall, Fuxi broke in.

Zhou Shanzong's disciples couldn't stop him, and could only watch Fuxi break into the Chaos Palace with a helpless expression.

Seeing the sage Zhao Gongming, Fu Xi respectfully saluted him deeply.

But his expression was a little anxious.

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, looked at the hurried and flustered Fuxi, and asked.

"What happened? So flustered?"

Fuxi sighed and looked at Zhao Lang.

"Oh! Saint, you don't know, you don't know what I've been through!"

Zhao Lang frowned.

"Oh, let's hear it?"

Although he is a saint, he can see through cause and effect with just one glance.

But for some things, it is not necessary to see everything so thoroughly, and there are some suspense, but it is one of the joys of life.

Fuxi explained his difficulties in detail.

After listening, Zhao Lang actually laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at? My gossip has been overthrown by others, no! I have to ask him to play chess, let me see how he is in this respect!"

Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"Don't worry, he will come to accompany you in two years."

Fu Xi was taken aback.

"What? Isn't Marquis Xibo still on the mission of destroying Shang Tang? Why did he come to accompany me in two years? Could it be that his lifespan is over?"

Zhao Lang nodded.

Soon, Chonghouhu's army will go to Xiqi.

Started the first battle with Xibohou.

This is also the battle of Xibohou.

After this battle, Xi Bohou will win a big victory.

But he also contracted the disease at the same time, and died soon.

But after his death, Yuanshen must come to Buzhou Mountain to enshrine the gods.

After Zhao Lang finished explaining, he looked at Fuxi.

"At that time, the two of you are playing chess, so it's okay."

Hearing this, Fuxi's confusion was answered.

He said excitedly: "Okay! Great joy! Who told him to overthrow my gossip? Good death!"

Zhao Lang glanced at him, but did not continue speaking.

Then, he took a step forward, and the two of them changed the scene in an instant, and came to the peach forest.

But I saw Yuanfeng sitting cross-legged on the gazebo.

I don't know how long she has been sitting here, it seems that Zhao Lang has not seen her for a long time.

The latter was not moved by the arrival of Zhao Lang and Fuxi.

Instead, continue to practice.

Zhao Lang picked up the teacup and sat beside Yuanfeng.

Fuxi sat across from him.

The two tasted tea and admired the fallen leaves.

Yet at this moment.

Kong Xuan's voice came from outside the Taolin.

It seemed that the latter had just returned to Buzhou Mountain and was about to go to Chaos Palace to look for Zhao Lang, but Zhao Lang waved his hand lightly and moved Kong Xuan into the peach forest, he asked.

"what happened?"

Kong Xuan said eagerly: "Master, I heard rumors from my disciples the day before yesterday that Chonghouhu has led his army to the border of Xiqi, and the two sides will soon start a war, which may last for several months."

After listening to Kong Xuan, Zhao Lang nodded.

He didn't have any interest in going to see this battle where the outcome was already divided.

Instead, he asked Kong Xuan: "How many soldiers did the Shang Dynasty send?"

Kong Xuan thought for a while: "It's six or seven times that of Xiqi."

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

Six or seven times that of Xiqi?
so much!
If relying solely on soldiers and horses, Xibohou would definitely not be able to win.

Jiang Ziya alone, or the fake whip in his hand?
How could it be that Chonghouhu's opponent?
But in the same way, Shen Gongbao is also in the opposite lineup now, and can cooperate internally and externally.

Zhao Lang ordered Kong Xuan to go find Chong Heihu and capture his elder brother Chonghouhu.

In addition, Shen Gongbao was arranged to instigate against Chonghouhu.

Do everything as secretively as possible, because Chanjiao will definitely choose to do so. Ji Chang's lineage is the son of destiny for the next generation. Xibo Hou Jichang has a lot of luck on him. If Ji Chang dies, this luck will still be there. Passed on to his current first son-in-law, that is Ji Fa.

The first battle between the two sides is about to kick off.

However, in this war between the two religions, there are not many people who have mixed hands.

Even those who should have been conferred gods after death will follow the call of the Conferred Gods List and come to Buzhou Mountain to wait for the canonization.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang nodded in satisfaction.

After sending Kong Xuan away, he looked at Fuxi who was beside him.

"Maybe it doesn't have to wait two years, a few months is enough."

Fuxi laughed and nodded.

Looks very excited!
"Come on! Senior Zhao, I haven't played chess for a long time, how about playing a game today?"

Zhao Lang waved his hand.

"You stinky chess basket, I won't play for you."

"Don't! Senior Zhao, I'm here to play chess with you! I've traveled thousands of miles and traveled across mountains and rivers..."

"It's really shameless, you, a person in the quasi-sage realm, can think thousands of miles! How dare you say that you have traveled thousands of miles and traveled across mountains and rivers?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Lang had no choice but to play a game of chess with Fu Xi.

A game of chess is settled.

This time.

Fuxi persisted for a long time.

This game of chess lasted for more than a month before it finally ended in his disastrous defeat.

Fuxi looked at the defeat in front of him, and seemed a little unwilling in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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