My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 99 The Western Teachings Calculate, Zhao Lang Gets Treasures One after another

Chapter 99 The Western Teachings Calculate, Zhao Lang Gets Treasures One after another
Hongjun was expressionless.

Although he is also very angry, but his identity is here, he is the Taoist ancestor, even if he has emotions, he can't show it.

Zhunti continued: "Ancestor Dao, how about I use those disciples around him to lure him out of the customs? I heard that Kong Xuan worshiped him as a teacher. If a disciple is in trouble, he should not sit idly by."

Hongjun glanced at him: "Zhunti...don't forget your great wish."

The former bowed his head when he heard it.

Although Hongjun wanted to make Zhao Lang feel embarrassed, he would not use some indiscriminate means, and he hadn't reached that point yet.

As long as he stays in his dojo to retreat and does not interfere with the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, there will be room for everything.

If you really want to interfere with his harmony, Hongjun can use any means at that time...

"Recently, among the Three Purities, especially the Tongtian Sect, is gradually prospering. The catastrophe will come at some point. You and the guide should be ready."

Hong Jun said lightly.

Zhunti nodded, he naturally knew what Hongjun meant, the Western religion has always obeyed God's will, even if a catastrophe happened, it would not cause too much loss to him and Yingyin.

But it is true to take this opportunity to enrich the believers of the Western religion.

But Hongjun, as the ancestor of Taoism, although he couldn't tell Zhunti explicitly not to trouble Zhao Lang, then the latter would definitely not let it go.

After leaving Zixiao Palace, Zhunti had a sullen face, because he could feel that his merits were decreasing again...

"Zhao Gongming, you wait for me!"

After returning to the Chaos Palace, Zhao Lang's life resumed a peaceful retreat.

In addition to guiding Sanxiao's practice every day, he also taught Tianba and Diba's supernatural powers, the two sons of the blood of the beast race, and their cultivation speed was also very fast.

Yang Chan, on the other hand, stayed by Zhao Lang's side every day to refine magic weapons with him.

As time goes by, Zhao Lang has more and more magic weapons, but he has not counted whether there are [-] magic weapons. If there are [-] magic weapons, then the Myriad Treasure Immortal Formation should be able to be aroused by him, but It has been unable to start, which means that the number is far from enough.

But he is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time.

this day.

Zhao Lang threw a few broken magic weapons into the Chaos Dao Mirror, watching the thousands of Zerg in the chaos scrambling to devour the remaining spiritual power on it, Zhao Lang slowly got up.

Suddenly he sensed someone wandering around Buzhou Mountain.

After protruding out his divine sense, he actually saw a little monk?
This little monk looks fair and handsome, but he looks like a golden cicada.

Looking at the system prompt that appeared in his consciousness, Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

"Ding! It is detected that the lucky boy Bailian wants to worship the host as a teacher, and he can choose."

"One, take action immediately, kill the Bailian boy, and make enemies with Zhunti and Jieying, and you can get the golden lotus of the twelfth rank of merit."

"Second, ignore the Bailian boy and don't step into Zhunti's trap, you can get the magic power of the Myriad Treasure Immortal Formation."

As soon as he saw the monk, Zhao Lang guessed it, it was definitely a trap to pick up and lure those two people.

Although the strength of this Bailian boy is not bad, and he defeated the Holy Mother of Guiling who was intercepted in the Conferred God, but he also relied on the Mosquito Taoist in his pocket.

Zhao Lang is not interested in him and is ready to ignore him.

"Is the sage Zhoushan here?"

After searching for a long time, Boy Bailian saw the floating island above the abyss in the middle of Buzhou Mountain, and he couldn't help shouting.

But no response was received.

Instead, it attracted the attention of Tian Ba ​​and Di Ba, and they even had the urge to rush out and devour it, but under Zhao Lang's control, they couldn't get out from the secret realm of the Great Dao.

After a long time, Boy Bailian left with regret.

Zhao Lang obtained the magical power of the Wanbao Immortal Formation.

He was a little puzzled.

Isn't the formation diagram of the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation already assembled?What is Qizhen Divine Ability?
With the mentality of trying, Zhao Lang tried to conjure up the initial shape of the big formation in his mind.

About half a year has passed.

Zhao Lang has fully mastered the magical power of the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation. He recited the mantra in his heart, and then a golden totem quickly condensed in his palm.

Calling him in front of him, Zhao Lang looked at the initial shape of the Ten Thousand Treasures Immortal Formation, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Because the number of magic weapons is not enough, the power of the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation cannot be displayed. The formation in my hand is probably one ten thousandth of its state.

