My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 53 Continue to retreat and become a treasure of chaos!

Chapter 53 Continue to retreat and become a treasure of chaos!
Since the confrontation of the saints, after the battle of gods and demons.

Hong Huang returned to calm.

Although these major events did not turn into any catastrophe, they were only broken by Hongjun's appearance when the fuse was just lit.

However, the fact that the sage of Zhoushan is Zhao Gongming spread throughout the prehistoric world.

All beings can't help but sigh.

Zhao Gongming?Apostate traitor?
Looking at the recent behavior of the leader of Tongtian, it seems that he has changed himself!

Dare to quarrel with Dao Patriarch, presumably that Zhoushan sage would not dare to come out of the mountain again...

The wall fell and everyone pushed.

Hundreds of years later, almost no one mentions it anymore.

There is an extremely majestic palace in Buzhou Mountain, among which is the sage of Zhoushan?

This sentence also quickly became a thing of the past.

Due to the chaos in Honghuang, Hongjun had to stop retreating, and came forward to arrange for the Six Sages and Heavenly Court to re-govern.

The matter of launching the Heavenly Tribulation passed away so quietly.

Seems like it never happened...

However, it is impossible for Hongjun to just let it go. He is still planning to interfere with Zhao Lang's retreat and prevent him from becoming a great saint.

Buzhou Mountain.

The spiritual power in the secret realm of the Great Dao is very strong. Infected by this mysterious power, many spiritual plants grow extremely luxuriantly.

The ridge of Buzhou Mountain, which has been devastated by countless wars, has gradually become lush with foliage and towering forests.

The Chaos Palace is even more surrounded by vines.

Zhao Lang didn't clean it up, and he didn't ask San Xiao to clean it up. He thought it was good, at least it wasn't so conspicuous.

this day.

Zhao Lang was about to replay the Twelve Capitals Gods and Gods formation again, but just as it was activated, a voice came from outside the hall, followed by Bi Xiao's excited pretty face.

"Yi brother, Yi brother! I broke through!"

She rushed towards Zhao Lang who was sitting cross-legged in the hall.

Zhao Lang smiled gratifiedly, but did not speak.

"Zhao Gongming, come out, I have something to say."

The voice of the leader of Tongtian came into the secret realm of the avenue.

However, Zhao Lang is no longer surprised. Since that day, every few years or months, the leader of Tongtian will come.

The reasons are endless.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Follow me to teach you, you have obtained the Immortal Execution Sword Formation handed down by me, you must follow me to teach you."

"Show yourself! Did you die here? Zhao Gongming!"

Every time Zhao Lang would ignore him, not because he didn't want to talk to Master Tongtian, but because he didn't know how to face the most arrogant saint ever.

Bi Xiao frowned, and said with a smile: "Brother Yi, don't you plan to go out and meet him?"

Zhao Lang shook his head.

"Ding! The request for help from the leader of Tongtian was detected, and you can choose."

"One, come out to help, join Jiejiao, help Jiejiao restore its former glory, and get the Four Swords of Zhuxian."

"Second, continue to retreat, but find a way to help Master Tongtian, and you can obtain treasure refining materials."

After looking for it so many times, this time I found out all the system prompts.

Zhao Lang sighed and asked Bi Xiao and others to stay in the Chaos Palace.

"Zhao Gongming... did you die inside?"

Master Tongtian stood in mid-air, but it could be seen from his expression that he was very haggard.

"Master Tongtian."

Zhao Lang came to the top of the Chaos Palace, looked at the leader of Tongtian, and felt very uncomfortable.

"You are finally willing to show up? Huh? Thanks to you, the disciples of Jiejiao have started apostasy, and they all ran to Zhunti."

The corner of Tongtian Cult Leader's mouth twitched, and he stared at Zhao Lang.

"Master, from the very beginning, I just wanted to stay away from prehistoric disputes, and I didn't want to be contaminated by karma, so I retreated here. This was the case in the past, and it will be the same in the future. If you are here to let me leave the seclusion and join the interception, please come back Bar."

After Zhao Lang finished speaking, he looked at Tongtian.

His face was ugly, but after trying to calm down, he said: "Zhao Gongming, Zhao Lang, you have deceived me so badly..."

"The Lord Tongtian should actually be happy about this."

Zhao Lang replied.

