My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 76 Breaking the Phoenix Abyss and Becoming a Saint!

Chapter 76 Breaking the Phoenix Abyss and Becoming a Saint!

Zhao Lang charged straight into the magma!

Entering it, suddenly, dark red mixed with light silver molten lava burst out instantly.

These extremely hot flames wrapped Zhao Lang's whole body, he squinted his eyes and groped in it.

After half a sound, the sight in front of him gradually widened.

However, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose, Zhao Lang was slightly taken aback, and then stopped abruptly.

He quickly searched out his spiritual power, and the underside was illuminated by his spiritual power!

He murmured in astonishment, "What's going on?"

"The temperature below seems to have become a lot more irritable, elder sister, should we go down and have a look!"

Bi Xiao stood on the Pohuangyuan, staring at it, a little nervous.

The former also hesitated a bit, but shook his head and said: "We have to believe in Brother Yi, going down will only distract him, if it really doesn't work, let's go in again."

Looking at the interior of the molten magma of Pohuangyuan illuminated by himself, Zhao Lang was stunned.

The moment he entered it, there was a trace of primordial pressure. This pressure came from the temperature here, but the sudden surge of pressure just now seemed to be stronger than these?
Look at the situation, is this about to erupt?

Not so unlucky...

Zhao Lang frowned and glanced around.

But at this moment, the Dao of Wind is running in his body, and as the temperature and the pressure of the primordial spirit increase, he can feel that this fresh force in his body is also increasing.

Gradually, it even overwhelmed the strength of the origin of the wind, the power of the ancestral witch!
It is indeed one of the laws of the road.

Zhao Lang nodded, and his heart also quietly became hotter.

But this is not the time to be excited, you have to hurry up and refine the source of wind to prove the way!

The pressure on the primordial spirit is still skyrocketing.

Zhao Lang slowly closed his eyes, his body was located in the center of the deep lava, and he quickly began to inherit the Dao of Wind.

The Great Dao of Wind belongs to one of the Three Thousand Great Dao. It masters the law of wind in the entire chaos. After mastering it completely, you can control all elements related to wind, and you can also get an exclusive supernatural power.

World Exterminating Wind.

Zhao Lang is not particularly interested in these exercises, what he is really curious about is what it feels like to become a saint after proving the Tao?
While reciting the exercises silently in his heart, Zhao Lang continued to exert his spiritual power, and the Pohuangyuan was completely illuminated by his spiritual power.

He thought everything would go smoothly, but at this moment, a crazy pressure hit him from the bottom!

Zhao Lang was shocked and defenseless. The moment he was hit by this pressure, part of the spiritual power covering his body was also scattered.

Immediately, a burst of irritable fiery energy rushed towards him, causing Zhao Lang's face to feel a burning pain.


Even with the blessing of jade muscle and golden body and Pan Gu's real body, Zhao Lang could still feel the heat wave.

Hurriedly adjusting his spiritual power, Zhao Lang's eyes were fixed on his surroundings.

However, the next moment, another more powerful blast of flames struck!

Pain, the pain that goes deep into the soul!
This is how Zhao Lang felt at this time. When this invisible flame rushed towards him, his whole body seemed to be thrown into the gossip furnace of the Taiqing sage, and the fire still came from outside his body. The spiritual power and body directly attacked the primordial spirit!
The raging fire, the scorching heat, the momentum seems to be that it will not stop until the primordial spirit is burned to ashes.

In the burning pain of going deep into the primordial spirit, every minute and every second feels like years. Although Zhao Lang's strength is already considered strong, he is almost in a state of fainting, but the Dao of Wind in his body Seems to like the temperature very much.

In this heat wave, the Dao of Feng in his body seemed to become more excited, and the fusion speed began to increase.

However, this kind of intensified pain, this kind of shock to the soul, is simply a kind of torture for Lang.

After these years of retreat and practice, Zhao Lang is quite confident in his willpower and resilience, and after absorbing countless treasures from heaven and earth, his body training level has reached a prehistoric height.

Although the power of the primordial spirit is not strong, there is also a ray of divine sense from Pangu, and even the cultivation of the soul art, the average person may not be able to reach Zhao Lang's realm in a lifetime, but even so, he was also attacked by this burst. The Yuanshen attack that came was so painful.

