Chapter 122 The Secret
Seeing his master's cautious appearance, Jiale, Dongnanxixi and others felt even more fearful, fearing that he would be the next to scream. How are you, let's go in."

"Brother, are you telling the truth? As long as we don't be lazy, the law enforcement elders won't do anything to us?" "Of course, brothers, don't worry. Yes." With that said, Lu Yue walked towards the Yizhuang.

As soon as he entered Yizhuang, Lu Yue saw the law enforcement elder, who was supervising the cultivation of Wencai and Qiusheng. At this time, the spirits of Wencai and Qiusheng were not very good. The two of them are not doing well.

Seeing Lu Yue and others coming in, the law enforcement elder asked Lin Jiu to take Master Yixiu and others to rest. As for Lu Yue and other Maoshan disciples, they stayed where they were, wanting to see the strength of Jia Le and others.

After some scrutiny, the law enforcement elder secretly shook his head. Although Jia Le and the others were stronger than Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, they were not considered geniuses. It would be extremely difficult, even impossible, to reach the realm of Earth Masters in the future. It seems that the future of Maoshan can only rest on Lu Yue.

Among the group, the law enforcement elder focused on Lu Yue, wanting to know if Lu Yue was doing well. He already knew from Lin Jiu that they had encountered a royal zombie who had half a foot into the realm of a bronze-armored zombie before. It was only thanks to Lu Yue's magic trick that he killed the royal zombies.

"I've seen Master Uncle." Lu Yue bowed respectfully to the law enforcement elder, and Jia Le and others at the side saw this, and hurriedly bowed like Lu Yue, "I've seen Master Uncle."

"Well, you all get up, you have worked hard along the way, go to rest first, Lu Yue, wait a moment." The moment he saw Lu Yue, the elder law enforcement sensed Lu Yue's body, a little weak, and looked at him worriedly. Lu Yue asked, "Lu Yue, are you okay?"

In the eyes of the law enforcement elders, Lu Yue is the future of Maoshan, so they are naturally very concerned about Lu Yue, and are deeply afraid that something unexpected will happen to Lu Yue, which will cause the Maoshan faction to decline or even perish.

"Uncle Master, I'm fine. This is the first time I've had the aftereffects of using the magic spell. I'll be able to recover in a few days." Hearing this, the law enforcement elder frowned, "Lu Yue, what about your aftereffects?" Will it be so serious?" With Lu Yue's physique, it stands to reason that after so many days, Lu Yue should have fully recovered, after all, the innate wood spirit body is better than other innate spirit bodies are more powerful.

"Master Uncle, it may be because I used all my strength to invite the divine art. I have already practiced the divine invitation to the second level." Didn’t you use it when you practiced the magic of summoning the gods?” After finishing speaking, the law enforcement elder took Lu Yue to his room, wanting to know what was going on?

After entering the room, the law enforcement elder looked at Lu Yue solemnly and asked, "Lu Yue, tell you the truth, why you practiced the magic trick so quickly, don't worry, my uncle will not tell your secret to others without your permission." people?"

This divine art is extremely special, and it is not an easy task to practice successfully. It can even be said to be the most difficult Taoism to practice. what help.Therefore, there must be something special about Lu Yue being able to cultivate the divine art to the second level in such a short period of time?
"Uncle Master, I have the Tianlu, that's why I can cultivate the divine art to the second level." Compared with the secret of the innate wood spirit body, the matter of the Tianlu is nothing.

"What, Lu Yue, you actually have a Tianlu, what you said is true, no, Lu Yue, if you had a Tianlu, it would not have taken you so long to cultivate the magic technique to the second level, and you should be able to practice it To a higher realm?"

"Uncle, I only practiced this divine invitation technique for one night, and I reached the second floor. After that, due to some circumstances, I didn't practice any more. Before, if it wasn't an emergency, I wouldn't have used the divine invitation technique. Come face the enemy."

"Lu Yue, why are you doing this? You must know that you have a heavenly talisman. This magic-invoking technique should be regarded as the most suitable Taoism for you. You should focus on practicing it. If you can cultivate the magic-inviting technique to a higher level If so, your combat power should be able to increase a lot in a short period of time, so why don't you practice the art of inviting the gods?" The law enforcement elder looked at Lu Yue in puzzlement and asked.

Lu Yue has a special physique. If he can cultivate the divine technique to a very high level, Lu Yue's combat effectiveness will be improved a lot. At that time, it is not impossible to kill the earth master with the divine technique. It is not impossible to compete with the Celestial Master.

"Returning to Master Uncle, I practiced the Divine Invitation Technique too quickly because I thought that something happened, so I didn't practice anymore. Why, Master Uncle, who has a heavenly talisman, is very helpful in practicing the Divine Invitation Technique Why, why haven't I heard Master Simu talk about this kind of thing?"

If he knew that the reason why he was able to practice the magic of invitation to the second level in one night was because of Tianlu, Lu Yue would definitely work hard to practice the magic of invitation in the next time, and strive to be able to invite Divine art, cultivated to a higher level, in this way, one's combat effectiveness can also be improved a lot, and one has the power to protect oneself.

"Lu Yue, don't worry, the reason why you were able to cultivate the divine art to the second level in one night is indeed because of Tianlu, so you don't need to worry, and the reason why the four eyes are not I know this because his aptitude is too poor, he doesn't know a lot of secrets, and he doesn't intend to let him know. Otherwise, other sects may send people to steal the magic spell, causing unnecessary disputes. After all, Many sects have to pay a high price to own the Tianlu, but they can still do it, so there will be no peace for the Maoshan sect."

Hearing this, Lu Yue's eyes flashed a flash of understanding. Indeed, if you have cultivated the art of inviting the gods to a very high level, it is not difficult to compete with the realm of the celestial master. Even, if you can invite the gods It is not impossible to kill the celestial masters after practicing the technique to perfection. In the end of the Dharma Era, the celestial masters represent extraordinary significance. There should be no faction that can resist this temptation.

"Oh, that's the way it is. Uncle Shi, don't worry. From now on, I will try my best to practice the art of inviting the gods to a higher level as soon as possible, so that I can have the power to protect myself." Lu Yue promised.

(End of this chapter)

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