Master Tongtian was startled, and said disapprovingly, "Are you happy?"

"It is precisely because of the coming of ten thousand immortals that the church should be robbed. If most of your disciples defected from the sect before the catastrophe came, it would be a good thing for you. When the catastrophe comes in the future, the sect will not be lost. too much."

After Zhao Lang finished speaking, Tong Tian frowned.

This Zhao Gongming, he obviously practiced Taoism later than me, and he has seen far less than me.

Why can he know so many things? It seems that in the wild, he has many things in his hands, and he can always respond.

"Are you really not going out with me?"

Tongtian asked again at the end.

Zhao Lang shook his head.

"Okay, but remember, you owe me, Zhao Gongming!"

As soon as the words fell, the Master Tongtian walked away in a huff.

Zhao Lang shook his head and didn't continue thinking.

Back in the Chaos Palace, a pile of refining materials appeared in front of Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang summoned the treasure refining tripod, the treasure refining code and all the treasure refining materials given to him by the system from his sleeve.

He has obtained all the remnants of the Ten Thousand Treasures Formation, and after careful study, he probably understands the principle of this formation.

Myriad Treasures Formation.

As the name suggests, [-] magic weapons are needed to activate this formation, regardless of their rank.

As long as the number reaches, even the lowest-level Lingbao can be put into this formation.

However, the Myriad Treasures Formation needs a Chaos Supreme Treasure as the eye of the formation...

In the prehistoric times, Zhao Lang had never heard of the existence of the Chaos Supreme Treasure. Pangu's Sky Opening Ax and Chaos Green Lotus probably counted as two.

The remaining magic weapons, even the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and Pangu Banner.

It's not just that they are all innate treasures.

Suddenly, Zhao Lang seemed to have remembered something, and summoned the stem of the chaotic green lotus from his sleeve.

It is part of the chaotic green lotus, and if you count it, it is half a chaotic treasure.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Lang threw it into the treasure refining cauldron, and then sent spiritual power into the cauldron.

The spiritual power turned into an invisible flame, making the outside of the cauldron instantly red.

He is very focused.

After all, there is only one stem of this chaotic green lotus. If it fails, it will be even more difficult to obtain the magic weapon related to the supreme treasure of chaos.

With the input of spiritual power, Zhao Lang silently recited the code.

About a few hours have passed...

"Ding! It is detected that the host has refined a magic weapon, you can check it!"

Zhao Lang was overjoyed, and then carefully withdrew the spiritual power, and took out the magic weapon refined from it.

As soon as the magic weapon was taken out of the refining cauldron, when it met the air, it began to flash bursts of spiritual light.

Extremely mysterious!

Seems like a sword?
But no blade?
This sword is more like a hosta, with several mysterious runes floating on it...

"What grade?"

Zhao Lang was a little puzzled, he couldn't see through this magic weapon.

When I thought of this question in my heart, the sound of the system followed.

"The rank of the magic weapon: Chaos Supreme Treasure."

Chaos treasure!

Zhao Lang's eyes widened.

Wouldn't that be on the same level as Pangu's Sky Axe?
He didn't know that because of the birth of the treasure of chaos, auspicious auspiciousness arose on Mount Buzhou at this time.

After seeing it, many passing human races thought it was a saint who blessed this place, and worshiped it one after another.


Hongjun hasn't paid attention to Zhao Lang for a long time, because restoring the order in the wild is not an easy task and requires a lot of energy.

He opened his eyes and felt the birth of the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

"It's him again?"

Zhao Gongming!
Where did he get all these opportunities and magic weapons?
First, the cultivation method of Chaos Dao, then the God-killing Spear, and the secret realm of the dojo that even he couldn't break through.

This time, he got a Chaos Supreme Treasure?
What kind of luck is this?
Hongjun was very puzzled, he couldn't help but stick out his divine sense to observe, but because of the secret realm of the Dao, he couldn't see through anything.


He snorted coldly.

"I have to find a way to distract him. I can't go on like this. If I wait until he reaches Dao Dao Sheng Sheng, I won't be able to control him, and then I will let him live freely in this prehistoric desolation without being bound by the way of heaven..."

Thinking of this, he was a little angry.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with Zhao Lang, a figure flashed into Zixiao Palace...

"Hongjun, why haven't you been in harmony with the way of heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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