Prehistoric Hongmeng Supreme

Chapter 102 Chapter 96

Chapter 102 Chapter 96
"Chaotic nerve!"

It was the essence of the five sub-professions combined with the alchemy formation and seal of fate back then. It was passed on to his six disciples, and now it is passed on to Zhen Yuanzi by Nuwa.

A surprised expression appeared on Zhen Yuanzi's face, and the laughter gradually spread from his mouth.

Even Yang Mei was wondering what Nuwa gave Zhen Yuanzi.

This is a scripture that transcends the Dao. Although it is only an auxiliary method, it is also indispensable.

"The formations in the chaotic nerves have a total of 12 billion large formations, such as the time of the Lich, the Twelve Capitals of the Witch Clan, the Great Formation of the Heavenly Gods, the Great Formation of Zhou Tianxing in the Heavenly Court of Emperor Jun, and the Great Formation of Luo Hu The first killing formation, the Immortal Sword Formation, is only ranked fourth in the Chaos Nervous Formation chapter."

"The formation chapter is created by fate using the three thousand roads, up to the strength of the chaotic road, which is divided into nine levels. The first step of the big formation is said to be able to break through the road and fight against the chaotic road. There are only nine large formations, the second level is also extremely powerful, with a total of 81, the third level has a total of [-], and the fourth level has a total of [-], and the rest are countless. To describe it, it is said that even the ninth-level formation can defeat Jinxian, I don't know if it is true or not!"

Among the 81 large formations in the fourth level, there are the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha formation, and the Immortal Sword Formation. The great formations of the world, from the past, present, and even the future, are all included in the Chapter of Chaos Nervous Formation!
Zhen Yuanzi was dazzled by the formation chapter alone, and he vomited blood directly, and suffered a huge backlash!
One can imagine how terrifying the other four deputy professions are.

Zhen Yuanzi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with an upward arc: "Teacher is really supernatural, so nervous, he passed it on to me when we first met. It seems that those hundreds of ginseng fruits were not in vain!"

Turning around, Zhen Yuanzi realized that at some point, Yang Mei had already left, leaving only a space scripture for himself!
This is the Taoist scripture that directly reaches the realm of Hunyuan and Dao, and raising eyebrows can be left to Zhenyuanzi.

In the final analysis, Yang Mei still has such a little sense of master-student relationship with Zhen Yuanzi, doesn't it?

Now that he stayed, Zhen Yuanzi could only obediently put away the Taoist scriptures, and it doesn't matter if he is free to practice in the future.

Next, Zhen Yuanzi entered Wuzhuang Temple to take care of some trivial matters, then left for Destiny Mountain.

"According to the coordinates given to me by the teacher, I can arrive in a thousand years."


Another place, the vast world of the universe!

Xiaoyao took Patriarch Hongyun to the weakest continent in the Three Thousand Great Thousand World.

"Lazy Continent!"

It is also a continent that I have traveled to in the past.

He is famous in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds for his laziness.

Xiaoyao and Hongyun stepped on the golden lotus and quickly came to the way of heaven in the lazy continent!
The two of them glanced at this so-called way of heaven, and were immediately embarrassed. They looked at each other and could only shake their heads and smile wryly!
"This Tiandao is really like the name of the mainland. What is it called Lazy Tiandao? Xiaoyao and Hongyun have already arrived at his lair, and they are still sleeping!"

"Friend Xiaoyao, I really don't know how this continent became one of the three thousand great thousand worlds? It's really incomprehensible. It's so majestic, it's as weak as a dog, and now it's still asleep. With the power of heaven that binds chickens, you and I can kill him casually."

"Indeed, the weak ones, how do you think I can transform them?"

After listening to Hong Yun's opinion, Xiaoyao also replied.

"Why, can't it, it's no problem to change it!"

One breath, two breaths, three breaths!
After three breaths, there was still no response from Hong Yun.

"Didn't you just follow me all the time? Why didn't you make a sound?"

Turning his head, fate came out with the word "grass"!

"Can you fall asleep here? Sleeping in broad daylight?"

"Wait, no, Hongyun can't fall asleep for no reason."

Immediately, Xiaoyao looked at Tiandao in front of him, a mass of white object, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, maybe Tiandao looks like this.

"According to my guess, Hongyun slept because of this lazy Tiandao, because Tiandao sensed the intrusion of himself and Hongyun, but because he was too lazy to wake up, so he also hypnotized Hongyun by the way!"

As for why Xiaoyao didn't sleep, it's because his realm is surprisingly high, and even a person who doesn't have a chance to make a fortune in the wild, what can you do with the heaven in the world?
With a wave of Xiaoyao's hand, radiance flew out, covering the red cloud.

It is considered that the isolated red cloud is controlled by the lazy heavenly way!
Hong Yun, who woke up from sleepiness, immediately became depressed: "It's all right, why did I fall asleep!"

"Need to say? Where have we been, fellow daoists don't know?"

Xiaoyao rolled his eyes and said casually.

"Okay, you step back a bit first, I want to change this way of heaven!"

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Yun retreated far away, waiting for Xiaoyao to cast a spell.

"Three thousand roads come out, three thousand rules appear!"

Xiaoyao chanted some formulas in his mouth to change the laziness.

In an instant, with the voice in Xiaoyao's mouth, Lazy Tiandao finally woke up at this moment.

