Prehistoric Hongmeng Supreme

Chapter 101 Chapter 95

Chapter 101 Chapter 95

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa can indeed be the teacher of Zhen Yuanzi!"

At the moment of raising eyebrows, you have to admit it if you don't admit it. Weakness is the original sin.

"Hey, is my Zhen Yuanzi so popular? Rushing to accept disciples?"

As everyone knows, Nuwa's apprenticeship is only because of his ginseng fruit.

After all, a living being in the shape of a ginseng fruit tree, who would believe that he didn't have hundreds of ginseng fruits in his pocket!

"Are you willing to worship this saint as your teacher?"

Nuwa said indifferently, her tone revealed a sense of majesty!
Glancing at the indifferent look of the old man named Yangmei, Zhen Yuanzi said to Nu Wa: "Senior is a teacher, and I am lucky for three lives!"

At this moment, he raised his eyebrows and let out a sigh, and the feeling of loneliness in his eyes showed on his face. The original imperial disciple was abducted like this!
"That's all right, pay the apprenticeship fee quickly, then kneel down three times and bow nine times, just kowtow to apprentice!"

The saint accepts disciples, but he is very forceful.

"Pay fee? What fee?"

Zhen Yuanzi was in a daze, even raising his eyebrows in a daze!
"Apprentice fee, one hundred ginseng fruits!"

At this moment, Nuwa was also secretly delighted: "It's not because of the master, the key is that you have never tasted ginseng fruit before!"

"Damn it, I, Zhen Yuanzi, don't pay homage to this teacher. The prehistoric world is so big, do you still have to hang yourself on a beautiful tree?"

Zhen Yuanzi turned his head directly and planned to go to Wuzhuang Temple to continue enlightenment.

Even raising her eyebrows is stroking her beard at the moment, and her heart is full of smiles. I didn't expect Nuwa to force her disciple away.

"Hehe, little ginseng fruit tree, do you think you can still have the qualifications to be apprentices in Honghuang? Today you have to worship if you worship, and you have to worship if you don't worship!"

Everyone in the world knows that Nuwa is upright, selfless and kind, but who knows Nuwa's true disposition?
The perfect combination of coquettish and domineering can reflect Nuwa's superb state.

"Senior, what does this sentence mean? There are so many gods and demons in the first batch of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, do I still have to worship you as a teacher?"

"Oh, uh, hahahaha!"

Nuwa laughed loudly, her voice was crisp and sweet, and her lively and cheerful personality was flawless!
"You may not have heard the name of my sage in Honghuang. Do you think that the first batch of heaven and earth in Honghuang are very strong? Yes, in your eyes, they are extremely powerful and terrifying, but in the eyes of this sage, those great gods It is no different from some ants."

Zhen Yuanzi's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around. The first batch of gods and demons in the world were the most powerful existences in the prehistoric world. The second ancestor now also has a realm beyond the Da Luo Jinxian. How could he become an ant in your eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi burst out straight away, even omitting the word "Senior", calling him Ru.

"If you don't believe it, I know you don't believe it. You can ask this old man. He is also the first batch of gods and demons in the prehistoric world, and he is the only one who has not been sealed by the Dao."

The dubious Zhen Yuanzi could only stare at him and raise his eyebrows, trying to deny Nuwa's statement.

After a long time, he raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and said, "Xiao Yuanzi, it is better for you to worship Nuwa Taoist friend as your teacher. In today's prehistoric world, perhaps no one can beat him. It's just a thumb!"


"Really... so powerful?"

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi was really disappointed!
No one can win?

"Little Yuanzi, even the Dao of Heaven doesn't care about the peak state of a Taiji Saint. Nuwa has long been a detached body, and the Dao of Heaven has no right to interfere. Perhaps only Dao Dao can get it done. But, like today, Dao Dao has retired, how can I find it?"

At this time, Nuwa also smiled slightly: "To be honest, Zhen Yuanzi, you are considered talented and intelligent. I stared at me earlier, and the greedy color in my eyes has already been understood by me, but I am not far away. I just reprimanded you!"

"If you hadn't taken a fancy to your ginseng fruit, do you think this saint can accept you as a disciple? It's really a joke!"

Thinking about it the other way around, Zhen Yuanzi also behaved like a good boy after getting a bargain!

Such a powerful background can be wasted, what a brainless!

If fate knew that Zhen Yuanzi had such an opportunity but wasted it, he would definitely praise him as an idiot.

"Oh, by the way, the Xinjue of Huashengming created by this sanctuary can also break through the realm of Daluo. Compared with the methods of cutting three corpses and condensing three demons created by Honghuang Hongjun and Luohu, it is not bad. , this technique only needs long-term practice to break through Da Luo Jinxian, unlike the method of beheading the three corpses, you have to borrow the so-called spiritual treasure to entrust the three corpses, and you don't need to be enchanted like the three demons to become a monk of the magic way!"

"What I have created should be the top of the prehistoric kungfu, and it is also beyond the limits of Hongjun and Luohu's kung fu!"

After hearing these words, Zhen Yuanzi was also shocked. He didn't expect that Nuwa also had the method to break through Daluo. He thought that only the two ancestors Hongjun and Luohu had breakthrough methods in the prehistoric world. It seems that the senior Nuwa in front of him is more powerful. It is extremely powerful.

