My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 75 Obtaining the law by chance, prepare to preach!

Chapter 75 Obtaining the law by chance, prepare to preach!
Zhou Zhan is back!
He seemed to be in a hurry, as if he was in a hurry.

A few people followed behind him, and upon closer inspection, it was his father, Patriarch Zhou, and several elders in the clan.

Before Zhao Lang could take back the Daoyu slip in the future, Zhou Zhan rushed into the tent recklessly, still holding the box given to him by the patriarch Zhou before.

He muttered in his mouth: "You have to let me have to let me inherit, I don't want to inherit, what are you forcing me to do? I think Brother Zhao is even more suitable than me! Brother Zhao, you come, you come to inherit the style of my clan the way of..."

Did he approach the tent quickly? Zhao Lang didn't react, and looked at him blankly.

Just when Zhou Zhan was about to approach Zhao Lang, his hand slipped suddenly, and the wooden box fell off.

After falling to the ground, the box was like a magnet, and it was actually absorbed onto the jade slip of the Great Dao!

With his eyes wide open, Zhao Lang subconsciously reached out and picked it up.

But as soon as the hand came to the top of the Daoyu slip, a powerful spiritual power burst out from it instantly!

Like a bouncing snake, the speed of this force is difficult to grasp, and then it penetrated from between Zhao Lang.

For a moment, Zhao Lang felt that the speed of the spiritual power in his body began to move extremely fast, as if he was resisting something.

Zhou Zhan quickly picked up the box, opened it again, and found that it was empty!

He was dazed, staring at Zhao Lang not knowing what to say.

However, Patriarch Zhou and others also came in at this time.

They watched the changes in Da Dao Yujian and Zhao Lang, and they were dumbfounded.

Zhao Lang couldn't move at this time, but his body felt as if it was overwhelmed!

"Quick! Elder Zhou, hurry up and teach him the Dharma!"

Seeing this, Patriarch Zhou hurriedly told the elder beside him, Zhou Li.

The latter, as the oldest elder in the Zhou family, has extremely deep cultivation and experience. Seeing this, he frowned slightly, but he also walked forward quickly, put his palm on the back of Zhao Lang's neck, and then Take a light drink.


Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual power emerged from the connection between his palm and Zhao Lang's neck, and spread outward.

Zhao Lang was puzzled.

What the hell is this?
But for a moment, he could feel that this spiritual power was slowly being neutralized. It seemed that it was not only due to Zhou Li's spiritual power, but also because of... the power of the ancestral witch?
It didn't take long for Zhao Lang to calm down, and he quickly operated the Dao of Chaos.

Feeling that the spiritual power fluctuations in his body had completely subsided, Zhao Lang realized this and got up quickly.

"Thank you elder."

He cupped his hands towards Zhou Li, but the latter didn't respond. He sighed and walked behind Patriarch Zhou without saying a word.


Patriarch Zhou seemed very conflicted, not knowing what to do.

"Nizi! Nizi!"

He glared at Zhou Zhan fiercely and kept shaking his head.

Zhao Lang has not been relieved until now, "Clan Chief Zhou, what's going on?"

Hearing this, he sighed, and everyone behind him shook their heads.

"Little merged with the Dao of Wind."

Zhao Lang stared wide-eyed, and then looked at the jade slip of the Great Dao. There was no word on it, but at this moment, there was a glittering golden word: Wind!
So I'm a saint now?
Zhao Lang was startled, and then checked his own strength.

its not right?Or Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian...

"I, a rebellious son, don't want to accept the inheritance. This is the last ray of pure wind of our Zhou clan. All I have cultivated are the superficial aspects of it. I wanted to pass it on to him, but Zhou Zhanfei didn't want to, and now the trouble has come to this point... ..."

Zhou Zhan was very tangled and hesitated for a long time before he spoke again.

"Little brother, you have merged with the Dao of Wind, and you need to go to Pohuangyuan for refining. I, Zhou, don't feel sorry for the origin of the Dao. You are the benefactor of my family. If you want it, I will give it to you , but the Pohuangyuan is extremely dangerous... But the matter has come to this point, you have to go somewhere to completely refine it and prove to be holy."

"Where is it so dangerous, why should I go?"

Zhou Zhan was not happy anymore, and blocked his way back.

The former frowned, then went over and grabbed the back of Zhou's neck, and carried him out.

Elder Zhou Li was the last to leave. He looked at Zhao Lang and shook his head helplessly.

"Although you are an outsider, but you have saved the lives of so many people in my clan, let me remind you that Pohuangyuan is the residence of the leader of the Phoenix clan in the Chaos Realm. It is said that the temperature in it is enough to refine jade diamonds. The great way of life is to walk against the fire, if you can go in and then come out, you will be able to prove the have to think about it."

After he finished speaking, he also turned and left, Zhao Lang was the only one left in the tent.

He was completely dumbfounded.

Had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Looking at the glittering gold letters on the jade slips on the ground, Zhao Lang didn't care to study them for a while, but after putting them in his sleeve, he started to have a headache.

