Chapter 54 Taoist Yang Mei, discover a new world!

Can I enter Zixiao Palace without being discovered by myself?
Hongjun was taken aback for a moment, then turned around.

Daoist with raised eyebrows!

However, Hongjun was still the Taoist ancestor after all, and he didn't show any special shock when he saw Yang Mei.

"Hurry up, if it wasn't for this person's hindrance, I'm afraid I would have joined the Tao long ago. What are you in a hurry for?"

Hong Jun narrowed his eyes and asked.

Yang Mei sneered, but his face was expressionless, looking extremely weird.

"The Dao of Heaven does not wait for you, and the Dao does not wait for you, Hongjun, if you cannot join the Dao, someone will take your place."

Then, he turned into a wisp of fresh air and floated out of the hall.

The corner of Hongjun's mouth twitched, and the Taoist raised his eyebrows. Taoist is a saint of the great way, and his strength is superior to him.

It's just that he is not in the prehistoric, so that he can keep his position as the number one in the prehistoric.

Thinking of Taoist Yang Mei's words, he had to temporarily let go of his thoughts about Gao Lang, and put himself into cultivation. For the time being, let the catastrophe happen naturally.

Yuanshi Tianzun has been doing his duty recently, surprisingly quiet.

He did not go out of the mountain, but began to practice in seclusion.

Before thinking about it, retreat was the thing he hated the most.

Missing, probably roaming the prehistoric.

The same is true for Nuwa.

The two sages of the Western religion are, as always, converting people to Buddhism.

Zhao Lang has been using the treasure refining tripod to make magic weapons during this time.

However, most of the magic weapons he created are only at the level of Lingbao, not even the Houtian Lingbao.

If you want to become the Houtian Lingbao, you must inject great merit into it.

However, Zhao Lang did not accumulate merits, because he walked the road of the great way.

On this day, Zhao Lang sat cross-legged after putting more than a dozen newly refined magic weapons into his sleeves.

Since the last time he knew that Taoist Yangmei was watching him secretly, Zhao Lang seemed to have some resistance to chaos.

He entered it, and within half a stick of incense time, he withdrew his consciousness.

As soon as he thought that Yang Mei might still be paying attention to him, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. He couldn't stay, let alone retreat in it.

Fortunately, Hongjun hasn't troubled him in the past hundred years.

Presumably this guy has retreated and is ready to join the Dao again.

The last time he was forced out of the mountain by Zhao Lang, he had to do it all over again.

Tens of millions of years of retreat have only passed a hundred years, but Zhao Lang still feels that time is running out.

Re-enter chaos!
Zhao Lang thought for a while, and then called out the Chaos Avenue Mirror.

Now he can no longer rely on the soul-fixing needle, because the residual spirit of Pangu's fairy cave is attached to his primordial spirit, coupled with the practice of Pangu's soul refining method, he can already withstand the pressure of chaos.

Without hesitation, the next moment, he penetrated his divine sense into it.


As dark as ever.

Zhao Lang used his memory to explore the continent he discovered before, and wanted to go back there to practice.

After wandering in it for a long time, he found that the continent had disappeared?
Could it be that a Chaos Demon God destroyed that world?
Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to explore.

Here, he has plenty of time, 1 years of chaos, and a stick of incense in the wild.

In this way, Zhao Lang has been exploring for an unknown amount of time in the vast chaos.

at last!

He saw the corpse of a Chaos Demon God.

After approaching, as expected, this Chaos Demon God also opened up a world, in which most of the creatures seemed to have no wisdom.

Forget it, then practice here.

Zhao Lang landed in this world, and he looked at the surrounding environment, which was very similar to that in the prehistoric world.

"This Chaos Demon God's ability to imitate is extremely strong, and he even copied the creatures from the wilderness."

Zhao Lang glanced around, and then found a mountain top that reached into the clouds, and practiced on it.

On the other side, Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian remained silent, looking at the disciples in front of him.

The position of Daoist Duobao has already been vacated...

"Master, will the catastrophe happen again?"

Wu Yunxian came out and asked.