At this moment, Yang Mei knew that he had no hope, Nu Wa actually created the most powerful technique of Hua Sheng Ming Xin Jue, it seems that it is difficult for my disciple not to be kidnapped now!
After a moment of astonishment, the two of them admired Nuwa, after all, not everyone can create this kind of breakthrough method.

Hongjun was able to realize it because he had the broken treasure of chaos, the Jade Plate of Good Fortune; Luo Hui was also able to come out of it because he had the broken treasure of chaos, the Great Mill.

In Yang Mei's conjecture, Nu Wa may have really been created by virtue of the perception of Hunyuan Taiji Luo Jinxian's peak state, and I didn't think that Nu Wa possessed the treasure of chaos at all.

It's just that Nuwa did not use the treasure of chaos, but created this exercise with her own unparalleled understanding.

"Now, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"

Nuwa asked again!

As a Tai Chi saint, Zhen Yuanzi was proud to be able to ask a big Luo Jinxian three times to accept his disciples.

"I... I'm still not sure, after all, hundreds of ginseng fruit is not a small number!"

You know, the ginseng fruit tree blooms every 3000 years, bears fruit every 3000 years, and matures only after 3000 years. A ginseng fruit was accumulated by Zhen Yuanzi nearly 9000 years before he took shape, it can be described as extremely precious!

Raising his eyebrows, he saw it, of course he knew what Zhen Yuanzi was thinking.

"Xiao Yuanzi, what's the use of keeping a hundred broken fruits, it's better to worship a sage as a teacher!"

"What's more, Fellow Daoist Nuwa is the co-lord of all races who overwhelms the entire prehistoric world, the prehistoric sage, and the benefactor of the former ten thousand races. Even the Dao of Heaven can't do anything about the three major titles!"

"The respect of living beings is the invincible power of existence!"

Raising his eyebrows, he started his persuasion. Since he can't teach Zhen Yuanzi, it's okay to give it to Nu Wa, and by the way, he didn't add a little affection.

After all, I can only be proficient in space, and teaching Zhen Yuanzi will only waste his other civil engineering skills, which is really not easy!
But Nu Wa is different, the way of good fortune, the way of time and space, are extremely powerful!

It is also more suitable to teach Zhen Yuanzi, it is better than burying the law of civil engineering by myself!

"Speaking of which, Zhen Yuanzi has also figured it out!"

Give birth to a spiritual root, try to break the shackles of heaven, and take shape. If there is no strong teacher to teach yourself, then the road to enlightenment will be even more difficult in the future.

What's more, what did the raised eyebrows say just now.

"The co-lord of all races, the benefactor of all races, the prehistoric sage, the sage of Hunyuan Taiji, the detached body, the way of heaven does not care!"

This is undoubtedly not telling how powerful Nu Wa is!
Immediately afterwards, Zhen Yuanzi looked up at the hundreds of phoenixes in the sky above Wuzhuang Temple and the chasing carriage behind them!

The Phoenix is ​​driven by God, who can take it?I'm afraid there is only this so-called Great Desolate Lord!
Immediately, Zhen Yuanzi took out hundreds of ginseng fruits from the space and gave them to Nu Wa!
Kneel three times and bow nine times to thank the benefactor!
Although there is no grace, there must be grace in the future, because this is cause and effect!
At this moment, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, even though this was not his disciple, raising his eyebrows was also a hearty laugh!

After receiving a ginseng fruit handed over by Nuwa, she began to eat it. Nuwa also opened her mouth slightly, tasting the taste of the top ten innate spiritual roots, and then watched Zhen Yuanzi kowtow to the two of them!

To be precise, it should be bowing down to Nuwa alone, because raising eyebrows stood aside, eating ginseng fruit vigorously, watching the master and apprentice's apprenticeship etiquette!

"Little ginseng, I will sit down as the chief disciple for my Nuwa in the future!"

Nuwa said softly, and then smiled charmingly with two small wisdom teeth.

"this is for you!"

After finishing speaking, Nuwa didn't know when a small ginseng fruit tree appeared in her hand. It was the one in Wuzhuang temple, which was born when a branch broke when Zhen Yuanzi transformed into form.

"Huh? Teacher, this...why is it at your place?"

Zhen Yuanzi was a little puzzled, isn't it in the Wuzhuang temple, why did it get into the hands of Nuwa?

"Hehe, my sage moved the small ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang Temple to my hands using the law of space in the climate when I first arrived. I thought you didn't want to be a teacher, so I thought about going back to plant a small ginseng fruit tree. Next, after 2 years, you can almost eat ginseng fruit, but I didn't expect you to agree, so I'll give it back to you as a teacher!"

After listening, both Yang Mei and Zhen Yuanzi gave their thumbs up, which is really admirable.

Zhen Yuanzi is also thankful that he finally became a teacher, otherwise, with Nuwa's personality, his little ginseng fruit tree might really be lost!
"Okay, my lord, it's time to continue to travel around the prehistoric world. I will give you the pass order of Fate Mountain now. After you take care of this place, go to Fate Mountain to practice!"

A stream of light emerged from the palm of Nuwa's hand and entered between Zhen Yuanzi's eyebrows.

Looking carefully, it can be cleared that it is an identification mark of the formation, and he entered that formation safely. It can be said that he passed through the formation and entered the so-called Mountain of Destiny.

Before leaving, Nu Wa had already continued to sit in the middle of the Phoenix God.

"I forgot to have this, and I will give it to you too, so that you can practice well in Destiny Mountain!"

Another ray of light flew out from Nuwa's hand, and entered the mind of Zhen Yuanzi on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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