I haven't figured out which avenue I want to prove, so I merged with the avenue of wind by mistake, and I have to go to Yuanfeng's lair in the chaotic world to refine it?

This is so sudden!

With a wry smile, Zhao Lang began to peer into his own spiritual power.

Since the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches contained the Dao of Wind, when Zhou Li sent spiritual power to it, the body's process of accepting this power became faster.

Even the patriarch of the Zhou clan has only cultivated a corner of it, isn't the complete Dao of Wind extremely powerful?
But even so, Zhao Lang still has some regrets.

I didn't even have a chance to choose...

"Ding! It is detected that the host has a chance to obtain the Fusion Avenue, and you can choose."

"One, don't risk yourself, continue to look for other avenues, give up the fusion of the avenue of wind, you can get purple jade gold spar."

"Second, leave immediately and go to the Pohuangyuan to merge with the Dao of Wind. If the fusion is successful, you can obtain the supernatural power of the Dao of Wind."

No matter!They come, the security.

He sighed, then called San Xiao to him and told them where he was going.

The three women were also stunned, why did they suddenly turn back to the Shura battlefield?And it's that Yuanfeng's residence?

After learning the reason, they don't know whether to be happy or sad, and it's a good thing to be able to prove the Tao!But this is also a little too dangerous.

After all, the strength of the Yuanfeng in the Chaos Realm is obvious to all. Although it is not inferior to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in terms of realm, it is only around the quasi-sage level, but it is the ancient three beast clans!

Even the patriarchs and elders of the Zhou clan fought hard for tens of thousands of years before they were able to escape and come back.

But since he got it, Zhao Lang didn't want to miss it, if he could prove the truth right now, then he would rather take the risk.

After all, Honghuangzhong is still a few years away from conferring the gods, and proving the Tao at this time has a great chance to reverse the fate of many people!
At this time, without caring about Taoist Yang Mei, Zhao Lang made a decision.

Departure today.

Turning their heads, several people bid farewell to the Zhou clan. Zhou Zhan sent them back to the tribe after leaving the plain, and agreed to meet each other in the future.

It didn't take long for Zhao Lang and San Xiao to come to the area where they were before.

Originally, there were countless tall trees and spiritual plants here.

However, at this time, it is more like a battlefield where the smoke has cleared.

The blood dyed the mountains red, corpses can be seen everywhere, the dead monsters and the demon ancestor witch killed by the ancestor dragon Yuanfeng.

It is indeed a little scary.

It is hard to imagine how tragic the battle took place here.

The four of them carried the colorful cloud into a long rainbow, and arrived at the place called Pohuang Yuan after a while.

Standing above the abyss, Zhao Lang just penetrated into the abyss, and felt a flame of burning soul power contained in it, and the deeper it went, the stronger it became.

San Xiao looked at Zhao Lang, seeming to hesitate, but did not speak.

The latter sighed lightly.

"If there is an accident, you immediately withdraw your consciousness and return to the wilderness."

Then, he turned into a stream of fresh air and went deep into it...

The Shattering Phoenix Abyss was deeper and longer than he had imagined.

The inside is covered by a scorching lava below it, which contains a terrifying temperature that devours the soul.

Zhao Lang didn't hesitate, he used his spiritual power to protect his body, and quickly moved towards the bottom.

"I really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to merge into one avenue, and I would come to this kind of place."

He thought to himself, looking around.

The fiery red light seeped out from nowhere, instantly illuminating the entire space quite brightly.

In the middle of the depths of this abyss is a lake-like lava area.

It was filled with a faint dark red, like coagulated fresh blood.

Yuanfeng was not found.

Zhao Lang didn't dare to relax his vigilance. Yuanfeng's strength was enough to make him deflate. Even though he was Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian at this time, this was its lair, and it might be even stronger here.

Looking at the bottom of the Pohuangyuan that is getting deeper and deeper, Zhao Lang's spiritual power can only be used to the extreme to resist the high temperature here. If someone else, even a quasi-sage, comes here, I am afraid that the soul will be overwhelmed by this temperature. burns.

Zhao Lang only sweated slightly.

Frowning, he stared at the molten lava at the bottom, like a boiling kettle, exuding the heat of distorted space.

Why don't you feel it?
He was already so close to the bottom, but the Dao of Wind still didn't respond to fusion.

Looking into the lava, it seems that the bottom can be vaguely seen, which is bottomless.

Do you want to go in?
Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment. Zhou Li, the elder of the Zhou Clan, reminded him that to merge with the Dao of Wind, you need to go against the fire...

It looks like this!
Zhao Lang's gaze was firm, and then he exploded the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then his skin turned into a transparent feeling, which is exactly the Yuqing Lotus Kungfu.

Coupled with the protection of Pan Gu's real body and spiritual power, it shouldn't be a problem to enter it!
Zhao Lang nodded, and then suddenly rushed into it.

(End of this chapter)

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