It's hard to imagine how terrible it would be if other people who had never reached Zhao Lang's level were attacked by this temperature.


Just as Zhao Lang was gritting his teeth, a shocking cry came from under him.

Zhao Lang forced himself to lower his head to check, and was shocked in his heart.

Yuan Feng!

Under him was the leader of the phoenix family in the chaotic world. His eyes were full of anger at this time, and his wings waved. Every time he waved, a violent soul shock came towards Zhao Lang. .

He thought the latter wasn't here, but he didn't expect that he was standing on top of it right now...

He began to feel uneasy. Zhao Lang really didn't know what would happen next. If he did it directly, it would be difficult for him to display his full strength in the current environment, and it was very likely to irritate the other party. When the heat wave hit, he would not Know how much longer you can hold on.

"Ding! It is detected that the host met Yuanfeng in the Chaos Realm, and you can choose."

"One, take action immediately and kill him. The chance of winning is 30.00%. If you defeat Yuanfeng, you can get Yuanfeng's wings."

"Second, find a way to let him put down his guard, try to make a deal, and successfully integrate the Dao of Wind, you can get two hundred spirit treasures."

The odds are not high...

Zhao Lang smiled wryly, he was fighting it in someone else's territory, not to mention that he had already given half of his primordial spirit to the avatar at this time, so it was indeed a bit reluctant to rely on the physical body alone.

But Zhao Lang didn't want to fight it to the death.


He seemed to have thought of something.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang slowly raised his hand, but at the same time Yuanfeng seemed to have noticed his move, thinking that the former was about to make a move, and the spread of his wings was even wider, as if he was accumulating energy .

It can spread its wings covering the world to the extreme, and it contains stronger spiritual power and hotter temperature.

But the next moment, something slowly fell from Zhao Lang's sleeve.

Yuanfeng was stunned suddenly.

Zhao Lang was overjoyed to see this.

It worked!
The thing that fell was the phoenix staff rewarded to Zhao Lang by the system earlier.

Another magic weapon of Yuanfeng in the prehistoric world, this thing is the main attack, especially in the hands of the Phoenix clan, it can exert extremely powerful power.

Zhao Lang guessed that this magic weapon does not exist in the chaotic world, but seeing this guy's eyes fixed on this thing, he was secretly happy.

Then, not long after it appeared, the Phoenix Staff was taken back by Zhao Lang.

A suction force took away the magic weapon in front of him that he was quite interested in, Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment, and then transformed into a human form.

While Zhao Lang was stunned, a woman with a peerless beauty gradually appeared, dressed in red and yellow gauze, with bare feet and light flames, she looked extremely captivating!
This is much prettier than Nadaji!

Zhao Lang was startled, then frowned slightly, seeing that Yuanfeng did not continue to attack, he began to recover his spiritual power.

"give me."

Yuanfeng didn't talk nonsense, and came to Zhao Lang, her beautiful eyes were fixed on the latter's cuff.

"Yuanfeng, how about we make a deal?"

Zhao Lang smiled and looked at her.

Frowning slightly, Yuanfeng repeated without emotion: "Give it to me."

"If you want, that's fine."

Zhao Lang called out the phoenix stick, held it in his hand and played with it.

"I'll give it to you when I integrate the Dao Law, how about it?"

Yuanfeng said lightly: "If you don't give it to me, I will kill you."

Why is this guy like this?

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, Yuanfeng looked slim and pretty, why was he so taken aback?
He took back the phoenix stick, and then replied lightly.

"You can't get it even if you kill me. What's more, you think you can kill me easily? If you stand aside obediently and wait for me to merge with the Dao, I will never break my promise and offer it with my own hands. If you don't accept it , I want to leave and you can't stop me."

Yuanfeng frowned slightly, then she nodded.

"hurry up."

After finishing speaking, he stepped aside and looked at Zhao Lang.

It's not very comfortable to be stared at...

Zhao Lang shook his head, it seems that she will not break her promise, if she proves the Dao and succeeds in becoming a saint, then there is no harm in giving her something at that time, and she is not afraid of her doing it again.

Thinking in his heart, he immediately began to reintegrate the Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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