Chapter 84 Loyalty and treasure?Prehistoric trend

Hearing this voice, Xuan Heihu knew it was Bi Xiao, and he got up quickly.

"Senior, borrow the avatar and let me come to Mount Buzhou to see if you are back."

Bi Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then the three of them appeared together.

At this time, their primordial spirits have still recovered, and they are waiting for Zhao Lang to come back.

"What did Yi brother say?"

Bi Xiao hurried forward and asked.

"Senior said that you disappeared inexplicably in the Chaos Realm. He searched for a hundred years, but he couldn't find it. He suddenly remembered that you might have returned to the wilderness, so he sent me a message to let me take a look."

Xuan Heihu looked at the three women and said.

San Xiao was silent, they blamed themselves for not being strong enough, and could not return to the chaos to explore with Zhao Lang.

Xuanheihu was a little surprised. After all, the three women were on the same level as him before they entered the Chaos Realm, but why did Honghuang only reach a strength that he couldn't see through when they returned after a hundred years.

Presumably the predecessors have already been sanctified!

He thought in his heart and couldn't help but get excited.

"I'm going back. Are you going to stay in the Chaos Palace?"

Xuan Heihu asked.

San Xiao nodded.

"The brother-in-law will come back here, and we will wait for him here."

After a few casual greetings, Xuan Heihu left in a hurry.

"Great, senior must have become a Daoist saint at this time, we will have a backer in the future!"

He quickly headed towards Wudang Mountain...

Zhao Lang has a long way to go to find the road of water. Although the sage thinks thousands of miles, the world of chaos is huge and boundless. It will take some time to find the ocean from the land.

After being sanctified, his spiritual power is inexhaustible.

But Zhou Zhan is different. Although he is the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, his spiritual power is also consumed, just like when Zhao Lang fought against Zhou Feng, Zhao Lang fell into a coma for several months after the first battle because his spiritual power was exhausted.

After taking a few Chaos Pills, he was able to recover his spiritual power quickly.

Several people randomly found a cave to sit down.

Zhao Lang threw a few spirit treasures to Yuanfeng as usual.

The most terrifying thing was that he was numb!

This is like a task given by the system. When the time is up every day, you have to give Yuanfeng a few spirit treasures, otherwise she will keep staring at herself, as if she has to turn into a phoenix and swallow it in her mouth all the time.

Although Zhao Lang's current strength is not bad, but he doesn't want to be an enemy, throwing a few magic weapons to her to calm her down, that's enough.

Covering his left eye, Zhao Lang opened his right eye and stared into the Dao Primordial Desolation.

"The Celestial Master finally went out again!"

"It's rare! The Celestial Master goes out once in half a year!"

All the cultivating disciples came to salute one after another, but Zhao Lang didn't feel anything. He waved his hand to signal them to continue, while he wandered around and started wandering in the mountains.

Suddenly, he saw Shen Gongbao.

"What are you doing?"

When Zhang Tian opened his mouth, Shen Gongbao, who was sneaking around, was startled and turned around suddenly.

"Master of Heaven..."

Zhao Lang saw that he was holding a book of exercises in his hand. This book of exercises can only be dabbled in the realm of Xuanxian. Shen Gongbao is not strong enough at this time, and learning should be forbidden to avoid problems.

"It's quite hardworking. Come on, let me teach you a few tricks."

Zhao Lang was somewhat interested in him, and then passed on to him the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu and Qianshan Zhenlei Palm's kung fu.

After appreciating it, Shen Gongbao respected the Celestial Master even more!

Zhao Lang smiled in satisfaction, and then manipulated Zhang Tian back to the mountain.

"Senior! Former..."

Xuan Heihu rushed over halfway, and saw Zhang Tian, ​​Zhao Lang's avatar, walking up the mountain, so he hurried over and glanced at Shen Gongbao who was practicing.

"How many times have I said it, Heavenly Master! Heavenly Master!"

With a helpless expression on Zhang Tian's face, he stretched out his hand and patted Xuan Heihu's forehead twice.

That is him, Xuan Heihu would definitely work hard for someone else.

However, he knew that as long as the avatar appeared, it must be Zhao Lang who operated it afterwards, so he was all smiles when he was beaten.

