Chapter 6 The Arrogance of Teaching

Daoist Duobao threw Zixiao Hunyuandou towards Zhao Lang.

The latter reached out to catch it, frowning.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

Duobao smiled, but his attitude remained unchanged.

"Fellow daoist, don't worry too much. It's just that when I came, the leader said that this treasure is destined to be with you. Although you are now concentrating on retreating, no matter whether you agree or not, this treasure must be given to fellow daoist. A good relationship between friends."

Zhao Lang felt that the spiritual power contained in this magic weapon was indeed extremely profound, but this thing was not destined to be with him, but sister Sanxiao...

Looking at Zixiao Hunyuandou in front of him, Zhao Lang didn't refuse any more.

Then he bid farewell to Daoist Duobao, and when he saw him leave, he turned and went back to the Pangu Immortal Cave.

"This Tongtian leader is really persistent."

Back in the fairy cave, Zhao Lang shook his head helplessly.

But this Zixiao Hunyuan Dou is indeed related to Sanxiao.

The Sanxiao in my memory used this treasure to use the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. During the Great Calamity of Conferred Gods, all the twelve golden immortals under Chanjiao's sect were trapped in the second formation to cut off the three flowers on the top and the five in the chest. gas.

Zhao Lang was really touched by such a generous invitation to come out of the mountain.

But it's just moved, he can't come out of the mountain, at least not before proving the Tao.

"I owe Tong Tian a favor."

Zhao Lang thought to himself.

After putting Zixiao Hunyuandou in his sleeve, he sat cross-legged.

The Heavenly Dao Daigo mentioned by the system is of great benefit to his cultivation, especially for Zhao Lang, who is currently at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and can help him successfully break through to the Supreme Saint!
Continue to retreat! 10 years!

For ascetics, 10 years is just a cup of tea.

In the blink of an eye, the period of 10 years came.


"The host has completed 10 years of cultivation, and has obtained the divine dao!"

Looking at a small white jade bottle in his hand, Zhao Lang nodded in relief.

There is a system, but what sect do you join?
It is just around the corner to rely on the system to retreat to the great saint!

Putting his heavenly dao away, he prepared to retreat next time and break through the quasi-sage in one fell swoop.

Just as he was thinking, he heard a voice from outside the cave, the tone was quite arrogant.

"I am the real Huanglong, the twelve golden immortals under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun, the person in the cave, why don't you come out to greet me?"


so arrogant?

Zhao Lang was stunned, no matter who came here to look for him before, even the leader of the Tongtian sect was still polite.

Buzhou Mountain is very close to Kunlun Mountain, and Zhao Lang had expected the day when Chanjiao would come to him.

But he didn't expect the Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education to be so rampant at the door.

It seems that he doesn't take himself seriously at all.

Zhao Lang walked out of the cave slowly, and the spiritual power outside the cave suddenly gathered, and the coercion permeated.

Like the sudden churning waves of the vast sea!
Master Huanglong stood outside the cave, his expression was full of arrogance, but when he saw him coming out, he gave a shallow salute, and then said.

"I have been ordered by Chanjiao's acting head teacher, Randeng Taoist, to invite your Excellency to come out of the mountain and follow me back to Kunlun."

Before he could speak, the voice of the system sounded in Zhao Lang's heart:

"It is detected that the teaching invites the host to join the sect, and you can choose!"

"One, join the teaching and become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and you will be loved by Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Second, refuse to join, continue to retreat and break through the quasi-sage, you can get the supernatural power Pangu Opening Heaven Palm."

If he chose the second option decisively, Zhao Lang would definitely not leave the mountain, let alone become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun's teachings.

What's more, Pangu opened the palm of the sky!

It sounds like it is more than ten million times stronger than Qianshan Thunderclap...

"Fellow Daoist, I'm practicing in closed doors here, I don't want to be contaminated by the cause and effect of worldly affairs, I just want to be pure enough."

Zhao Lang didn't want to cause trouble, so he replied politely.

Hearing Zhao Lang's refusal, Master Huang Long seemed very surprised.

He explained that his disciples were not cut off from teaching, and almost all the disciples were talented and very good at following.

Taoist Ran Deng asked him to come to invite him to go up the mountain. In his opinion, he had already given him enough face, but the latter refused.

"You are here because you are cultivating with the blessings of our Kunlun Mountains. You should come to me to explain and teach. How can you be so ungrateful!"

Master Huang Long's expression was a little gloomy.

To be blessed by Kunlun Mountain?

Zhao Lang almost laughed out loud.

