Prehistoric Hongmeng Supreme

Chapter 103 97 Yearly Changes in the Wonderland Continent

Chapter 103 97 Thousand Years of Changes in the Wonderland Continent, Creation and Immortality
If fate can be counted, it will definitely be able to count all the saints of the future.

As everyone knows, the birth of the Promise Saint is closely related to fate.

Due to the appearance of fate, it is unbelievable that the original seven saints became twelve saints.

Hongjun is in harmony with the way of heaven, and he will surely achieve the peak of Wuji. At that time, the immortal way will prosper, and the fairy world will also prosper, while the other saints of Wuji in the five realms will not be so lucky. , can still be achieved later.

In today's Fairyland Continent, Xiaoyao bestowed the Three Thousand Laws on this Great Thousand World, then this Great Thousand World is the second largest and most complete world after the prehistoric world, and the Three Thousand Laws are completely awesome.

The means of freedom are the same as Taoism.

Thousands of years passed by in a hurry without leaving any traces, maybe it was just a snap of the fingers, but in the fairyland continent, it is evergreen!
"Eight hundred great emperors are born, and ten great emperors are born!"

The Great Emperor is the Daluo Golden Immortal, and the Emperor is the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!
At the peak of the Fairyland Continent, three thousand emperors and nine ancestors can be born. The emperors are saints, low-level saints, Taiji saints, or infinite saints.

However, the probability of being a Wuji sage is not very high, because the highest state of a sage in the Great Thousand World is only the peak state of a Tai Chi sage.

Don't say it's sad, it can only be a pity that after being born in the prehistoric world, regardless of the avenue, maybe he will be swallowed up by the prehistoric world in the future, and used to gather the other six infinite saints under the prehistoric world.

Speaking of it, Honghuang is very interesting. In the prehistoric world, there are no Taiji saints, only ordinary saints and Wuji saints. Taiji saints seem to be a vacancy, reserved for one person.

At this moment, Xiaoyao and Hongyun looked at the Wonderland Continent with joy on their faces, and there was a heroic spirit between their brows!
Hongyun is now in the early stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and is even more expensive as one of the top ten emperors in the Fairyland Continent.

The position of sanctification has already been chosen, and it can be said that the way of heaven has been set long ago. There is no way for Hongyun to be sanctified. If the happy memory is unsealed and the primordial energy can be taken out from the chakra of destiny, Hongyun can become Hunyuan and get out of it. The way of heaven is the son of the Dao, but why, Xiaoyao now has a powerful body and masters the three thousand Dao, but has not recorded anything else, and he can't even use his own Dao, which is really uncomfortable.

In the Wonderland Continent, the Dao of Heaven is the product of Xiaoyao's changes, but it can make Hong Yun the son of Dao of Heaven here.

Today's top ten emperors are similar to Xiaoyao's imagination.

"Reincarnation Emperor, Time Emperor, Space Emperor, Destiny Emperor, Good Fortune Emperor, Yin Yang Emperor, Qiankun Emperor, Five Elements Emperor, Karma Emperor, and Hongyun Emperor who Xiaoyao opened a small stove for Hongyun!"

Moreover, Xiaoyao also wants to break through the shackles of being unable to become a Wuji sage in this great world, because he wants to create three Wuji sages.

Among them, Hong Yun has been appointed by Xiaoyao as the Promise Saint of the Wonderland Continent.

Even if Dao Dao came in person, he couldn't change Xiaoyao's way of doing things.

There are the most twelve consummated saints in the prehistoric world. If it is exceeded, even the avenue of retreat will immediately appear to kill the redundant saints, so as to reach the situation of twelve consummations.

The same is true in the Great Thousand World, if there is no great background like the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, then it can only reach the limit of nine at most, and the saint is no more than nine.

In this regard, Xiaoyao doesn't care, anyway, nine sages are enough.

Anyway, the saints in the Fairyland Continent basically can't go out to other places, because if they go out, they can display [-]% of their strength at most. What can you do if they go out?
Just to manage his own continent, nine saints are more than enough.

The second Wuji sage, Xiaoyao chose Reincarnation Emperor, because Reincarnation Emperor was the first to reach the emperor state, so he should achieve Wuji!

The third Wuji sage is Emperor Destiny, and he is also a practitioner of the law of destiny among the three thousand avenues. Xiaoyao always feels that the law practiced by this emperor of destiny is somewhat different from the chaotic avenue of fate and the grand avenue of destiny that he controls. The same approach works equally well, so Xiaoyao chose him as the third Wuji sage he chose.

As for the remaining Good Fortune Emperor, Yin Yang Emperor, Qiankun Emperor, Five Elements Emperor, Time Emperor, Space Emperor, and Karma Emperor, Xiaoyao must exclude one of them.

"Let me think about it, who should I get rid of? Of the seven emperors, only six are needed!"

"The emperor of time must be in charge of the past, present, and future of the Wonderland Continent. Time passes, and the years fly by. Be a saint!"

"Space Emperor must be in charge of the up, down, left, and right space barriers of the Fairyland Continent, as well as all the space reinforcements, and even build the space gate. It should be sanctified!"

"Emperor Creation, in charge of all creations in the Fairyland Continent, the creation of creatures is indispensable, indispensable, and should be sanctified!"

