Chapter 81 Hitting My Friend?Thunderbolt

"Stop talking nonsense, I think you are afraid of me!"

Zhou Zhan seemed to be holding back his fire, he shouted.

Zhao Lang felt a little bad, although the former was the top strength of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but for this Lei Li, the latter was a Dao sage who had already proved his way, so he had no chance of winning at all.

I really don't know what this guy is thinking.

He sweated for Zhou Zhan, then looked at Lei Li.

At this time, Patriarch Lei above the stone platform also cast his gaze down, and Zhou Li stood beside him with a dignified expression.

Lei Li snorted coldly, and then Shengwei burst out. Judging from the spiritual power around him, it seemed that there were small electric snakes jumping out of his skin, which seemed to contain some terrifying power.

Zhou Zhan also used his spiritual power immediately afterward, but he was still not sanctified after all. If he had accepted the Dao of Wind that Patriarch Zhou gave him to proclaim and become sanctified, it is hard to say how this competition would be, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the former has no Odds...

However, he is full of vigor, which Zhao Lang admires.


I don't know when, Zhou Zhan took the lead in attacking, and then his body burst out, and there seemed to be gusts of wind in his fists.

The corner of Lei Li's mouth twitched, and he sneered, "It's ridiculous."

Then he flicked his finger slightly, and a light blue lightning shot out from between his fingers, and it quickly became larger when encountering the air, and smashed heavily towards Zhou Zhan.

Zhou Zhan, defeated.

This is the gap between saints and saints, and it is never possible for an unsage to compete with a saint.

At the beginning Zhao Lang was able to kill Zhou Feng, relying entirely on the blessings of countless magic weapons and exercises given to him by the system, coupled with the latter's carelessness, this is how he was able to kill the saint, but if it was really a face-to-face collision, he would probably be like Zhou Zhan , fell to the ground instantly.


A dull sound came out, and then Zhou Zhan fell on the edge of the stone platform, almost falling into the abyss.

But even if he still has spiritual power to display, he has no strength.

The bolt of lightning hit him all over his body just now, and he can't move now.

However, no one called to stop, unless one side was kicked off the stone platform, or surrendered, the competition would not end.

However, Zhou Zhan was trembling all over now, unable to speak at all, Zhao Lang could feel the anger in the former's eyes.

Lei Li walked towards him slowly, there were sparks from lightning in his palm, obviously, he didn't want to leave room for Zhou Zhan.

Zhao Lang frowned.

"Why did this guy kill? Why didn't Elder Zhou come out and stop?"

He looked at Zhou Li, who was also very anxious now, but he didn't speak for a long time.

"A bereaved dog is a bereaved dog. I don't know how much I weigh. I won't let you die, but I will let you remember the fear I gave you, my master, for the rest of your life, hehe..."

Lei Li squinted his eyes, and as soon as he finished speaking, he raised his palms, and there was a roar in them that shook the sky!

A huge thunder light like a mountain came out from his palm and went straight to Zhou Zhan!
As soon as the former finished speaking, a systematic reminder appeared in Zhao Lang's consciousness:
"Ding! It is detected that the host friend is in danger, and you can choose."

"One, don't meddle in other people's business, protect yourself, and you can get the magic weapon Houyi Bow."

"Second, take action immediately, protect the lives of your companions, and defeat Lei Li, you can get the fragment of the Dao of Thunder."

There is no need to choose at all.

Zhao Lang almost made the choice at the same time as Lei Li shot, and then the colors behind him rose like a rainbow.

Five colors of light!


An ear-piercing sound sounded, covering up the roar of Lei Li's palm force.

The next moment, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the five-color divine light completely wiped out the thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang appeared in front of Zhou Zhan.

"who are you?"

Lei Li was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and asked.

Zhao Lang smiled faintly, and replied: "I am an unknown person, and he is my friend. The son of Patriarch Lei that I saw today is indeed very heroic. He is not your opponent. Please be merciful."

He didn't want to cause trouble, his tone was very peaceful, and it sounded like there was nothing wrong with him.

However, everyone was still wondering what the strange supernatural power was just now, and they didn't care what Zhao Lang said at all.

"So strong."

"This guy doesn't look weak."

"What kind of supernatural power was that just now? Could it be a magic weapon?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there were no people who applauded Lei Li for a while, which made him look a little ugly.

