Chapter 5 Receive Sanxiao, Duobao Visits
"Bi Xiao! Don't be rude!"

Yun Xiao pulled Bi Xiao behind him, and said angrily with a slightly reproachful tone.

Bi Xiao felt aggrieved and was pulled by Qiong Xiao's side.

"I don't accept disciples."

Although he was quite moved in his heart, Zhao Lang didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he still spoke quite coldly with no expression on his face.

"Senior, the three of my sisters came all the way from afar, just wanting to be taken in by senior, even if they serve you by your side, they will be satisfied."

Qiong Xiao's face was anxious, and he said hastily.

Zhao Lang gave a wry smile, these three women should be his adopted sisters, if he confiscated the three of them, in the future if he followed the leader of the Tongtian sect and entered the Jiejiao...

Beaten to death by Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu...

It is indeed too miserable.

But I am in retreat. Although I am a Da Luo Jinxian, it is still too early to change my life!
But based on the idea that more things are worse than less things, Zhao Lang still hard-heartedly refused, but just when he was about to drive the three of them away, suddenly the voice of the system sounded in his heart.

"Ding! Detect Sanxian Island Sanxiao defecting to the host, and you can choose."

"[-]. If you drive him away indifferently, you can get a piece of Kunlun Mountain's stubborn stone."

"Second, accept Sanxiao and pass on his skills as a disciple, and you can get a hundred-year-old spiritual grass."

"Three, refuse to accept apprentices, take in three people, and get an acquired spirit treasure"

Huh, Zhao Lang stared at them, and after careful consideration, he chose three, and then looked at the three of them.

"You can stay."

The three of them were taken aback when they heard this, and then immediately looked at Zhao Lang.

After all, as a casual cultivator, it is quite dangerous without the protection of great powers. After all, there are countless powerful people in the prehistoric and desolate, and there are dangers everywhere.

But before they got happy, Zhao Lang spoke again.

"Although I let you stay, it doesn't mean that I accept you as disciples. The three of you are not my disciples. Usually, you can be called elder brothers. Just be my righteous sisters. You can live in Buzhou Mountain..."

The three girls were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, they didn't understand why this mighty man didn't accept them as his disciples, but accepted them as his younger sisters.

After Zhao Lang finished talking with the others, he waved his hand to let the three of them open their own caves for cultivation, and he himself entered the retreat again.

Tens of thousands of years passed in a flash, and on this day, there was a big explosion in the cave.

Sanxiao walked out of their own caves one after another, looking at the formation one by one with trembling hearts. The golden light shone in the formation, and waves of terrifying prehistoric spiritual power roared out. The power of terror.

"The power of this large formation is probably extremely terrifying. Even if I am in the mid-Golden Immortal stage at this time, I am afraid that I will be scared out of my wits."

Yun Xiao Ye Mei lamented slightly, exclaiming.

The other two daughters nodded one after another. Their power is really terrifying, and their strength is not as good as that of the elder sister.

A big hand appeared in the formation, and then the huge hand pressed down and the vibration of the entire formation was suppressed.


The three women looked at Zhao Lang who walked out of the formation in horror, and suppressed such a terrifying formation with just one hand.

It is conceivable how far Zhao Lang's strength has reached.

"Golden Immortal of Da Luo's post-stage, it is only one step away from reaching the peak of Da Luo, but it is not easy to break through!" Zhao Lang sighed. It is indeed extremely difficult to practice the Dao of Chaos. After tens of thousands of years of retreat, his strength has only improved a little. .

Just when Zhao Lang sighed that he was not progressing fast.

Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian looked at his eldest disciple with a gloomy expression.


Taoist Duobao stood aside respectfully, he knew that his master was in a bad mood at this moment.

"I came from Sanqing together, but Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu targeted me everywhere, and even ran against me in front of Taoist ancestors with those two people from the Western Sect!"

Master Tongtian was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, Yuanshi and Laozi were originally one body, and the two explained their teachings based on the foundation of the human race.

Lao Tzu's human religion itself belongs to the side of the human race, and it is natural for them to despise and target it.

There are two saints in the Western religion itself, although their strength is not strong, they are also numerous and powerful. Only he cuts off the teaching and only himself is alone.

This made him want to find a helper for himself as soon as possible.

Thinking of the hermit who practiced retreat in Pangu Immortal Cave, he was naturally the best choice.

