Chapter 87 Crisis!

Zhao Lang immediately made a choice and started working on the advanced magic weapon.

On the other side, Patriarch Hong also sent someone to send three water-avoiding pills.

This kind of elixir contains it in the mouth, which can greatly reduce the pressure brought by the undercurrent in the ocean. The existence of this kind of pressure will weaken the strength of the practitioner. According to the principle of restraint of the five elements, the strength of Yuanfeng on land or in the Pohuangyuan Can compete with saints, but in the sea, the strength is only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Zhao Lang didn't refuse, so he naturally accepted the water avoiding pill.

But he doesn't pin his hopes on this thing.

If Dinghaizhu can really be advanced, it will be much better than this thing.

Calling out the Dinghai Pearl, the light on it immediately lit up the surroundings, and the eyes of Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan also came through, especially the former stared at Dinghai Pearl almost firmly.

Without hesitation, Zhao Lang immediately threw the Dinghai Pearl into the treasure refining cauldron, and then sent spiritual power into it, and an invisible fire began to burn at the bottom of it.

With the continuous addition of treasure refining materials and chaotic sticky gold, Zhao Lang could feel the spiritual power of the Dinghai Pearl in it constantly expanding and contracting.

I secretly squeezed my sweat in my heart.

"It must be successful. If Dinghaizhu's rank is weakened instead of being successful, then the loss outweighs the gain."

There are risks in refining treasures, and the same is true for advancing. Spiritual treasures can be advanced into acquired spiritual treasures by inputting merit and spiritual power, and then Lingbao can be transformed into acquired treasures after being contaminated with innate energy, and so on.

But Ding Haizhu's rank is not low, and Zhao Lang has no merit.

If it wasn't for Chaos' stickiness to gold, I'm afraid he wouldn't want to take the risk.

Seeing the gradual rise of spiritual power, Zhao Lang began to get nervous.

At this moment, Yuanfeng made a sudden move, and a fierce flame came out of his hand, and went straight to the Lianbao Ding!
"what are you doing?"

Zhao Lang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react. The next moment, the flames entered the treasure refining cauldron!

In an instant, the spiritual power in it soared in vain, as if it had encountered a catalyst that could excite it.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar in the refining treasure cauldron, and it calmed down.

Zhao Lang looked at Yuanfeng, frowning, a little at a loss.

However, when he took out Dinghaizhu, he was shocked.

The grade of Dinghaizhu actually directly reached the innate treasure!
And the two that contain the source of fire are particularly shining at this moment.

How is this going?

Looking at Yuanfeng, the latter looked calm, and then sat aside and stopped paying attention to Dinghaizhu.

Under Yuanfeng's spiritual power, the treasure-refining cauldron can actually raise the level of treasure-refining?
Zhao Lang laughed out loud, and some thoughts began to form in his heart...

Dinghaizhu's strength at this time can completely fight against most saints. The magic weapon alone is enough to achieve this power, not to mention the great array of gods and demons condensed by the power of the twelve ancestor witches?

Feeling very happy, Zhao Lang put everything in his sleeves.

Several days passed.

Zhao Lang has always felt uneasy these days, as if there is always a pair of eyes staring at him.

This feeling has not passed for a long time, the last time was when Hongjun was still able to peek at himself before the secret realm of the Great Dao.

After training, Zhao Lang stood up.

However, patriarch Hong came with a hesitant expression.

"Fellow Daoist... when are you leaving?"

Zhao Lang smiled lightly.

Can't wait?
He calmly replied: "I will help you take back the Water Avenue today."

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong bowed, it is not difficult to see his excitement and gratitude.

"It's hard to chase after a word, if fellow Taoist can take back the law of the great way, I will regard you as my teacher, and you will send everything in the clan."

Zhao Lang didn't speak, but waved his hand, signaling Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan to come with him.

Sending the three of them out of the Mediterranean world, Patriarch Hong was full of anticipation...

It can be seen how eager he is for the avenue of water.

After leaving there, the three of them entered the vast and dark sea again.

Putting the water-avoiding pill in his mouth, Zhao Lang displayed the holy power, and then used his spiritual sense to detect the palace of the ancestor dragon.

Soon, he discovered a huge building at the bottom of the ocean.

It's quite big, it's worthy of Zulong.