He can achieve the current level of cultivation, and it has nothing to do with teaching.

It's all because of his hard work in cultivation and retreat...

When it came to Master Huanglong's mouth, he said it as if he owed some teaching?
Totally unreasonable.

"I really don't want to participate in the prehistoric world, please forgive me."

After all, the other party is the Twelve Golden Immortals, one more thing is worse than one less thing, try not to provoke him if he can, so Zhao Lang's tone is still calm.

However, Master Huang Long didn't seem to listen to Zhao Lang's speech at all, and said to himself: "Being favored by my teaching is a blessing from your three generations of cultivation. After joining my teaching, I will make you the No. 13 golden Immortal, when the time comes, all the senior brothers will train you again, won’t it be faster than you practicing alone in this cave in the barren mountains? This is a blessing for you, and you must be grateful!”

This real Huanglong seems to be very proud of his sect, his words are full of confidence, and he doesn't take Zhao Lang seriously at all.

With just these few words, the corners of Zhao Lang's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't help but wanted to teach him a lesson.

Forcibly suppressing the emotions in his heart, Zhao Lang smiled in spite of himself.

"Your teaching thinks highly of me so much, I am really afraid, but I am not enough to follow, so I should not join your teaching, so as not to embarrass Tianzun in the future."

Everyone could hear Zhao Lang mocking the teaching, and Master Huang Long frowned.

"Although your cultivation level is higher than mine, you are still just an unknown pawn in the prehistoric world. As the Twelve Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Teaching, I came to tell you that if you go up the mountain and return without any results, you will lose face for me and my interpretation of teachings." ?”

Immediately afterwards, he smiled nonchalantly, "However, at the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian, I will explain which of the Twelve Golden Immortals is no better than you. Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the six great saints!"

As he spoke, he clasped his hands together, as if he still respected his master.

Ignoring it, Zhao Lang watched how he boasted about his teachings there, and was unmoved.

"You're just taking chances here to become a Daluo, you unknown person, giving you a chance to join the sect is already valuing you!"

This teaching is too arrogant!

Just one of the Twelve Golden Immortals is already so rampant, so wouldn't Yuanshi Tianzun be even more arrogant?
The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!
Seeing that the former did not reply, Master Huanglong continued.

"When you were promoted to Daluo Jinxian before, the head teacher noticed you, and today I specially asked this immortal to recruit you to Kunlun. It is such a great honor, you don't know how to flatter you!"

It turned out that it was the vision brought by the advanced stage that attracted Chanjiao. Zhao Lang thought it was the Master Tongtian who leaked the matter, but he misunderstood him.

This interpreter is arrogant and arrogant, even worse than cutting off the teaching. In comparison, Daoist Duobao is many times stronger than this person in front of him.

"Forgiveness is hard to obey."

Zhao Lang's tone was very decisive.

"Since you don't want to come to my teaching, I heard that you have three righteous sisters, all of whom are beautiful and beautiful. If you don't go, why don't you let the three of them follow me back to Kunlun and stay by my side as maids..."

As if suddenly remembering something, Master Huang Long smiled maliciously.

When Zhao Lang heard this, a trace of murderous intent flashed across his eyes, but the former didn't notice it, and he was still talking nonsense there.

"Don't worry, since she is a stunning beauty, I should take good care of her..."

"you wanna die."

When Zhao Lang said these three words, he was already full of anger.

After spending time with the three daughters and him, he already regarded the three of them as his own sisters. Hearing that the real Huanglong was so insulting, the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

Hearing these words, Master Huanglong directly showed his spiritual power and filled his whole body.

"The nameless junior is so bold that he dares to be so disrespectful to me to teach the Golden Immortal?"

After changing hands, he threw out the magic weapon from his sleeve, and a shining silver sword shot out from it, heading straight for where Zhao Lang was.

"Since you are so ignorant! I will cut off your hands and feet with my own hands, and tie them up to the mountain. At that time, your three righteous sisters will not be up to you, they can only be taken in by me!"

It's so deceiving!

Seeing the sword full of killing intent coming towards him, Zhao Lang raised his spiritual power in an instant, and then dodged away.

However, Master Huanglong seemed to have no room for it at all, one after another of spells struck, and every move seemed to take his life.

No need to bear it any longer!

The next moment, Zhao Lang turned around and appeared next to the former in an instant!
Before he could even react, he felt the huge pressure of spiritual power that made him breathless, and then the surrounding space gradually distorted, and then there was a piercing sound of breaking wind in his ears!