Zhao Lang helped Zhou Zhan off the stone platform and sent him spiritual power, and the latter gradually began to have an intuition.

"I'm not his opponent...I..."

Zhao Lang shook his head. There is no fairness between saints and saints. If he had become a saint instead of himself, it would definitely not be like this. He felt a little guilty about it.

"Then you will come up and fight with me!"

Lei Li said coldly on the stone platform.

The surrounding Lei clan members immediately applauded again, they really wanted to see the excitement, after all Lei Li is the son of the patriarch, and no one would give his best even in a competition on weekdays.

This made him very relaxed, thinking that he was invincible.

Zhao Lang didn't speak, but still looked at Zhou Zhan.

"Don't go, you are not his opponent, brother Zhao, don't compare with him."

Zhou Zhan hurriedly grabbed Zhao Lang, shook his head and said.

Zhao Lang smiled, and glanced at Yuanfeng, she seemed very interested in her own attack, she put her head on the stone platform, as if to mean: "Go?"

Zhao Lang was helpless, but he really wanted to teach this Lei Li a lesson today, to let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

Besides, the condition of the system is that the reward can only be obtained by defeating Lei Li, so he has already decided.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, he stepped onto the stage, but most of them were expecting Lei Li to defeat him and win face for the Lei Clan.

Listening to the flattery of his clansmen, Lei Li gradually lost his composure.

He completely forgot the five-color divine light that Zhao Lang just showed.

Zhao Lang came to the stage, he glanced at Lei Clan patriarch and Zhou Li, then turned to Lei Li.

"It's over."

However, the latter sneered, "What are you, today I will make you regret your choice!"

Immediately, the holy power was unleashed, and the sky above the cliff was suddenly clouded with thunder and lightning.

As expected of the Dao of Thunder, the spiritual power contained in it is really as turbulent as rushing thunder!

Zhao Lang suddenly had some desire for this power.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lang did not display his holy power, but summoned 24 Dinghai beads in his hands.

However, Lei Li felt that this person was a saint who did not display his holy power and was completely provoking him. Then he let out a roar, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky in his hand, forming a sword of thunder and lightning!
The young master actually summoned Lei Jian out!
This time the person on the other side is miserable...

He doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth dares to challenge our Thunder Clan, and I'm afraid he will suffer a little bit today.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but none of them was optimistic about Zhao Lang.

Only Zhou Zhan didn't speak, and Yuan Feng's expressionless face was covered with an imperceptible smile...

"That man, look at the Thunder Sword!"

Lei Li yelled, and then his body was like lightning, the speed was too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

The Saint of the Dao of Thunder is really powerful!

Even Zhao Lang secretly sighed in his heart.

But just when Lei Li's thunder sword was about to stab Zhao Lang, the latter suddenly dissipated like a bubble into a cloud of smoke...

The next moment, Zhao Lang appeared in midair, wrapped in spiritual power and suspended above Lei Li's head.

The Dinghai Pearl in his hand is emitting dozens of rays of light!

Twelve degrees of gods and gods.

Boom boom boom...

The surroundings of the stone platform seemed to be formed into a cage by an invisible spiritual force, and Zhao Lang used it as the eye of the formation.

Lei Li felt a little bad for a moment, and then the power of the twelve elements in the Shensha formation crazily attacked and swept towards him!

Although these elemental powers are not fatal, their moves are profound, plus he jumped out from countless corners and bumped into Lei Li, making him feel unable to move.

Zhao Langyun was calm and breezy, and the voice transmission went down: "Admit defeat, Young Master Lei."

Lei Li's face was distorted, and he was very angry. He had never been deflated. Who would not give him seven points from childhood to rich?

"You bastard, you can do it!"

His voice was gloomy, because Zhao Lang didn't use all his strength to release it in the [-]th degree gods' formation, he just imprisoned him, so he felt that the latter must have used some evil tricks, so he was unwilling.

On the other hand, there was a feeling in his tone that Zhao Lang would not dare to do this.

Zhao Lang shook his head and smiled wryly, "That's an offence."

Afterwards, he summoned the sword of the avenue to break the wind, and with an understatement, he tore apart the surrounding void!

Immediately afterwards, he lightly hooked, and an invisible hurricane quickly condensed around the sword, making the Thunder Clan below them a little unsteady.

Zhou Li looked at Zhao Lang in the sky, frowning, shocked in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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