Chapter 86 Patriarch Hong's Request
Seeing that Hong Wen was about to be attacked by force, the young man blocked his body in front of the latter.

"What are you doing, my son, get out of the way!"

Hong Wen frowned.


The next moment, Zhao Lang used the five-color divine light to wipe out the remaining sword energy, and then put the two swords into his sleeves.

Seeing that his son in front of him was safe and sound, Hong Wen gradually calmed down.

"Patriarch Hong, as I said, we have no malicious intentions, and we are not thieves. We just admire the power of the avenue of water, and want to explore the chaotic deep sea to see if there is a chance for us."

Zhao Lang stepped forward and spoke slowly.

Hong Wen calmed down, looked at Zhao Lang and the others, and sighed after a while.

"Hey! I was reckless, I shouldn't have shot like this, but I really have something... It's hard to tell! If you can't find the Dao of Water, you should leave earlier."

Zhao Lang smiled, "If you have anything to say, you might as well say it, maybe there is someone I can help, and I will definitely help."

"It's really bold, fellow daoist, once again I apologize for the recklessness just now!"

Afterwards, with a wave of one hand, Hong Wen came to a huge palace from the coast of the Mediterranean world outside.

This can be regarded as the first living and humanoid tribe that Zhao Lang has seen in the Chaos Realm.

The screen retreated to the left and right, only a few attendants remained in the hall, Hong Wen and his son, and the rest were Zhao Lang and others.

Hong Wen motioned them to sit down, then paced back and forth, thinking about how to tell this story.

"Fellow daoist, you don't know. We are waiting to master the great way of water and control the chaotic sea area. Suddenly, the ancestor dragon said that he would let his disciples come to practice with me. I think they are both ocean tribes, even if they are beast tribes. It should also be given a face, but who would have thought..."

He was a little agitated, and after a while, he spoke again.

"Who would have thought that the ancestor dragon would allow his fellow clan to steal away the treasure of our clan, the Dao of Water, and it has been ten thousand years, and no one in my clan has practiced the Dao of Water for a long time. Before that, I was There are hundreds of strong cultivators, but now there are only a few who surpass Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, hey, I really..."

Zhao Lang was taken aback for a moment, this Zulong in the Chaos Realm is so poor and vicious?
Looking at Yuanfeng, her expression was also a little gloomy...

"Then, what do you mean, the Dao of Water is now in the hands of Zulong?"

Zhao Lang asked.

Hong Wen nodded, and said, "That's right, that's why I said you should leave and don't waste your time."

Zhao Lang smiled, he came to the former, and said calmly: "Clan Chief Hong, if I help you take back the Dao of Water, can you promise me one thing?"

Hearing this, Hong Wen was startled, he hurriedly gave a deep salute, and said anxiously.

"Brother Dao! Don't say one thing. If you can help my family get it back, I would rather respect you as my teacher. Even if there are hundreds of pieces, I will do it!"

Zhao Lang nodded, then roughly asked about the specific details, and was arranged to rest temporarily in a palace room.

Zhou Zhan looked shocked.

"Good guy, I didn't expect such a place to exist in the depths of the ocean? After I return to the tribe, I will also..."

While talking, he stopped and bowed his head in silence.

Zhao Lang is used to it, this guy is happy and depressed every day, and his mood is capricious, but he also understands the former, after all, the pain of massacre, everyone around him was killed, that feeling.

If it were him, he would be completely crazy!

Looking at Yuanfeng's indifferent expression, Zhao Lang knew that it was time to give the magic weapon again.

Immediately, he took out an Houtian Lingbao and handed it to her, and asked, "What level can Zulong reach in the sea of ​​chaos?"

After taking the magic weapon, the latter unexpectedly didn't study it carefully, but replied lightly.

"Above saints."

What, above the saints?

Zhao Lang was a little shocked, he didn't expect him to have such a strong strength in his own territory.

Saints are also roughly divided into three levels. Counting the three thousand avenues where the sage of heaven is one of them, each dao will give rise to practitioners. Practitioners can rely on this way of cultivation. into a system.

Heavenly practice method.

However, the remaining thousands of avenues belong to chaos, collectively referred to as the avenue cultivation method.

It is the law that Zhao Lang and everyone in the chaotic world are practicing.

Hongjun can also be regarded as the cultivation method of the Dao, because he cultivated the original Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven still belonged to the Dao at that time.

People who have proved themselves through the Three Thousand Ways of the Great Way are divided into three realms. Although there is no clear definition of what the realm is called, there are still three levels that can be divided into early saints, saints, and above saints.

Most of the saints are above the innate comprehension of the law, and the words of the Chaos Demon God can be regarded as above the saints.

Because their bodies are the law of the great way.

Zulong didn't realize how strong he was when he was on land. Zhao Lang thought that in the bottom of the sea, he was at most the strength of a saint in the early stage, but he didn't expect to reach above the saint!

Even Zhao Lang, who has two Dao Laws, is only at the beginning of a saint at this time.

In his heart, he cursed the ghost world created by the Chaos Demon God, but he also had no choice.

After all, if he agreed to Patriarch Hong, he had to complete the agreement.

After all, the Dao of Water is the next Dao law that he needs to obtain. After driving so long to come here, it is still a bit unwilling to return empty-handed.

But what to do with those guys?
This is the bottom of the sea, if he can't defeat Zulong at home with the two laws he has mastered, unless he leads it out, and then waits for the opportunity to go to his Dragon Palace to find and bring back the Dao of Water.

Although this is a bit dangerous, but at this time, apart from this method, he really doesn't know what to do best.

Thinking in his heart, Zhao Lang decided to study the chaotic sticky gold first.

The system gave him chaotic sticky gold several times before, but he didn't have time to use it. Today he wants to try to make the magic weapon advanced!
The moment he summoned the Lianbaoding, he could feel Yuanfeng's eyes burning up.

"Don't bother me, let me tell you, if you dare to rob me, I won't give you anything, and then I have to send you to Zulong."

Zhao Lang threatened Yuanfeng with words, but she just snorted coldly, and then found a place to sit cross-legged and began to practice.

Zhao Lang started to worry after taking out the treasure refining tripod, chaotic sticky gold, treasure refining materials, and treasure refining code.

What magic weapon do I advance to?
As soon as he thought of the magic weapon, Zhao Lang's vision suddenly flashed again.

We're under the sea, under the sea...

I have Ding Haizhu!

"Ding! It is detected that the host's magic weapon Dinghaizhu can be advanced and can be selected."

"One, give up advancing, believe in your own strength, physically challenge the ocean overlord Zulong, the probability of winning is [-]%, and you can get the corpse of the Zulong if you defeat it."

"90.00. Immediately advance to the magic weapon. After success, the probability of defeating the ancestor dragon is [-]%.

It is really amazing to be able to calculate the winning rate.

(End of this chapter)

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