Chapter 124
As soon as this idea came out, Lin Jiu denied it. If Lu Yue walked out of Yizhuang, he would definitely tell himself, so as not to worry about himself, he would never leave secretly, and if there was no special reason, Lu Yue should Will not go out of Yizhuang.

Therefore, if Lu Yue was really not in Yizhuang, he might have been forcibly taken away by other people, but who would have the means to take Lu Yue out of Yizhuang under their noses? "Miss Qingqing, I don't know where you saw Lu Yue last?"

"Uncle Nine was in the backyard. Brother Lu Yue said he wanted to go to the backyard to bask in the sun. Afterwards, I went to cook, and I haven't seen Brother Lu Yue again." Hearing this, the law enforcement elder and others hurried to the backyard, I want to see if I can find any clues.

At this moment, Lu Yue was sitting on top of the big tree. The law enforcement elders did not find Lu Yue's whereabouts, but Qiu Sheng raised his head inadvertently and saw Lu Yue sitting on the tree.

"Master, don't you think that's the little junior brother? Master, you really want to teach the little junior a lesson this time. The little junior is really shameless. He is here, but he doesn't answer our words." Qiu Sheng He looked at Lin Jiudao gloatingly.This Lu Yue made them worry for a while. According to their own understanding of Master, Lin Jiu was very likely to beat Lu Yue up.

As soon as Qiu Sheng's words fell, Wen Cai quickly said in agreement, "That's right, Master, this little junior brother has gone too far. Master, you must teach this little junior brother a good lesson."

But at this moment, Wencai and Qiusheng saw Lin Jiu and the law enforcement elder looking at them viciously. After that, without waiting for them to say anything, the law enforcement elder said first, "Let's talk in the lobby, so as not to Excuse me, Lu Yue." After speaking, the law enforcement elder walked into the lobby, and the others followed the law enforcement elder's footsteps and walked into the lobby.

The moment Lin Jiu and the others saw Lu Yue, they knew what was going on with Lu Yue. Not only would they not disturb Lu Yue, but they would protect Lu Yue, but Qiu Sheng and the others were different. If it is clear, Qiu Sheng and others may disturb Lu Yue's cultivation.

Now, Lu Yue is recovering from his injuries, and he will naturally regain consciousness after his injuries recover. If Qiu Sheng and others interrupt him, it will take some time for Lu Yue to fully recover.More importantly, Lu Yue's current state is extremely special. After Lu Yue regains consciousness on his own, he will have a lot of gains. In this way, Lin Jiu and others will naturally not let other people disturb Lu Yue and damage Lu Yue. Yue's chance.

"Wencai, Qiusheng, Southeast, Northwest, Jiale, Lu Yue is in a strange state. From now on, unless necessary, you are not allowed to approach the backyard or speak loudly, so as not to disturb Lu Yue. From now on, Lin Jiu, you have to work hard, and you must always guard Lu Yue's side, understand?" The law enforcement elder looked at the crowd solemnly and said.

Seeing the solemn look of the law enforcement elder, Wencai and Qiusheng felt a pang of regret. They wanted to see Lu Yue being beaten, but why was it so difficult? I really don’t know if they will have the chance to see Lu Yue being beaten in this life. It's been a day.However, seeing the solemn look of the law enforcement elder, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng did not dare to say no.

"Uncle, don't worry, the two junior brothers and I will watch over Wencai and others so that they won't disturb Lu Yue." As soon as Lin Jiu finished speaking, Simu and Qianhe both clicked. nod.

Seeing this, the law enforcement elder nodded in satisfaction, "Master, let's eat." "Senior, please first." After that, everyone began to eat.At this time, Wen Cai and other juniors were all curious, wanting to know what happened to Lu Yue?

But I also know that now is not the time to talk about this. Just after eating, Qiusheng looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, junior brother, what's going on?" Looking at Lin Jiu curiously, wanting to know what happened to Lu Yue?

"This, you don't need to know now. When you become stronger in the future, you will naturally understand. Now you just need to know that before Lu Yue regains consciousness, you can't bother him. Otherwise, the teacher will never let you go. ,Understand?"

"Yes, Master (Uncle Martial Arts), we know. By the way, Master, when will the younger brother wake up?" If the younger brother does not wake up for a long time, they should not always need to be careful. What a pain.

"Don't worry, it won't be too long, at most two days, and Lu Yue will wake up." After speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, and went to the backyard to protect Lu Yue.

After dark, the power of the sun disappears and is replaced by the power of stars. This power of stars is stronger than the power of the sun. Without Lu Yue's pulling, there are many stars' power sprinkled down and absorbed by the surrounding vegetation. Then these plants sent the power of these stars to his body to restore Lu Yue's body. Time passed, and on the second day, when the sun rose, Lu Yue sensed the existence of Chaoyang Ziqi, and quickly pulled Chaoyang Ziqi into it. In the body, it is constantly refining.

After Lu Yue refined the rising sun purple energy, Lu Yue felt that he had completely recovered, opened his eyes, jumped down, and saw Lin Jiu looking at him not far away, "Master, why are you here?" ?” Could it be that Master is protecting the Fa for himself.

It must be like this, otherwise, Lin Jiu wouldn't have appeared here, "I'm sorry, Master." He said, "Junior Brother, you're awake, how are you doing? Did you have any special gains this time, Junior Brother?"

Meeting the curious gazes of Wencai and others, Lu Yue shook his head and said, "I didn't gain much, but my body has completely recovered and I can start practicing."

"Tch, what's there to be happy about being able to practice, if it is possible, we would have no choice but to practice?" As soon as Wen Cai's voice fell, the others nodded.Yesterday's practice made Jia Le and his team feel exhausted for a while. What's more, they need to get up early to practice this morning, making Jia Le and other lazy people feel extremely tired.

At this time, Simu and the others were all in the lobby. Seeing the performance of Jia Le and the others, the expressions of Lin Jiu, Simu and Qianhe became extremely ugly. I was really kind to them before, so now As for Jia Le and others, they are unwilling to practice anymore.

This is not possible. In the future, they must urge Jia Le and others to practice well. Even if they cannot reach the realm of earth masters, they must reach the realm of human masters. Otherwise, these masters, what will they look like after death? Go see What about your master?

(End of this chapter)

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