Chapter 98 Undead Xiaoqiang?Our Lady of Acceptance
In the pitch-black chaos, a very strange-looking person was coming towards the mirror of the Great Chaos Avenue.

Zhao Lang glanced at that guy and almost threw up.

It is so ugly that it is difficult to describe it with prophecy!
"Who are you? Why are you born so strange?"

Seeing Zhao Lang's disgusted face appearing in a mirror, he opened his mouth first.

Indeed, the chaos is full of darkness, and suddenly seeing a person who is not of his own race made this guy startled.

I was born strange?
Zhao Lang almost cried angrily, how could he still call me strange?
"Go away, my uncle is traveling through chaos, don't disturb me!"

The guy replied, his tone extremely arrogant.

Zhao Lang smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that his strength is about Jinxian at most, he must have some special opportunities to swim in the chaos.

"Look again! Watch me go in and kill you!"

The guy looked at Zhao Lang in the mirror and shouted.

If you can come in, I will kill you!
Zhao Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As a Daoist sage, he could no longer travel through the Chaos Daojing Mirror. He never believed that this thing could break in.

Sure enough, the person on the other side of the mirror started hitting the mirror, but every time he hit the mirror, it would disappear and reappear behind him.

After going back and forth several times, the guy became angry from embarrassment.

"How dare you play me!"


After he finished speaking, he turned and swam towards the depths of the chaos.

Zhao Lang had nothing to do anyway, so he put the Chaos Dao Mirror in front of him and sat on the throne.

Not long after, tens of thousands of that person's clan came towards the Mirror of Chaos Avenue.

Zhao Lang clicked his tongue.

How could such an ugly thing have such a strong reproductive ability?

At the mouth of the mirror, those people were densely packed, all staring at Zhao Lang at the other end.

Zhao Lang smiled.

"What do you want?"

The ugly monster at the head stood up, "Open this thing, we Zerg will occupy your territory!"

It turned out to be a bug...

"Ding! It is detected that the Chaos Zerg is provoking the host, and you can choose."

"One, ignore it and let it provoke you, and you can get a drop of fine nectar and jade wine."

"Second, use the regeneration ability of the Zerg to test the strength of the host, and you can get a trial dojo."

Can this eject the system?

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Zhao Lang looked at the options.

Only then did I understand that some void worms in the chaos had become spirits, no wonder they were able to shuttle freely in the chaos.

These things are like cockroaches. If you kill ten to a hundred, there are countless such things in the boundless chaos. Clap to death...

He tried it, and although he couldn't enter Chaos again, his mana could penetrate the mirror and attack those Zerg.

So... Zhao Lang started to have fun with these guys, using some magical powers that were not particularly deadly, but could blow them into pieces.

Watching these Zergs blow up in pieces, Zhao Lang has a new joy. These guys can't die. Even if he hits a little harder, he will still be reborn infinitely. If you kill one, two more will appear, but it will take a long time .

Zhao Lang began to use them to test the strength of his magic weapon...

The treasure refining tripod was placed next to the Chaos Dao Mirror. Whenever Zhao Lang refined a new magic weapon, he would put it to the test.

With one move, if these bugs are not painful or itchy, this magic weapon can basically be scrapped. If the power is not bad, then Zhao Lang will save it and accumulate the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation.

Time passed day by day.

On this day, the Jade Emperor came again, and brought a woman with him.

The woman was a little shy, looking at the Chaos Palace, keeping her head down.

And the Jade Emperor stood in front of her, just about to call out to Zhao Lang, but was moved into the Chaos Palace by him the next moment.

The Jade Emperor stepped forward and bowed to the ground. Seeing this, the woman hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Zhao Lang was studying the magic weapon, and without looking at the two of them, he casually threw a spirit treasure into the Chaos Dao Mirror, frowning slightly.

"Another trash!"

The magic weapon was not recalled by him, and fell into the chaos to be devoured by those bugs.

This is great, on the one hand, they can test the strength of the magic weapon with Zhao Lang, and on the other hand, they can also get the broken magic weapon to improve their strength.


The Jade Emperor said cautiously.

Only then did Zhao Lang respond, but without turning his head, he said, "Oh, Jade Emperor, what's the matter?"

