My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 85 Find the law of water and enter the ocean!

Chapter 85 Find the law of water and enter the ocean!
"Really? Senior, really?"

Compared with the Sage sect, Daoist Duobao has always felt that Zhao Lang is an unfathomable power. Even after knowing that he is Zhao Gongming, his admiration for him is even deeper.

To be able to surpass himself in strength in such a short period of time, he has worked hard for countless years, but he has not achieved as much as Zhao Lang's one-month retreat.

This man is indeed worthy of being his master!

But Zhao Lang won't accept it now, he has to wait.

When everything in the Chaos Realm was settled, he returned to the Great Desolation. At that time, what he had to do was not only to accept Taoist Duobao as an apprentice, but also to protect all the people around him from the catastrophe of Conferring Gods.

Now his strength has allowed it, but because the Chaos Realm has given him too many doubts, and there must be some reason for the system to continuously guide him to continue to practice, so he can't go back for the time being.

After Taoist Bao left, Zhao Lang covered his right eye, opened his left eye and looked towards the Chaos Realm.

However, Yuanfeng was staring at him at this time, to be precise, at the fifty magic weapons that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"That can't be done!"

Zhao Lang felt a chill, and then hurriedly put the magic weapon into his sleeve.

Yuanfeng immediately frowned.

"One a day, not more!"

Zhao Lang had no choice but to randomly summon an Houtian Lingbao and give it to Yuanfeng.

Houtian Lingbao is much stronger than the self-made magic weapon of Lingbao level, Zhao Lang feels his heart is bleeding.

If things go on like this, Yuanfeng may be able to assemble the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation in a few days...

Zhao Lang's head was full of black lines, and he smiled wryly.

Afterwards, several people continued on their way to Chaos Ocean.

The water and ocean in the prehistoric are already extremely wide.

Zulong, a creature whose eyeball is comparable to that of the earth, there are more than ten million in the prehistoric world, not counting some other scales, and its depth can be imagined.

What's more, the Chaos Realm is several times larger than the Great Desolation, and the ocean here must be...

Thinking about it, they have already arrived at a mountain top, and in front of them is an endless vast land.

Looking at a stele engraved in front of him, there are three characters on it.


Zhao Lang murmured.

It's a good name, and it shouldn't be something that the minds of those Chaos Demon Gods can come up with.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang laughed out loud.

However, Yuanfeng kept frowning tightly.

"What? Scared?"

Zhao Lang laughed jokingly.

The former did not speak, and kept looking at the boundless sea.

This is the territory of the ancestor dragon. The last time he was in Pohuangyuan because it was his residence, so he was able to repel the ancestor dragon and the first unicorn so easily. But in the water, the ancestor dragon was the top powerhouse in the chaos world.

Zhao Lang shook his head.

"If you're afraid, you don't have to come, let's go back to Pohuangyuan."

Afterwards, he patted Zhou Zhan on the back, the two of them looked at each other, and then turned into a rainbow and jumped into the sea!

The sea was stirred up into hundreds of waves.

Yuanfeng bit her red lips lightly, and after a while, jumped into it...

The Chaos Ocean is colder than imagined.

As he went deeper, Zhao Lang couldn't see his surroundings clearly, so he finally had to use his weak spiritual power to illuminate it.

Because this is the territory of Zulong, they had just repelled it before, if they were discovered by the dragon clan, they would inevitably have to go through a fight.

Zhao Lang didn't want to cause trouble for himself, the purpose of his trip was to find the source of water.

However, Zhao Lang took out the blueprint with spiritual power, but Zhao Lang couldn't understand the meaning above.

The final destination is the bottom of the chaotic ocean. It looks like a huge dojo. There is a dragon drawn in it. Zhao Lang thinks that it should be the ancestor dragon.

Doesn't it mean to let him find the Dragon Palace of Zulong?

Could it be that the origin of water lies in Zulong?
Zhao Lang was a little puzzled.

However, at this moment, the three of them suddenly felt that the water pressure around them became stronger, and then an undercurrent rushed in, pushing the three of them to one place.

Zhao Lang used his spiritual power to resist, but Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng were negligent for a while, and were swept away by the violent undercurrent.

