Chapter 120 The Hand of Evil
Looking at the fierce eyes of the four eyes, Lu Yue felt guilty for a while. Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue's side, wanting to know if Lu Yue was okay?

His eyes lit up, and he said weakly, "Master, I feel that my whole body has been hollowed out, and it's extremely uncomfortable. Master, I'm about to start healing. Help me look at it." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue didn't wait for Lin Jiu Say something, and start to absorb the aura around you, recovering from your injuries.

Seeing Lu Yue's weak appearance, Lin Jiu looked around curiously, wanting to know what happened to Lu Yue and why Lu Yue became so weak.

"Senior brother, don't look at me like this. It's normal. It's the first time you cast a magic spell, it will be like this. It's okay. You can recover after a good nourishment."

"Really, it's best to be like this, otherwise, you know what will happen to you, Junior Brother." If Lu Yue is really in trouble, even if he let Simu go, the law enforcement elders will not let Simu easily.

"Senior brother, don't worry, when I first cast the magic spell, I was like Lu Yue. I can recover by taking more tonics. Doesn't Lu Yue have a purple ginseng in his hand? Eat it Yes, Lu Yue should be able to recover part of it. Brother, look at my dojo, it was destroyed because of Lu Yue, brother, you have to compensate me."

"Brother, it's not like you don't know what's going on with me, your senior brother. You'd better go to Lu Yue for compensation, as long as you can open the mouth." Lin Jiu said helplessly.

"Why, I can't say this, brother, let me tell you, I have already spoken before." Lin Jiu was taken aback by Simu's words, he didn't expect Simu to be so thick-skinned.

After that, he shook his head and ignored the four eyes. Although the royal zombies have been killed by them now, the explosion before left a lot of pieces of meat around them. These pieces of meat seemed to be eaten by the surrounding beasts. The scourge is not small, and these need to be burned cleanly.

"Junior Brother Four Eyes, pack up some valuables and clothes in the room. Your ashram needs to be burned with a fire, so as not to harm the wild beasts around."

"Brother, I know, I'm going to clean it up now, monk, there are a lot of pieces of meat in your place, I'm afraid you can't live there anymore, why don't you burn it down too." Four eyes looked at Yixiu not far away said the master. "I know Simu, after I tidy up, let's burn it together." After speaking, Master Yixiu took Qingqing back to pack things.

An hour later, Simu and the others gathered together, took out a few fire talismans, turned them into real fires, and set their house on fire.At this time, Lu Yue was not as weak as before, and he could barely stand up. Fortunately, Lin Jiu noticed Lu Yue's situation and supported Lu Yue so that he would not fall.

Looking at the ashram surrounded by raging fire, Jia Le was filled with sadness and couldn't help crying, "Master, our home is gone. Next, where should we live?"

Without waiting for Simu to say something, Lin Jiu took the lead and said, "Junior brother, why don't you live with me for a while first, and then find a dojo." , I will trouble you." Simu was not polite to Lin Jiu.

"Brothers, say this is out of the ordinary, master, why don't you live with me for a while." Having been neighbors with Simu for many years, Master Yixiu doesn't want to be separated from Simu, and wants to continue to be with Simu. Four eyes are neighbors, besides, his dojo has been destroyed, and Master Yixiu has no other place for the time being, so he can go.

Looking at the house engulfed in flames, the four eyes came to Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, look at the house that my uncle built for many years, but because of you, it was burned. Lu Yue, should you compensate my uncle?" Fan, don't worry, what I want, uncle, is twenty silver dollars?"

Originally, Si Mu thought that Lu Yue would still not agree this time, but what Si Mu didn't expect was that Lu Yue did not reject him this time. After hearing what he said, Lu Yue nodded and said, "Yes, but, Master Uncle, you should know that the reason why your dojo is like this is because of the royal zombie, if I compensate you, the things left by the royal zombie will have nothing to do with you." After the last sentence, Lu Yue spoke in an extremely low voice, except for Simu and Lin Jiu, who was right next to Lu Yue, no one else heard it.

As soon as Lu Yue finished speaking, he saw four eyes looking at him in disbelief.Now Simu finally understood why he changed his mind before. It turned out that it was because of this reason that his ashram is located in the deep mountains, so even if he gave it away for free, no one would want it, but the copper horned golden coffin is different, it is a valuable one. Things, even if everyone shares, he can get a lot of gold bars.

How could Simu be willing to do such a thing? He looked at Lu Yue angrily and said, "You don't even have to think about Lu Yue, I won't agree." No compensation, after all, I didn't blow up this dojo."

Lu Yue's words caused a burst of anger in the four eyes, and a vicious thought arose in his heart. He squeezed Lu Yue's face with both hands, looked at Lu Yue with a smile, and said, "Nephew Lu Yue, my uncle really loves you to death." , the four eyes kept pinching Lu Yue's face.

At this time, Lu Yue couldn't even stand still, and where he had the strength to break free from Simu's palm, he could only let Simu pinch his face.Although it was the same face, but I don't know what happened, pinching Lu Yue's was more enjoyable than pinching other people, so I couldn't help but increase a little bit of strength.It can be said that this time is the most exciting time for the four eyes to pinch.

At the beginning, Lu Yue could hold back and didn't cry out, but as his four eyes strengthened, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu pitifully and said, "Master, help me."

The movement of the four eyes also shocked Lin Jiu. He didn't expect that the four eyes would do this suddenly. Hearing Lu Yue's voice, Lin Jiu came back to his senses. Looking at Lu Yue's pitiful appearance, Lin Jiu He opened his mouth and said, "Junior Brother Four Eyes, it's almost enough."

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, the four eyes withdrew their hands reluctantly, looked at Lin Jiu regretfully and said, "Senior brother, although it's also pinching the face, it's more than just one thing, pinching Lu Yue's face, pinching Jiale, etc. There are two completely different feelings on a human face, you don’t know that feeling, it’s really cool, brother, do you want to try it?” Looking at Lin Jiu with malicious intent, he urged.

Lin Jiu made a move, and he had a reason to continue to pinch Lu Yue's face. After all, if he missed today, he would basically never have such an opportunity in the future. Si Mu was naturally unwilling to give up easily.

(End of this chapter)

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