The two came to Zhang Tian's Taoist room, and the latter waved his hand lightly, and a thin layer of golden mist was spread outside the room.

Isolate the consciousness, so that no one can hear the next words.

Seeing what he did this time, Xuan Heihu was even more certain of his conjecture.

"Senior, have you become a saint?"

he asked.

Zhang Tian didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

Then he asked, "How about what you were asked to do?"

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Xuanheihu smiled: "Sanxiao and the others have all returned to the Chaos Palace, safe and sound, and I see that their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, so I guess you must have improved a lot, senior!"

This guy is quite thoughtful.

Zhao Lang pouted and smiled, manipulating Zhang Tiandao: "Where is Luya, is there any news?"

Xuan Heihu shook his head.

"Kong Xuan went back to Fengqi Mountain once, but Yao Sheng Lu Ya was not there, it is said that he went to Zixiao Palace."

Hearing Zixiao Palace, Zhao Lang frowned instinctively.

Hongjun!This guy probably has something bad to deal with him.

But Zhao Lang didn't care, as long as he didn't move the people around him, everything would be acceptable.

Just as he was thinking in his heart, a disciple's voice came from outside Wudang Mountain.

"Taoist Duobao is here, Taoist Duobao is here!"

All cultivators naturally know Taoist Duobao, and even his apostasy a few years ago still cannot erase the world's impression of him.

That was the number one disciple under the head of Tongtian Sect before!

The business of the system also appeared:

"Ding! It is detected that Daoist Duobao came to the host to solve his doubts, and you can choose."

"One, keep it out, don't see many treasures, drive them away, and you can get three Houtian Lingbao."

"Second, solve the puzzles for them, point out the maze, and you can get fifty pieces of Houtian Lingbao."

Zhao Lang didn't want to see him at first. After all, Duobao will still be a robbed person, and he is in the midst of teaching. In addition, Zhao Lang was a little disappointed by Duobao's choice last time, so he always blamed him in his heart. he.

But the system obviously wanted him to meet Daoist Duobao.

The system's guidance must be correct, and it has always been to let Zhao Lang develop in a good direction.

Zhang Tian pondered for a while, then said, "Let Duobao in."

Xuanheihu retreated in response, and Duobao entered the Taoist room after a while.

Looking at the expressionless Zhang Tian on the futon, Taoist Duobao was a little embarrassed.


He saluted deeply.

Zhao Lang sighed, he had already paved the way for him to go to the West to teach, and everyone went to the West, but he still wanted to return to the Jiejiao, and now he has been despised by everyone in the Jiejiao.

"sit down."

Zhang Tian spoke lightly.

Duobao hesitated for a moment, and sat cross-legged in front of Zhao Lang's avatar, facing each other.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Zhang Tian asked first, naturally because Duobao came to him because something was going to happen.

Duobao nodded: "Senior Wuliang, I have something I want to ask you to answer."

The clone nodded.

"Senior, is Jiejiao doomed to decline?"

Duobao asked.

Zhao Lang couldn't laugh or cry.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!Daoist Duobao, you are still such a loyal person?He has no status in the sect, yet he still cares about the survival of the Jiejiao.


The clone nodded and said calmly.

Duobao didn't seem surprised, because he felt it too.

Although Zhao Lang had suggested to him, telling him not to care too much about the prosperity of the Jujiao because the prosperity will inevitably decline, but the Master of Tongtian seems to be against him. At this time, the number of disciples in the Jujiao is already more than before More than doubled!
From this point of view, Jiejiao must be robbed.

"Then will I still end up teaching in the West?"

Duobao asked again.

How do I know this?

Zhang Tian shook his head, "Do you want to go now? The Western religion may not dare to accept you. What if they doubt your loyalty to Tongtian and think you were sent there by him?"

Taoist Duobao was silent, he lowered his head and sighed.

"Senior, where should I go?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Lang couldn't bear it anymore. After all, he had a pretty good sense of Duobao. The only thing he couldn't understand was that he had arranged for him to become the Buddha without going through calamities. Those who violated it.

"Just wait and see. Before the catastrophe happens, you can just retreat. If the one who intercepts the teaching loses in the future, you should have no problem going to the Western religion. Or if you are willing to come to my sect, I can accept you." .”

Zhang Tian replied.

Duobao was shocked, he couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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