"I asked you to keep an eye on Mount Buzhou before. Is there any movement from that hermit?"

Master Tongtian thought of Zhao Lang, and immediately asked Duobao beside him.

Duobao shook his head: "In the past tens of thousands of years, there has been no change except for the three daughters from Sanxian Island who went to seek refuge, and that one has no intention of going out of the mountain."

Master Tongtian sighed: "It's really a prudent temper, you are like this, go forward with this Zixiao Hunyuan Dou, try to invite me, and say that I will cut off the teaching as the deputy leader! Wait anytime! "

"Disciple obeys."

Taoist Duobao nodded, but he was quite envious after glancing at Zixiao Hunyuandou.

This is an innate spiritual treasure, obtained by the Master Tongtian in the chaos. Although he is known as many treasures, most of the magic weapons are acquired magic weapons, and even many of them are created by himself, which are similar to the innate spiritual treasures. Much worse than that.

Such a magic weapon is only a little lower than the Four Swords of Jade Immortal. With such a high price, it can be seen how much the master attaches great importance to this powerful hermit.


In Buzhou Mountain, the endless cold wind howled, and the waves of spiritual power were as mighty as the waves of the deep sea.

"Sure enough, it is indeed a place where chaos intersects. Although most of this spiritual power has been transformed into the power of heaven and earth, there is still a lot of power of chaos." Taoist Duobao entered it, feeling the traces of breath contained in the spiritual power , I admire the mighty one who can live in seclusion here without being discovered by the saint.

"Fellow Daoist, I am Taoist Duobao, the chief disciple of Jiejiao, and I am here to pay a visit by the order of my master." Taoist Duobao looked forward, and he could only slightly feel through the cause and effect that Zhao Lang was in this area.

But it can't be found accurately, and it can only be used to attract the attention of the other party.

Zhao Lang, who was practicing cross-legged, was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Taoist Duobao to come.

You must know that Daoist Duobao is the great disciple of Jiejiao. Even if he was plundered by the Western Cult in the end, he would be the Western Tathagata in the future. Naturally, Zhao Lang would like to meet such a great man, and the other party is also miserable. The second disciple was taken away by the Western religion to become the Buddha, and he gained the reputation of betraying his master.


A large amount of chaotic spiritual power vibrates.

After Zhao Lang changed his appearance, he walked out of the fairy cave and appeared in front of Daoist Duobao.

"Fellow Daoists are boundless. I am here by the order of my master to invite you to come and teach me. I have taught thousands of golden immortals. There is no one to teach. If you are as powerful as a fellow Daoist, you will naturally serve as the deputy leader after entering my sect." Waiting for it, this one is Zixiao Hunyuan Dou, a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure obtained by my master from his travels, and it is specially given to fellow Taoists."

Just give up the position of deputy leader?

Zhao Lang was quite surprised, this Tongtian leader really valued him!

But no, after conferring the gods, except for Tongtian, there is no good end for his sects to cut off the teaching!
Taoist Guanduobao's tone was calm and his expression was quite kind.

There is no arrogance in any way, Zhao Lang has a good sense of it.

"Ding, Daoist Duobao sent an invitation, the host can choose."

"[-]. Accept Zixiao Hunyuandou, join Jiejiao to become the deputy leader of Jiejiao, and get the picture of Zhuxian sword (false, one-time use)"

"Second, reject Duobao, continue to retreat for 10 years, obtain the heavenly dao, and break through the quasi-sage."

Without hesitation, what good is it to join the Jiejiao? Although the Master Tongtian is good, he is too arrogant and easy to be targeted.

Besides, breakthrough quasi-sage, although it is called Tiandao Daigo, is just a medium, and the introduction to the Dao is exactly what Zhao Lang wants!
But he still said to Duobao very politely.

"Fellow Daoist Duobao, I am used to being free and unrestrained, and I have never thought about joining any great religion. I just want to practice in seclusion. Thank you, Master Tongtian, for your kindness."

Taoist Duobao nodded slightly.

He also knew that Master Tongtian had already invited the other party before, and it was reasonable that the other party did not agree to it at that time.

But just when Zhao Lang thought Taoist Duobao would leave, his expression suddenly changed, because Taoist Duobao actually did something unexpected to him.

(End of this chapter)

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