Zhao Lang smiled lightly, and then his spiritual power exploded, and the whole body shone like a comet, rushing straight down...

The pressure in the ocean is huge, especially because this is chaos, not prehistoric.

The karma here is heavy, and everything around it looks like a huge cage.

Not long after, Zhao Lang came to the depths of the chaotic ocean, and the three of them looked down at a huge palace below them.

Zhao Lang frowned slightly, why couldn't his divine sense detect Zulong's breath?

Could it be that Zulong's strength has been greatly improved to come above himself?

Concerned in his heart, Zhao Lang asked Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan to stay outside, and decided to go alone.

I always feel that something is wrong today, I don't know why, but my spiritual power always feels a little depressed...

Zhao Lang hesitated for a moment, then prepared to enter it.

Zhou Zhan and the others also felt that this place was extremely strange, and it seemed that there was some indescribable coercion.

Zhao Lang turned into a rainbow and entered the hall, which seemed to be completely separated from the surrounding sea water, and the sea water formed a barrier outside it, which looked quite similar to his own secret realm of the Great Dao.

The surroundings seemed extraordinarily mysterious, and the dark and endless environment made him feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

He couldn't see what words were written on the plaque outside the hall, but he vaguely felt that bursts of purple clouds were coming from inside the hall. Zhao Lang penetrated again with his spiritual sense, and after confirming that there were no living things in it, he entered it cautiously.

The hall is very large, very dark, and you can't see your fingers.

However, relying on the bursts of spiritual light emanating from his spiritual power, Zhao Lang could move forward cautiously.

It has to be said that everything in the chaos puts too much pressure on him. Although there is an unprecedented cultivation environment here, there are also many strong people here, and infinite threats are hidden around.

Slowly approaching the ray of purple awns, Zhao Lang actually had a feeling that he would shrink back after probing forward.

This feeling made him very irritated, as if he was killing all directions with a god-killing gun.

However, as he walked, he suddenly felt that his feet gradually became sticky, as if he had stepped into a swamp.

Zhao Lang was puzzled, and released his spiritual power to observe...

In the huge dragon palace, I was standing in a pool of blood!
Zhao Lang frowned, sweat rolled down, and he became extremely cautious.

This pool of blood looks very sticky, especially when Zhao Lang's foot takes a step, it will be stained with it.

Very disgusting.

His gaze followed the blood, and Zhao Lang immediately started walking towards it.

His footsteps were slow, and his spiritual power was weak, because he didn't know what kind of terrifying existence existed here, so he was very careful.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Pupils keep dilating and shrinking!

He actually started to tremble a little, because lying in a pool of blood...

It is Zulong!

No wonder I was able to detect the breath of the Zulong when I first entered the ocean, but I couldn't detect it anymore after I came out of the Hong tribe.

The huge body was broken into several sections at this time, and the incisions of each section were very smooth. It seemed that the one who killed the Zulong was much stronger than its strength.

Vaguely, he saw something in Zulong's claws, which seemed to be tightly held.

Zhao Lang took it out.

It is the object engraved with the avenue of water, a piece of jasper shell, on which a light blue water character is looming.

I thought I would have to fight hard, but I didn't expect to get it so easily?
Why didn't the person who killed Zulong not take the Way of Water?

The law of the avenue is extremely important in the eyes of every tribe in the prehistoric.

There are only two possibilities to kill Zulong so easily and not take away the Dao of Water.

One, that person has no interest in the Dao of Water, and he killed Zulong just to kill it.

The remaining possibility made Zhao Lang's hair stand on end.

It is very likely that he has been targeted, and the other party followed him to the bottom of the chaos, and killed the Zulong first, but did not take the Dao of Water away, just for...

Wait for him to come!

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Zhao Lang felt an extremely terrifying pressure...

Could it be Taoist Yang Mei?
Flames appeared in the surrounding halls, lighting up the surrounding environment.

In the chaotic ocean, Yuan Feng and Zhou Zhan stared closely at the main hall below.

They naturally also felt this powerful coercion.


A light blue beam of light flashed out from it, rushing towards the two of them.

Zhou Zhan reached out to catch it.

"Avenue of Water? Where's Brother Zhao?"

Yuanfeng frowned slightly, and then his spiritual power exploded, but at the same time, a voice came from the palace below.

It was Zhao Lang's voice.


(End of this chapter)

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