"Yin Yang Emperor, in charge of the harmony of yin and yang in the fairyland continent, coincidentally balanced, should be sanctified!"

"Emperor Qiankun, who is in charge of the heaven and earth of the fairyland continent, Dingxuanhuang is immortal! He should be sanctified!"

"The Emperor of the Five Elements, in charge of the role of the Five Elements in the Wonderland Continent, which generates and restrains each other, and evolves the origin of all things, should be sanctified!"

"Karma Emperor, in charge of the infinite karma in the Wonderland Continent, behind the scenes, imposing karma, there is a fart, other people's karma, are you in charge?"

"Therefore, Emperor Karma, pass!"

However, now there is a problem, how to kick Karma Emperor out.

In fact, both Xiaoyao and Hongyun knew that Emperor Karma could actually become a saint, but his sanctity was forcibly replaced by Xiaoyao to Hongyun.

So, it's hard!
"Or, just find an excuse to expel him from the Wonderland Continent. After all, Xiaoyao is not a murderer!"

"Senior, Emperor Karma is plotting against a powerful man named Tianhuo Emperor!"

At this time, Emperor Samsara appeared behind Xiaoyao in a stream of light, and said to Xiaoyao.

"Huh? Calculations again? That's right, this person's calculation skills are unparalleled in the world. He is very powerful. He calculates this and that every day. If it weren't for the strength of the other nine emperors, maybe it is really possible to be calculated by Karma Emperor." .”

The reincarnated emperor was thousands of years ago. After Xiaoyao changed his way of heaven, he followed him. Now he is the most powerful existence among all the emperors. He is in the middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, which is equivalent to the middle stage of emperors. .

"Reincarnation, pass on the order of the heavens, and now the karma emperor has calculated countless creatures in the fairyland, and brought disaster to the fairyland continent. You should be expelled from my fairyland continent!"

Xiaoyao seemed to have seized a wonderful opportunity, and gave this order to Emperor Reincarnation.

The next moment, Samsara turned into six phantoms and left.

within the next ten years.

The good show of the nine great emperors expelling Karma Emperor in the fairyland continent is on the stage.

"Emperor Karma, you can get out of my Wonderland Continent. Your calculations are really indecent and persecuted many creatures in my Wonderland Continent. 33 great emperors were plotted and seriously injured. It's terrible!"


"Hurry up, Emperor Karma fled to the south, chase after him!"


"I heard that Emperor Karma has hid in the ancient forbidden land in the Great Forbidden Land again, and the Nine Great Emperors are on their way!"


"Emperor Karma, you leave my Fairyland Continent immediately, otherwise, we and the Nine Great Emperors will jointly execute the order of lore, and the heavens will expel you. You should leave. If not, you will only fall!"


In just ten years, Emperor Karma has been hiding in XZ all day long. To be honest, there is nothing more fun than this escape game.

Ten years later, our Karma Emperor was forced to leave the Wonderland Continent in desperation.

Before leaving, he also said that he would come back for revenge.

In the eyes of everyone, these words will only fall on deaf ears, and none of the nine emperors take it to heart.

When Xiaoyao learned that Emperor Karma had left, the corners of his mouth rose slightly and he smiled.

The remaining nine emperors will be the real nine saints of the Fairyland Continent in the future.

The six Tai Chi saints, the three Wuji saints!
As for the lowest-level ordinary saints, Xiaoyao is not set up by me.

If three thousand emperors come out together in the future, and one emperor can break the shackles of the nine-level limit, then he will become a saint. Although he will only become a low-level saint, he is still a saint anyway, with high realm and strong coercion!
Xiaoyao, the landing of Hongyun is finally a real settlement. Perhaps, apart from Honghuang, the Wonderland Continent is the second home for the two of them!


At this time, everyone was in joy, even Xiaoyao and Hongyun were the same.

Outside the Fairyland Continent, a black figure appeared, vomited blood, as if he had been seriously injured.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the Continent of Kings, which ranks number one in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, would have the protection of a Dao Hunyuan at the peak of the Dao Realm, the Time Demon God, and I couldn't even handle a cutting blade!"

"What the black figure couldn't think of is that there are such strong people among the Chaos Demon Gods, and they have successfully proved the Dao and become the Immortal Realm, and they are still at the peak. They didn't even intend to destroy the prehistoric world, but that was the incarnation of Pangu back then. Don't their demon gods hate Pangu the most? They really deserve to be the demon god of time. I can't compare to the power after proving the Tao. It seems that we need to restore the realm as soon as possible and contact the deity! "

"As the avatar of the Eternal Spirit of Creation, I always have the state of the late stage of the Hunyuan Dao Realm. I didn't expect to be directly used by the Time Demon God to go back in time and downgrade my level. Now I only have the early stage of the Hunyuan Dao Realm. God is deeply hurt!"

"If you come here at the realm of the deity, it is still very simple to kill the demon god of this time. Even if he has become a Taoist, it is still not enough for the deity's cultivation at the peak of the Hunyuan Fusion Dao realm."

After speaking, the black-clothed figure entered the Wonderland Continent in an instant.

"This is the weakest world among the three thousand great thousand worlds, and the most powerful one is just the Da Luo Jinxian realm. As long as I directly refine it into the source of creation and the source of indestructibility, the injury can be stabilized!"

(End of this chapter)

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