Chapter 82 The Deal with Patriarch Lei

This person not only merged with the Dao of Wind, but also obtained the Breaking Wind Sword, which is a symbol of pure law!
Among the generations of the Zhou clan, only the No. 1 patriarch practiced the complete Dao of Wind and became holy, possessing the Pofeng. After that, the subsequent patriarchs of the Zhou clan could only practice part of the Dao of Wind, and naturally they could not obtain the Pofeng Sword.

However, at the next moment, the sword energy formed by Pofeng blows Lei Li, who is in the [-]th degree Heavenly God Demon Formation, out of the stone platform!

Everyone in the Thunder Clan was shocked.


Who is that person, and why is he so powerful?What kind of magic weapon is that string of beads?
Doubts about Zhao Lang instantly flooded everyone's minds.

The Lei Clan patriarch nodded, "Not bad."

Zhou Li hurriedly turned around and saluted, "What an offense, what an offense, this person is Zhou Zhan's friend."


Patriarch Lei glanced at him in disbelief, and said with a smile, "How can my friend have your clan's Dao Law? And there is also the Wind Breaking Sword?"

Zhou Li was stopped by this question, and he didn't know how to recover for a while, he hesitated and froze.

Looking back at the stone platform, Zhao Lang slowly descended under the shocked eyes of everyone, looked at Lei Li below, and gave a shallow salute.

"It's too late, I'm so offended, please forgive me."

Lei Li was fine, but he was a little dizzy from the sudden shock. Before he could react, he stood up with the support of some clansmen.

Zhao Lang turned his head, led Zhou Zhan and followed Yuanfeng, and they left here under the watchful eyes of everyone from the Lei Clan.

"Brother Zhao, you are too strong! I never thought you could even get the Pofeng Sword. Where did you get it?"

Zhou Zhan patted Zhao Lang on the back, as if he completely forgot that he almost had an accident just now.

Zhao Lang shook his head and ignored him.

Walking into the wooden house, he sighed, "You almost have an accident today, what would you do if I wasn't here?"

Zhao Lang frowned slightly and looked at Zhou Zhan.

The latter scratched his head and smiled hey.

However, as soon as they entered the wooden house with their front feet, someone followed them behind them.

"Little brother, the potential is endless."

Zhao Lang turned around sharply, and the patriarch of the Lei Clan came behind him at some point, but at this moment he was holding the fragment of the Dao of Thunder rewarded by the system in his hand.

This is!

Patriarch Lei's eyes brightened, and then he looked at Zhao Lang: "This is?"

The latter did not speak. Since he had seen everything, it was useless to defend himself, so he nodded.

"Why do you have this thing!"

Patriarch Lei originally wanted to get acquainted with Zhao Lang, but he did not expect to see a fragment of the Dao of Thunder in his clan. There is only one piece of it in his clan, and there are three pieces of the Dao of Thunder in total. The strength cannot be underestimated.

He didn't expect, never would have thought that he would see the second fragment in the hands of an outsider!

Immediately afterwards, Yuanfeng also took out a piece and handed it to Zhao Lang.

Three slices!

All the fragments of the Dao of Thunder are gone.

"Little brother, where did you get these things?"

Patriarch Lei hurriedly asked, his excitement couldn't be concealed.

Holding the two fragments, Zhao Lang didn't know how to describe it, but he definitely wouldn't say it was a system.

Before he could speak, Lei Li's voice came in again from outside the house.

"Come out, I was plotted by you just now, come out and fight again!"

He shouted, obviously not convinced.

Patriarch Lei frowned, turned around and walked out of the house and shouted: "Don't make any noise! ​​This little brother is an honored guest of our clan, go down!"

Lei Li had never been criticized so harshly by his father. He was stunned at this moment, but because of the authority of the patriarch, he left angrily.

"Little brother, where did you come from?"

Turning around, Patriarch Lei looked at Zhao Lang with a smile on his face.

The latter waved his hand, and said calmly: "I can't tell senior about this, but I can hand over this thing to the patriarch, but there are two conditions."

Hearing this, Patriarch Lei was naturally very willing. What he wanted most in his heart were the remaining two fragments of the Dao of Thunder, so that his clan members would no longer have to practice incomplete exercises, and their strength would become stronger.

"Little brother, just mention it, but the old man will do his best."

Zhao Lang smiled, looked at the Patriarch Lei in front of him, and said: "It's not an excessive request, there are only two things, the first is that I want to prove your Dao of Thunder and integrate the Law of Thunder, these two fragments are mine. Found it, this request should not be too much."

Patriarch Lei was a little hesitant, but he was more surprised.

"Little brother, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, it's just that you have already proved the Dao of Wind and became holy? You can't practice other Dao laws?"

Zhao Lang smiled.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own arrangements, you just say whether you want to agree to me or not."

This person is also a saint, if Patriarch Lei snatches the two fragments from him, it may be difficult to get them.

