Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 123 The Disappeared Lu Yue

Chapter 123 The Disappeared Lu Yue

Hearing this, the law enforcement elder nodded in satisfaction, "Uncle Shi believes that you can do it, but don't worry about Lu Yue's cultivation. The most important thing for you now is to recover your body and mind first. If so, If Master Uncle is not mistaken, after you recover your spirit, it will take only a few days for you to break through to the realm of a second-rank warlock, right?"

"Master Uncle has good eyesight, that's true. After I recover, I can break through to the second-grade warlock realm in at most three days." "Okay, then you should rest well for the next time, okay, I should also Go train your seniors, you can’t support Maoshan alone in the future.” After speaking, the law enforcement elder turned and walked into the courtyard.

Because, as Lu Yue reminded, the five members of Jiale did not dare to be lazy. After putting down their salutes, they went to the courtyard and began to practice.For someone who can make their master so cautious, Jia Le and the others will not think that the law enforcement elder is a kind-hearted elder. It is better for him to practice honestly in the courtyard, lest he be the first to be beaten or scolded.

But he said that when Lu Yue came to the courtyard, he saw Jia Le and others practicing in the courtyard, a bright light flashed in his eyes, it seemed that Jia Le and others were afraid of being punished by the law enforcement elders.

Afterwards, Lu Yue jumped up, landed on the roof, and lay down. Recently, Lu Yue found that exposure to the sun was of great help to his recovery.

Although Wen Cai and others were practicing at this time, they paid attention to Lu Yue the moment they saw Lu Yue, wanting to know whether Lu Yue would practice with them.

When they saw Lu Yue lying on the roof basking in the sun, Wen Cai and the others felt a burst of envy and wished to replace him, especially Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng. During the period when Lin Jiu and the others were away, the lives of the two of them could be used. To describe it as suffering, their greatest hope now is to rest for an hour.

It's a pity that the law enforcement elders don't give them a chance to rest at all, and urge them to practice continuously every day. Once they are found to be lazy, they will punish them. This punishment method of the law enforcement elders is extremely painful. Wencai and Qiusheng tried it once Afterwards, the two vowed in their hearts that they would never try that taste again in the future, so naturally they dared not be lazy anymore.

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng thought of something, and came to the law enforcement elder and said, "Master uncle, the aptitude of the junior junior brother is much better than those of us. Senior uncle, you must not just watch the junior brother be lazy like this. You need to supervise the younger brother carefully." Junior brother cultivates, otherwise, even if junior junior brother has extraordinary aptitude, he will not be able to reach a very high level in the future."

Hearing Qiu Sheng's words, Wen Cai's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Uncle Shi, what Qiu Sheng said is right, you should put more energy on your junior brother, so that your junior brother can grow up quickly." Can't rest for a while, but Lu Yue can lie down and sleep.

If Lu Yue sleeps in a place they don't know, it's fine if they don't know, but Lu Yue sleeps in front of them, it's not to stimulate them, so naturally they can't bear it.

"Hmph, you guys think that Lu Yue is you, thinking about how to be lazy all day. He is physically damaged and can't practice. Otherwise, Lu Yue will start to practice without my supervision. Now, do you two have any opinions? If Lu Yue is like Wencai Qiusheng, cheating and playing tricks, it is impossible for him to suffer from mental damage due to excessive cultivation.

"No more, Master Uncle." "Since there is no more, why don't you hurry back to practice." Hearing this, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't dare to say anything more, and hurried back to practice.

Not long after, Simu and the others returned to the lobby. Originally, the three of them planned to rest for a while, but saw the law enforcement elder looking at them unkindly. For such a gaze, Simu and the others can be said to be very familiar He Shen also came to the courtyard and began to practice.Otherwise, the law enforcement elders would start reprimanding them after a while. Simu and the others didn't want to be reprimanded by the law enforcement elders in front of Qiu Sheng and other juniors.

Looking at the people practicing in the courtyard, Lu Yue was also embarrassed, and continued to stay on the roof basking in the sun, jumped lightly, and planned to start the Lightning and Thunder Fist.

However, before Lu Yue started to practice, he heard the law enforcement elder reprimanded him, "Lu Yue, your body and spirit have not fully recovered, what are you practicing, why don't you continue to rest, wait until your body and spirit are fully recovered, It’s not too late to start practicing again.”

Seeing the tense look of the law enforcement elder, Lu Yue didn't want to continue. However, he didn't want to continue sleeping on the roof. Instead, he went to the backyard so as not to affect Qiusheng and others' cultivation.

However, as soon as Lu Yue came to the backyard, he saw Qingqing also walking in the backyard. Seeing Lu Yue coming, Qingqing looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked, "Brother Lu Yue, why are you here in the backyard?"

"Because Master and the others are all practicing in the front yard, I'm embarrassed to rest there, so I can only go to the back yard to bask in the sun for a while." "So that's the case, then I won't bother you, brother." Qingqing went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone. At this moment, there were a lot of people in the Yizhuang. If she didn't prepare earlier, she didn't know when she would be able to prepare the meal by herself.

As for asking Lu Yue to help her, Qingqing never thought about it from the beginning.Because, Qingqing already knew that Lu Yue was a son of a rich family, and he couldn't cook at all.

Seeing Qingqing who started cooking, Lu Yue jumped up, landed on a big tree, sat cross-legged on the tree, and started to communicate with the rest of the big tree by running the wooden stakes. Soon Lu Yue sensed his own Integrating with the big tree, it can continuously absorb the power of the sun and the earth, allowing itself to grow better.

Seeing this, Lu Yue slowly sent these two forces into his body, refining these two forces, so that he can recover better.Lu Yue's state at this time was extremely strange. If he hadn't stood in front of Lu Yue, he would not have been able to detect Lu Yue's aura, because at this time Lu Yue had already merged with the big tree below him.

Lu Yue had already refined these two powers before, so he was naturally handy. As these two powers continued to be refined, Lu Yue could feel his body start to cheer, which made Lu Yue feel comfortable. The power consumed by the technique is also constantly recovering.

At this time, Lu Yue's mind was completely immersed in the two powers of refining and chemical. He didn't have any awareness of the outside things, and naturally he didn't find or hear Lin Jiu's voice.

It turned out that after Qingqing finished the meal, she asked Lin Jiu and the others to eat, but found that Lu Yue was not in the Yizhuang. This discovery shocked Lin Jiu and the others. They didn't know what was going on. Why is Lu Yue not in the Yizhuang? Could it be that Lu Yue has left the Yizhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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