The air seemed to be torn apart, and there was an ear-piercing roar!


The Zhenlei Palm didn't fully use it, Zhao Lang only used [-]% of his force, but this time he hit the latter's face, but directly sent the real Huanglong flying tens of feet away, and the aftermath of the palm force shook the surrounding mountains and rocks. Shake down.

"You! How dare you do anything to this immortal? I am the Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education!"

There was a purple-blue palm print on his face. Daoist Huanglong was also a cultivator of the middle-level strength of Da Luo Jinxian. Now he was slapped away by Zhao Lang. Although it was not serious, it was really embarrassing!

After all, the Da Luo Jinxian, who explained and taught Da Luo, dared to fight back. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become furious and angry!
Just as he was about to strike again, a voice rang in his ear.

"You are not his opponent, hurry back to the mountain."


Staring angrily at the former, Master Huanglong recalled the sword into his sleeve, and cursed, "Bastard! Wait for me, when Master Ran Deng comes in person, I will kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, he hurried away on the cloud.

Watching him run away, Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

Push your nose on your face?
If you dare to come again, I will slap you!
Back in the fairy cave, Zhao Lang calmed down.

Decided to continue retreat!

On the other side, Master Huanglong returned to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain in a state of embarrassment...

Seeing the palm print on his face, the other eleven golden immortals couldn't help laughing out loud.

Taoist Ran Deng looked at him, frowned and did not speak.

Glancing at the others, Huang Long saluted deeply.

"Headmaster Ran Deng, you asked me to invite that guy from Buzhou Mountain. I invited him with nice words, but I didn't expect to be beaten by him... I was attacked by surprise, and I didn't react..."

Taoist Ran Deng waved his hand to let him back down.

Yuanshi Tianzun is in Zixiao Palace at this time, and he is in charge of Yuxu Palace.

After all, Huanglong is still the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, even if he doesn't care about Daoist Lantern, he doesn't even care about Yuanshi Tianzun's face.

"Taiyi, Yuding, you guys go there."

After the two came out to answer, they left the main hall of Yuxu Palace...

In the Pangu fairy cave.

"After Taoist Huanglong returns, I'm afraid he will add fuel to the teachings."

But I didn't think much about it.

To deal with a hermit, if Yuanshi Tianzun made a direct move, the news would be too ugly.

I'm afraid it will make Master Tongtian laugh at him in front of Hongjun.

Therefore, they are nothing more than sending some Golden Immortals to trouble him...

"I'm here under the order of the lamp master, and those who hurt others will come out and speak!"

That arrives so fast?

Zhao Lang walked out of the fairy cave, and saw Master Taiyi and Master Yuding standing at the entrance of the cave with serious expressions.

"I have already said that I just want to practice in seclusion and have no intention of being born."

Zhao Lang said to the two of them.

Hearing these words, the two looked at each other, their faces became ugly, and then Master Taiyi stepped forward.

"You shot and hurt me to teach Jinxian, how to solve it?"

Sure enough, everyone knows that Taiyi real person protects the calf, not to mention the brothers of the same school, it can be seen how arrogant the Twelve Golden Immortals are, and they are indiscriminate.

But in Zhao Lang's expectation, he smiled faintly.

"He shot first, if I didn't fight back, would I let him tie me up?"

Hearing this, Daoist Yuding also came out.

"Although he was wrong first, how can you do it? Master Huanglong is also one of the twelve great golden immortals I teach. If it spreads in the future and is slapped by unknown people, where will I teach?"

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, and ignored it. It seemed that this explanation was going to be completely unreasonable.

Only Jinxian is allowed to fight, but no one else is allowed to fight back?
"Let's go up the mountain with me and see Master Ran Deng explaining the matter. The two of us are also following orders and don't want to hurt your life."

Daoist Taiyi said calmly.

"I won't leave here. If you want to make it clear, let Ran Deng come over?"

Zhao Lang won't fall into the trap, go to Kunlun with Taiyi and Yuding?The Twelve Golden Immortals suppressed him, it was easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain!

This person is really arrogant, dare to call the head teacher like that?And let him come in person!

Taiyi and Yuding's faces were gloomy, and they approached slowly.

"Then don't blame the two of us, I have to force you to go to Kunlun!"

As soon as the two finished speaking, a pale golden aura slowly emerged. Their strength is indeed stronger than that of Huanglong, and they are both close to the peak level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Frowning tightly, Zhao Lang felt a powerful coercion permeating the air.

"No, it's dangerous!"

(End of this chapter)

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