Chapter 125 The Third Floor

Hearing what Jiale and the others said, Lu Yue didn't say anything, but looked at Simu and the others, making Jiale and the others notice their master, finally noticed the ugly faces of Simu and Qianhe, and remembered What happened before, Jia Le and others looked at their master flatteringly and said, "Master, we were joking before, you must not take it seriously, in fact, we all like to practice."

"Since you all like to practice, then you should practice for a while today." After finishing speaking, he looked at Jia Le and the others viciously, to let Jia Le and the others understand that if they dare to say a word "No", four Mu Mu will definitely take action to teach them a lesson, let them know what will happen if they deceive their elders, and said in frustration, "Yes, Master, we know."

At this time, Jia Le and the others felt regretful, why did they talk too much, if they didn't talk too much, they might be able to rest earlier today.After all, their current training time is longer than Lu Yue's previous training time, and Lu Yue has just recovered today, so the training time should be shorter, so that they can rest earlier like Lu Yue.

Especially Wencai and Qiusheng, it can be said that today is the only time for the two of them to rest early, but now the rare rest time has disappeared like this, how can it be a regret in my heart, which can be described.

Seeing Jia Le and the others' hard-pressed faces, Lu Yue didn't say anything. He came to the courtyard and began to practice his Lightning and Thunder Fist to temper his body and make his body stronger.

After the previous battle with zombies, Lu Yue found that his body is strong, whether it is against zombies or ghosts, he has a lot of advantages. Attacking the powerful thunder method can enhance one's combat effectiveness. Such a good thing can kill two birds with one stone, so Lu Yue naturally practiced very vigorously.

However, consuming the Lightning and Thunder Fist consumes a lot of spiritual power. After practicing a few times, Lu Yue sensed that the spiritual power was seriously consumed. Instead of continuing to practice, he went to a corner and sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the art of inviting gods. He had already seen the power of the magic spell before, and knowing that he had not made a mistake in his practice, he would naturally not miss the thunder technique that could greatly increase his combat effectiveness.

Inviting the powerful Taoism of divine art, the practice of inviting divine art, is simple and easy, but also difficult.To put it simply, if you can communicate with the gods, you can increase the power of the magic spell, borrow more power, and even cultivate to a higher level. It is not impossible to talk to the gods.

It's just that it's not easy to communicate with immortals and gods. For example, Simu has practiced the art of inviting gods for many years, and he has not cultivated the art of inviting gods to a high level. Lu Yue, who has a celestial talisman, is different. Because of the existence of Tianlu, it is extremely easy for Lu Yue to communicate with immortals and gods. However, just practice casually, and let Lu Yue reach the four eyes for many years of hard work.

Looking at Lu Yue who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his four eyes darkened, because he could sense that Lu Yue was practicing the spell of summoning the gods at this time. This discovery made his four eyes feel puzzled. It shouldn't be at this time that it is better to practice the art of inviting the gods, but now Lu Yue has started to practice the art of inviting the gods. Could it be that Lu Yue already knows the reason.

Thinking of this, Simu's curiosity became even more intense, and he wanted to go to where Lu Yue was, and learn what was going on from Lu Yue.But the moment he opened his legs, he heard the voice of the law enforcement elder, and suddenly said, "Simu, don't bother Lu Yue."

Hearing this, Simu's eyes lit up, and he came to the law enforcement elder and asked, "Master, do you know what's going on?" It can be seen that Lu Yue is abnormal in inviting the gods. Now that Lu Yue continues to practice the magic of inviting the gods, he should know the reason from his uncle.

"Why, Simu, you want to know, but unfortunately, I prefer you to tell you, what can you do?" The law enforcement elder looked at Simudao jokingly, and seeing the smile on his face, Simu wished that the law enforcement elder He was beaten up hard, but, thinking of the strength of the two of them, Simu gave up this terrible idea, because he knew in his heart that he was not the opponent of the law enforcement elder, and if he really took action, he would definitely be punished by law enforcement. The elder cleaned up severely.

More importantly, even if he could beat the law enforcement elder, he would not dare to do it. Otherwise, the disciples of the entire Maoshan sect would not let him beat the elder.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me. Anyway, you are not the only one who knows about this matter. I can ask Lu Yue. I don't believe that you will tell Lu Yue?" I am Lu Yue's uncle. , if Lu Yue dare not tell himself, Simu doesn't mind cleaning up Lu Yue severely?
"Simu, Lu Yue may not tell you about this matter. As for, you want to use force to force Lu Yue to speak out, but with your strength, you may not be able to do it. Simu was chased so quickly by the younger generation. Come on, you are an uncle, are you ashamed?"

Simu didn't expect the law enforcement elder to say this, and stared blankly at the law enforcement elder. For a while, he didn't know what to say. Qianhe, who was not far away, felt ashamed when he heard the law enforcement elder's words. If they fought with Lu Yue, even if Lu Yue could defeat Si Mu, he would have to pay a considerable price.

But to deal with himself, as long as Lu Yue casts the magical spell, he can defeat him without much effort. Thinking of this, Qianhe tried his best to hide his figure from the law enforcement elders, otherwise, he would never escape Dun scolded.

After a while, Simu returned to the courtyard with his head down, and continued to practice. If he really started, he might not be Lu Yue's opponent, but at least Lu Yue's cultivation would take a while to surpass him. Time is all that matters. At this time, Si Mu has already decided in his heart that Lu Yue must not be easily surpassed. Otherwise, the law enforcement elders don't know how they will run on him?
At the same time, Simu also knew that after so many years of not seeing each other, the law enforcement elder still didn't change at all, he still liked to beat himself so much, and he would never miss any chance to beat himself.

Originally, Simu and Qianhe thought that the stimulation Lu Yue brought to them was over, but they didn't expect that two hours later, the strange aura emanating from Lu Yue's body suddenly increased.

Upon this discovery, Simu and the law enforcement elders widened their eyes and looked at Lu Yue in disbelief. The others didn't know what was going on with Lu Yue, but the two of them knew in their hearts that Lu Yue was about to Please practice magic to the third level.

(End of this chapter)

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