But it was too late, the laws of the Three Thousand Great Dao emerged directly behind Xiaoyao.

The Three Thousand Principles is a ray of breath that Xiaoyao separated from the Three Thousand Ways, and it is used to change the lazy way of heaven.

The next moment, the aura of the Three Thousand Laws rushed towards the face, pouring into the milky white body of the lazy Tiandao who had just woken up.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Lazy Continent exuded the breath of law.

The three thousand laws are intertwined, occupying the lazy heavenly way, and killing the lazy heavenly way's wisdom.

Strange brilliance, streamers flashed, and the lazy Tiandao's body was colorful and extremely gorgeous.

I'm afraid the creatures in the Lazy Continent don't know that their Heavenly Dao has become stronger and more "beautiful"!

After leaving the Land of Heaven and Dao, and closing Hong Yun's surprised mouth, the two of them can be considered to have truly arrived in Xintiandi.

At this moment, the creatures on the Lazy Continent finally woke up. They had slept for 10,000+ years, and when they woke up for the first time, they saw the changes in the world!

The surface of the originally empty continent has now begun to grow spiritual roots and spiritual grass, and the rivers and streams are overwhelming. At some point, a circular light appeared in the sky, shining on the lazy continent.

From then on, the fairyland world is no longer a legend, and it is wonderful to enter such a legendary place!

On this day, Xiaoyao sat on the Lazy Heavenly Dao, with piercing eyes, looked at the creatures in the mainland, and solemnly announced: "The Lazy Continent will be renamed the Fairyland Continent!"

Xiaoyao's voice was extremely loud, passing through the Wonderland Continent, even the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds heard the news.

"Lazy Continent has changed its name!"

From then on, the Fairyland Continent was born. Because of the existence of Xiaoyao, the Wonderland Continent will be the dream land of all living beings in the future, because this is really a fairyland.

In the Fairyland Continent, most of the original residents were Taiyi Golden Immortals. There was only one Daluo Golden Immortal in the early stage, who also existed since the formation of the continent, and fell asleep in the position of the lazy emperor.

In the present world of the Fairyland Continent, the laziness law that these creatures originally practiced has disappeared, and it has been directly converted into one of the three thousand laws.

That Lazy Emperor is now in control of the powerful law of reincarnation. From the moment the Fairyland Continent was announced, his realm directly broke through and became the Primordial Golden Immortal.

"Reincarnation Emperor!"

Xiaoyao named it and changed the original lazy emperor, because it was too ugly.

This world is a mixture of three thousand laws, and it is the same compared to the prehistoric world, even though the law systems of other worlds are still being conceived, and all the laws of Wonderland Continent have appeared.

This is Xiaoyao's credit.

The Dao of Heaven in other Great Thousand Worlds can control more than 1000 laws at most, which is already the limit, but the Wonderland Continent is different, having a complete set of three thousand laws.

Regardless of the fact that only one reincarnated emperor is born now, in the future, time emperors, space emperors, good fortune emperors... Wait, three thousand emperors will appear in this world, and each emperor is a golden immortal realm.

As for the so-called ancestor of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm, it is a bit difficult!

The realm of Hunyuan saints is rare in the vast world, it can be said that it is pitifully few.

"Nine is a series, so the number of Hunyuan Saints cannot exceed nine."

Even the so-called prehistoric world can only be nine ways.

However, Honghuang has an advantage, that is, in addition to accommodating nine saints of heaven, he can accommodate saints of Hunyuan at will, but it is extremely difficult for saints of Hunyuan to break through. Under the suppression of heaven, the way of Hunyuan has long been cut off. Primordial Ziqi becomes holy, of course there will be some remnants of demon gods who are born with the capital to become Hunyuan saints.

Even if the Hunyuan Saint in the prehistoric world goes to the Great Thousand World, he can still display [-]% of his combat power, but when the Hunyuan Saint in the Great Thousand World leaves the mainland, his combat power can only be [-]% at most, not why, because They became Hunyuan saints under the laws of the heavens in the great world.

How do you say that Honghuang is a world that occupies all the chaos, and there are only six sages of heaven on it in later generations, although there are only six on the surface, but in fact there are twelve.

"Nine is the extreme number, and twelve is the perfect number!"

In fact, Honghuang's biggest limit is twelve saints, but this is not the case in the Great Thousand World. At most nine Hunyuan saints are already the limit.

The saints in the prehistoric world, in the later generations, there are Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, and an elk!
This is calculated by Destiny Mountain's prophecy Tianzun, and the above is only on the surface.

It is said that there will be six saints after the Six Realms of the Great Desolation are formed, and there will be twelve saints in total.

Immortal monsters, human beings and Buddhas!
The prophecy is now in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Taiji Saint, and it can still be calculated for the Heavenly Dao Saint in the prehistoric future.

"Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Elk, these six saints are just the lowest-level saints."

"The saints in the six realms, it is predicted that Tianzun can't figure out what realm it is, anyway, it will not be lower than the Taiji saint, so there is only one possibility, that is the Wuji saint, which is equivalent to the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!"

 Today's college entrance examination, I have swiped all Douyin, it's all about the college entrance examination!
  Originally, I was also a college entrance examination candidate, but I didn't do well in my studies, so I participated in the single move on May 22!

  Why!Maybe this is the regret of a senior high school student!
  To be honest, I am a 17-year-old student, and I can't even enter the college entrance examination room, no doubt not...

(End of this chapter)

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