Since Duobao left, Wu Yunxian has become the most important disciple of Master Tongtian.

Tong Tian nodded, but did not speak.

"Master, if the next catastrophe comes, Tianzun and the Western Sect still target me, what should I do?"

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit asked.

Master Tongtian raised his eyebrows and looked at the former.

Yes, what should I do?
Zhao Gongming said that cutting education is not as prosperous as it used to be, which may not be a bad thing.

But the strength of the sect is too weak at this time. If Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhunti, and Yingying still turn their attention to intercepting the sect, will they still have the strength to resist?

After thinking about it, Master Tongtian still couldn't accept this unknown threat.

He ordered that from now on, all cultivators from the human race and the monster race can join the sect!
He wants to continue teaching without discrimination, and to bring Jiejiao back to its former glory!

After 10 years of training, Zhao Lang completely mastered the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals in the chaos.

Withdrawing Yuanshen, Zhao Lang took a deep breath.

The chaos is too depressing, although it seems that the world opened up by the Chaos Demon God is no different from the prehistoric.

However, due to the existence of the 33rd Heaven, it can isolate most of the chaos, making the wilderness the most suitable place to live in the chaos.

As a middle-level Daluo Jinxian, I feel a little depressed to enter it, and after merging with Pangu's real body, one can imagine what ordinary people should do?

Just as he was thinking, he heard San Xiao walking in from outside the hall with a smile.

"Why are you so happy?"

Zhao Lang chuckled lightly and asked.

"Brother Yi, there are a group of little monsters out there who don't know what to do, it's very ridiculous..."

Bi Xiao smiled with crescent eyes.

Qiong Xiao immediately said: "I have already driven them away, but they are still talking nonsense and want to invite their king here."

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

Although he has disappeared and been isolated from the world for a hundred years, but Hong Huang will not forget him so quickly.

After all, he is still a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and now even the little demon dares to come to find fault?
"Listen up, people inside! I am the eldest disciple of the famous Zhoushan sage! You quickly give up this place, this king wants to occupy this place!"

The four of them were still joking, when a voice came from outside the secret avenue, extremely arrogant.

"The eldest disciple of the sage Zhoushan? When did you accept it, Yibro?"

The three girls giggled and joked.

The sound of the system also sounds:

"Ding! It is detected that the big monster threatens the host, and you can choose."

"One, leave the customs immediately, beg for mercy, and give up the Chaos Palace, you can get the mercy of the great demon."

"Second, scare it away, let the big monster fear the host, and you can get a spirit treasure."

Beg for mercy?

When did the system look down on me so much?

Zhao Lang looked helpless.

And a spirit treasure...

Looking at San Xiao, Zhao Lang shrugged helplessly, then walked out slowly.

In front of the Chaos Palace.

Due to the existence of the Dao Secret Realm, the big monster couldn't break in. He has the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian, and he must have some opportunities to reach such a realm.

"Whose disciple do you say you are?"

Zhao Lang appeared slowly and asked casually.

"I am the eldest disciple of the sage Zhoushan! Are you afraid?"

That big monster was extremely arrogant, when he said this, the little monster behind him also booed and flattered...

Zhao Lang smiled and said, "Do you know what kind of place this is?"

After years of changes, Buzhou Mountain has become a basin surrounded by towering trees. This big monster probably doesn't know that it is Buzhou Mountain.

"Where is it? I know this is the cave of the king in the future. Your palace is not small. Give it up to the king, and I will spare you!"

Zhao Lang shook his head and said, "You go, I don't want to hurt your life."

"Ridiculous, do you dare to open the barrier to fight this king?"


Forget it, teach him a lesson, otherwise he will keep shouting here, quite noisy.

Zhao Lang pushed lightly with his palm, and then a golden light shot out.

A skill that has not been used for a long time, Qianshan Thunder Palm.

Zhao Lang had no intention of hurting his life, but only used one-tenth of his strength, thinking that it would be enough to scare off the demons.

But he didn't expect...

The head of the Da Luojin Immortal Demon King exploded directly, like a pumpkin hitting the top, it was torn apart...

This is too fragile!

(End of this chapter)

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