Putting it back into his sleeve, Zhao Lang smiled with satisfaction.

Just about to stand up, the system reappeared in his consciousness:

"Ding! It is detected that Taoist Zhunti sent Buddha to the West Sea to find Kong Xuan, and you can make a choice."

"One, go out immediately, suppress and kill the Buddha of the Western religion, protect Kong Xuan, and get the magical power of the Buddha Kingdom in your palm."

"Second, if you don't leave the gate after death, never leave the secret realm of the Dao, you can get twenty pieces of innate spirit treasures."

Zhao Lang definitely chose to continue retreating, but he couldn't ignore it, so he began to think about how to help Kong Xuan.

Zhunti was too shameless to lure Zhao Lang out of the mountain, so he wanted to start with his disciples.

But the Western Church probably didn't know that Kong Xuan had put down his grievances with the Dragon Clan.

This time the Buddha was sent there, probably just to use the power of the Dragon Clan to find him.

After all, it is a relatively strong existence under the saints, and ordinary people are not Kong Xuan's opponents. After all, he also witnessed the power of the five-color divine light back then.

Following Zhao Lang's choice, all the magic weapons fell in front of him.

He casually waved it into his sleeve, and he was in a good mood.

Although the Western Church wanted to plot against him, he also benefited from it.

This feeling is not bad.

But he was not too complacent because of this. Even if he became a Daoist sage now, his strength was already a little weak for Daozu Hongjun and Daoist Yang Mei.

I originally thought that I could control my life if I could retreat to a sage safely, but I didn't expect to be involved in disputes in the prehistoric one after another.

Zhao Lang is also very helpless...

A few more years passed.

Kong Xuan was not found by the Western Sect, and has been hiding in the deep sea, because now it is not only Zhunti who is looking for him, but also Luya and Nuwa...

Although he felt cheated by Zhao Lang, he still chose to believe in the latter, because he was the only one who cared about himself in the whole prehistoric world.

Through sound transmission, Zhao Lang felt relieved when he learned about Kong Xuan's recent situation.

Above the floating island of Buzhou Mountain, the two people in mid-air were leaning over to look at this majestic Chaos Palace.

It is the quasi-mention and reception.

They stood on the clouds and looked around at the treasure hall, but they couldn't penetrate into their spiritual sense to find out the existence of Zhao Lang.

"Is Zhao Gongming here? My brother and I are here to visit. Can you invite us into the dojo?"

Zhun said.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, then came out of the Chaos Palace, and reached the top of the Dao Secret Realm with a light step, but did not go out.

Standing behind the secret realm, Zhao Lang smiled.

"Why do you two have the leisure to come here?"

Zhunti saw that Zhao Lang didn't come out, and his face was a little gloomy. After all, both of them, the Western Sect, came here, which can be regarded as giving Zhao Lang enough face.

"Both of us are saints of heaven, Zhao Gongming, don't be afraid, we won't harm you, we came to you to discuss the catastrophe together."

After Zhunti finished speaking, he pressed the cloud head and came to Zhao Lang, separated by a boundary.

"What about the sages of heaven? You two, I'm not interested in everything in the prehistoric world, please go back."

Zhao Lang replied unmoved.


Zhunti's eyes widened angrily.

But Jieyin also came to his side at this time, holding the former.

He said: "Fellow Daoist, we know that you have become a Daoist sage now. In terms of strength, we are superior to the two of us. The two of us have no intention of harming you. Although I seldom show up, I have nothing to say."

Compared with Zhunti Taoist, Jieyin's voice is more calm, and has an inexplicable similarity to Lao Dan, which makes people want to trust what he said.

"Ding! It is detected that the Second Sage of the Western Church wants to win over the host, and you can choose."

"[-]. Immediately leave the customs and join the ranks of the Western Sect to suppress the Sect Sect, and you can get the Eastern Qinglian Baose Banner."

"Second, continue to retreat and stay out of the mountain, you can get the twelfth-rank black lotus."

It is indeed a system prompt triggered by the two saints of the West!
The rewards are so rich!

Zhao Lang was overjoyed. Although the Dongfang Qinglian Baose Banner was transformed from the chaotic Qinglian lotus petals, its rank was slightly higher than that of the Mieshi Heilian, but the latter was not bad either. things.

Besides, he will not choose to leave the customs.

Just when the atmosphere was very awkward, behind Zhunti and Jieyin, a cold snort sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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