"It's up to you, it's up to you!"

He quickly agreed.

"What about the second one?"

Zhao Lang suddenly stopped pacing, his brows tightened.

"Second, I want to know about the Grand Dao Palace, everything..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was extremely astonished, and even Yuan Feng showed a trace of shock on his face.

Patriarch Lei and Zhou Li looked at each other.

"Little brother, I'm afraid we can't tell you much about this matter. The Grand Dao Palace is like a trial ground in the Chaos Realm. Sometimes the strongest people in each clan will be taken away, and then they will never Come back, about their information, I only know this..."

The strongest man in the tribe?
Zhao Lang began to think.

What do those Chaos Demon Gods want these people to do? They are nothing more than cultivators of the Dao, and the Chaos Demon God himself is the Three Thousand Dao. Is it to prove his own strength?
To prove the dominance of Chaos?

There is no need, the Chaos Realm was originally created by these guys, and they don't need to do it many times.

Zhao Lang fell into deep thought, while the Lei Clan patriarch was a little uneasy, he was worried that Zhao Lang would backtrack.

Seeing that he is not weak, if he wants to leave by force, no one will be able to stop him.

Patriarch Lei hesitated, feeling a little nervous.

At this time, the voice of the system also appeared in Zhao Lang's consciousness:

"Ding! It is detected that Patriarch Lei is asking for help from the host, so you can choose."

"[-]. If you refuse the request and swallow the fragments alone, you can get the resentment of Patriarch Lei."

"Second, believe in the former, and hand over the fragments to him, you can get the gratitude of the Lei Patriarch and the opportunity to integrate with the Dao of Thunder."

Systematic analysis is always right.

Zhao Lang immediately made a choice.

"Here, Chief Lei, the Dao of Thunder is the inheritance of your Thunder Clan, and now return it to the original owner, but please remember our agreement, and then you will synthesize the fragments of the Dao of Thunder, and let me practice this law."

Zhao Lang handed the two fragments to Patriarch Lei in front of him. The latter was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to be so forthright. Then he took it and said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, little brother, if you obey me, you won't go back on your word!"

Afterwards, he put away the fragments, and said: "I will integrate the Dao of Thunder later, and I will be the first to notify the little brother!"

Zhao Lang nodded, watching the former leave, he sat cross-legged.

Zhou Zhan was in a daze throughout the whole process.

"What's going on? Brother Zhao, why do you have things from the Thunder Clan?"

Without answering, Zhao Lang just smiled lightly, then glanced at Yuanfeng.

"Why are you willing to hand over things? Aren't you like Aibao?"

There was some banter in the voice, Zhao Lang smiled.

Yuanfeng remained expressionless, "I want more."

have to!And make trouble for myself.

Zhou Li, Zhou Zhan and the two went out of the house, Zhao Lang summoned some magic weapons from his sleeve and handed them to Yuanfeng.

Hey, without you, the Phoenix clan should have developed even better!

Zhao Lang shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

Not long after, the Patriarch Lei kept his promise, called Zhao Lang the important place of the Dao Lei Clan, and then gave Zhao Lang the cultivation rules of the Dao of Lei.

Letting Zhao Lang come to Lei Clan's training forbidden area alone, it is enough to see that Lei Clan Chief is also a very trustworthy person, and he has a good sense of Zhao Lang.

On the other hand, he was also curious about what Zhao Lang was going to do?
Normally, only one cultivation law is allowed to exist in a human body. If you have practiced the Dao of Wind, then you cannot practice the Dao of Thunder.

Unless you give up the Dao of Wind, start all over again.

But what saint would do that?


So he was looking forward to it, not knowing what Zhao Lang had in mind.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Zhao Lang looked down, among other things, he was really moved by the cliff.

This is the cultivation center of the Lei Clan. All clan members who are about to become holy can come here and get a quiet and safe environment for cultivation.

Surrounded by faint clouds and mist.

This kind of place where you can't go up to the sky, and you can't go down to the ground is the most ideal place for cultivation.

Nodding in satisfaction, Zhao Lang looked at a stone tablet in front of him. There was a stone disc on it, which was split into three petals, but when they were spliced ​​together at this moment, he could still feel the spiritual power in it even stronger than the Great Dao. Some!
Nodding his head in satisfaction, Zhao Lang did not hesitate at all, and directly summoned the Daoist Jade Slip and placed it in front of him, placing one hand on it.

The other hand is slowly moving towards the stone disc of the Dao of Thunder.

He was a little excited. This would be his first attempt to integrate into the second avenue into his body. Although he didn't know what would happen, he knew that once he succeeded, it would mean that there would be infinite possibilities in his body.

As his hand approached slowly, there was suddenly a violent wind sound around him.

Countless spiritual power began to emerge from the stone disc and penetrated into Zhao Lang's body!

A huge thunder fell from the sky and landed around Zhao Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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