The woman behind the Jade Emperor was startled.

Who is this person, and why does the Jade Emperor respect him so much?
The Jade Emperor walked up to Zhao Lang with a smile on his face, and took out an Houtian Lingbao, but he was a little embarrassed seeing the countless magic weapons around him.

"Senior, this is my niece, I want him to practice with you, what do you think?"

He looked a little embarrassed.

Zhao Lang was taken aback, "Niece?"

Jade Emperor's niece...

Holy Mother of Three!

Zhao Lang looked at the Jade Emperor, a little surprised.

The latter also thought that he surprised the other party so much, but he didn't know that Zhao Lang was looking at the options in his consciousness:

"Ding! It is detected that the Three Virgins of Little Luck want to worship the host, and you can choose."

"One, refuse to accept disciples, drive the Jade Emperor and the Three Holy Mothers away, and get the hatred of the Three Holy Mothers."

"Second, accept as a disciple, but there will be karma. In the future, the host will need to repay the karma to gain the respect of the Three Holy Mothers."

"Third, if you don't accept or refuse, you can stay in the secret realm of the Dao, and you can do whatever you want, and you can get two bottles of Dao Foundation Building Liquid."


Zhao Lang had a hard time choosing, but when he saw the Dao Dao Foundation Building Liquid, he made an immediate decision.

After all, this thing is very rare, especially when used on Tianba Diba, it has miraculous effects!
"Stay here, I won't accept apprentices anymore, you know the Jade Emperor, I will confiscate them even if you come."

Zhao Lang looked calm and charming.

The Jade Emperor blushed, and then hurriedly apologized with a smile: "It's exactly, Senior Wuliang, if I can keep her here to mention something occasionally, it must be her good fortune, Yang Chan still thanked Zhao Zuzong."

The Jade Emperor would call her senior, and Yang Chan's calling her ancestor is not bad.

But Zhao Lang is still a little awkward, after all, he is not used to others calling him that.

"Just call me Master."

He waved his hand casually, and the next moment Jade Emperor was sent out of the Chaos Palace.

After coming out, the Jade Emperor glanced at Tian Ba ​​Di Ba, feeling a little doubtful in his heart, but quickly left without thinking too much, after all, the heaven cannot be without a king for a day.

Yang Chan was a little nervous, watching Zhao Lang refine the magic weapon there, she didn't dare to move, for fear of disturbing her master.

"Master, you..."

"What do you think of China mainland?"

Zhao Lang asked suddenly.

Yang Chan was startled, and then got a little tangled up, "The Chinese mainland is full of human races, as well as demon races."

Zhao Lang smiled and said, "I'm not talking about that, I mean, what do you think of the human race?"

Yang Chan was stunned, didn't the master know that he was born of the Jade Emperor's sister and the human race?

Zhao Lang suddenly laughed and waved his hands, "Stay well with me, don't think about going down to earth again."

How did the master know that he has been longing for the mainland of China?

It really is the ancestor, it really is a saint!
See everything!
Yang Chan immediately knelt down, "I would like to follow the teachings of my ancestors!"

It's good if you can follow it carefully...

Zhao Lang gave a wry smile. The Sanshengmu will follow the same path as her mother in the future, and Yang Jian will also be able to do it at that time. The story is indeed quite bumpy, but at this time the Conferred God has not yet arrived, and they still have a long time to meet. Relax, practice well during this time, at least you can protect yourself in the future.

After a simple arrangement, Yang Chan began to show Zhao Lang the alchemy cauldron. It took a long time to refine the magic weapon, and sometimes it took several years or even decades. Zhao Lang couldn't stay with him all the time, and he needed to continue to practice.

After all, he is someone who has met the Chaos Demon God, and he knows that he is still not the strongest.

As long as you are not the strongest, you will always have the possibility of being killed!

Compared with him, Dao Zu Hongjun formed a strong contrast, and he was really unbearable.

Because Zhao Lang occasionally took out the merit book and merit pen to curse his and Zhunti's merit...

Looking at Taoist Zhunti in front of him, Hongjun didn't speak.

On the contrary, it was the former, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his face was very ugly.

"Daozu, this guy is too arrogant!"

(End of this chapter)

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