Chapter 119

However, he found that the body of the royal zombie was harder than he expected. The bronze sword cut on the zombie's body, except for the sound of gold and iron clashing, it did not cause too much damage to the royal zombie.After that, the four eyes saw the bronze sword in his hand, shattered under the corrosion of the corpse, and fell to the ground.

Regarding this, Simu didn't pay too much attention to it, and swung his fist, hitting the royal zombie.Lin Jiu at the side took this opportunity to stab the heart of the Royal Zombie with a wave of the Thunderbolt Mahogany Sword.Although the royal zombies are covered with a layer of copper armor, the lightning strike mahogany sword in my hand has a great restraint effect on the zombies. It can only pierce the heart of the royal zombies. It is not difficult to kill the royal zombies things.

Whether it is a human or a zombie, they can exert stronger power in the face of the crisis of death. The zombie in front of him is like this. Seeing the mahogany sword struck by lightning, the royal zombie opened the wooden vine on his body, Thrillingly avoided Lin Jiu's attack.

Although the royal zombie avoided Lin Jiu's attack, it did not avoid Simu's attack. It was knocked out by Simu's fist and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this, the four eyes quickly came in front of the royal zombies, swung their fists, and hit the royal zombies. After punching and kicking, many wounds appeared on the royal zombies, and the blood of the corpses continued to flow out of the wounds. The pain in the body made the royal zombie feel fear towards the four eyes, and wanted to leave. The four eyes' fists were too powerful. If he continued to stay here, he might be beaten to death by the four eyes.

But at this moment, the aura on Simu's body quickly weakened, and his body returned to its previous thinness.Seeing this scene, the royal zombie roared at Simu, and quickly appeared in front of Simu, wanting to kill Simu. He did not forget how Simu treated him before.

"Lightning and Thunder Fist" Lu Yue suddenly appeared in front of the four eyes, and cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, condensing a powerful thunder and lightning, hitting the zombie, although it didn't knock the zombie away, it also made the zombie back a few Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Yue quickly retreated with four eyes, and handed over the zombie to Lin Jiu and Master Yixiu to deal with it.

"Lu Yue, I didn't teach you the magic spell, or you can use the magic spell today to deal with this zombie. This zombie is too fierce. The three of us alone can't kill him. You just need to cast the divine spell."

Hearing this, Lu Yue hesitated for a moment. Although he had learned the art of inviting magic and had cultivated it to the first level, after that, Lu Yue did not practice because he was worried about what might happen. Come on, if I don't want to use the magic spell, I can't do it. The speed of this zombie is too fast, much faster than Master and Master Yixiu. Just relying on their strength, they want to beat the zombie Killing is extremely difficult.

"Master, I understand. I will cast the spell of summoning the spirit right now." As he spoke, he raised his foot and kept stomping on the ground, causing the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body to increase rapidly almost instantly. Soon, Lu Yue Just like the four eyes before, it turned into a muscle expert.

Seeing that Lu Yue succeeded in summoning the gods so quickly, his four eyes were full of envy. You must know that Lu Yue has just started to practice the art of inviting gods, and the power he can display is not comparable to what he had at the beginning. It is not much weaker than his previous magic spell.

After so many years of practice, Simu has cultivated the magic technique to the third level, and even touched the fourth level, but Lu Yue is only the first level, so how can he not make Simu envious of such power.

After using God-invoking, Lu Yue sensed that his body was full of strength and spiritual power. He felt stronger than ever before. Stepping on the Yu step, he appeared in front of the royal zombies in an instant, and continuously cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, aiming towards the royal zombies. Hit him.

This lightning is the nemesis of evil things like zombies. Even if this zombie has suffered thunder and lightning, it cannot be immune to lightning. Can't move.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu and the others were full of shock. They did not expect that Lu Yue, who had cast the magic spell, could display such terrifying fighting power.At this time, with the combat power displayed by Lu Yue, even Lin Jiu, the strongest, dare not say that he will definitely be able to defeat Lu Yue.

A smile appeared on his face, and then he threw the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in his hand, "Lu Yue, take the sword." Hearing Lin Jiu's voice, Lu Yue held the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in his hand. Lightning struck the mahogany sword, causing many lightning bolts to surround the sword.

Feeling the aura emanating from the lightning strike on the mahogany sword, the royal zombies were full of fear. The aura emanating from the lightning strike mahogany sword was too terrifying, let the royal zombies know that if they were hit, they might die because of it , wanting to escape.

It's just that Lu Yue gave a Lightning and Thunder Fist before, which made the royal zombie's body paralyzed and unable to move at this time. They could only watch helplessly as Lu Yue waved the Thunder Strike Peach Wood Sword in his hand, piercing his body, and the many lightning bolts on the sword went crazy Influx into the body, making his body grow bigger quickly.

Looking at the rapidly growing royal zombie, Lu Yue could clearly sense the berserk power in the royal zombie's body, knowing that the royal zombie would explode soon, he quickly ran out of the room without caring about anything else.What Lu Yue could discover, Lin Jiu and Si Mu would naturally be able to discover too, and like Lu Yue, they quickly walked out of the room.

However, before Lin Jiu and the others left, they yelled at where Jia Le and the others were, "Run, you guys." Jia Le and the others were not Lin Jiu and the others. After being reminded, he reacted and quickly ran out of the room.

Unfortunately, at this time, it was too late to run, and their speed was not very fast. As soon as they ran to the door, they sensed a strong impact force, which fell on their bodies, causing them to fly out, and at the same time, they were also stained. A lot of disgusting things were put on, which made Jiale and others couldn't help vomiting.

As soon as he ran out of the dojo, Lu Yue sensed the powerful force in his body, which disappeared in an instant. It also made Lu Yue feel exhausted, and he fell to the ground, unable to move. Fortunately, Lu Yue was in the dojo at this time. In addition, it has not been affected.

Seeing that the room where he lived for many years was destroyed like this, his four eyes came to Lu Yue fiercely, "Nephew Lu Yue, my uncle, my dojo was destroyed because of you, should you compensate your uncle?" What?" Although Lu Yue has no money now, he will soon have money, don't worry, Lu Yue can't afford to pay for his dojo.

(End of this chapter)

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