Frowning tightly, Zhao Lang hurriedly chased after him.

I don't know how long I have been chasing.

Zhao Lang rushed out from the bottom of the sea, in front of him was a Mediterranean sea?Among them, there are heaven and earth, mountains and water.

What surprised him even more was that there were still people?
A few people in scale armor quickly surrounded Zhao Lang. Seeing that these guys were no more than quasi-sages, Zhao Lang didn't care. He just looked at Zhou Zhan and Yuan Feng in front of him.

The three wanted to make a move, but suddenly one of them emerged from the water.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our tribal territory!"

He looked handsome, youthful, and well built.

The silver scale armor on his body is very dazzling, and the silver fork in his hand looks cold.

Is a saint?

Zhao Lang frowned slightly, "We didn't mean to break into this place, please forgive me for the offense."

As soon as he finished speaking, another person walked out behind the man.

This one is quite old, dressed in golden scale armor, holding a trident.

"I am Hong Wen, the patriarch here. You broke into the sea to my clan's territory, and you brought Yuanfeng, the leader of the Phoenix clan, with you. How can you convince me that you have no malicious intentions?"

The man's voice was calm and serious.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and replied politely: "Patriarch Hong, I did bring this person, but we just want to go to the bottom of the sea to find the avenue of water, and we don't have any other ideas."

Hearing this sentence, everyone's face sank, especially Hong Wen, as if this incident touched his back.

"Get out! There's no way of water here, you thieves!"

Afterwards, he waved the trident in his hand, and waves of turbulent waves gathered from the surroundings, turning into a huge water column and rushing towards Zhao Lang and the others.

Looking at the water column, Zhao Lang didn't panic.

At this time, he is already a double saint, with two laws added to him.

With a touch, the water column was sucked away by a hurricane that appeared in his palm, and then turned into water mist and scattered.

"Patriarch Hong, I'm afraid you have identified the wrong person, we are not thieves."

Although Zhao Lang didn't want to make trouble, he would never allow anyone to frame him.

Hearing this, Hong Wen was full of disdain, "No thief would call himself a thief! I've been lied to once, do you really think I'm stupid?"

Afterwards, he stood the trident in front of him, and countless spiritual powers gathered in it.

Looks like a saint too!
The rest of the people followed suit one after another, standing their weapons in front of them, chanting words in their mouths.

Zhao Lang frowned slightly.

What exactly are these guys motivated by?

Yuanfeng seems to be ready to transform at any time.

But she was stopped by Zhao Lang. After all, this is the ocean of chaos. Yuanfeng is absolutely inferior to Zulong in the water. If he finds out, there may be trouble again.

The sound of the system also sounded on time at this moment:
"Ding! The host of the detection path encountered a misunderstanding in the chaotic world and can choose."

"One, regardless of Sanqi 21, if you dare to misunderstand this deity, you will kill him! You can get the Mediterranean world."

"Second, shock everyone, justify yourself and let them worship you, you can get water-avoiding pills."

The first choice is always so crazy...

Zhao Lang made a decision without looking at it.

"Thief! Take your life!"

Hong Wen shouted suddenly, and then pointed the trident towards Zhao Lang, and suddenly an endless spiritual force mixed with explosive water waves came towards the latter.

There seems to be a kind of spiritual power that can be smashed into pieces in the blossoming waves, which is extremely turbulent.

In desperation, Zhao Lang shook his head.

With both hands down, he summoned two swords, Qinglian and Pokong!

As soon as the Qinglian Sword came out, Hong Wen and the others, even the expressionless Yuan Feng, stared wide-eyed!
They have heard of the Sword of the Great Dao, but the breath of the other sword...

Absolutely a treasure of chaos!
Before they could react, Zhao Lang's double swords swiped lightly around his body, and an invisible spiritual force came out from it, one side was mixed with whistling hurricane, and the other was a crimson lightning!

Neither of the two strands of spiritual power had been used to the extreme, but they could easily defeat the attacks of Hong Wen and the others.

After breaking through, the strength has not disappeared, and it is rushing towards them!

(End of this chapter)

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