Chapter 126
The power of this magical technique exerted in Lu Yue's hands is stronger than that exerted in his own hands. Now that Lu Yue has cultivated the magical technique to the third level, the power of this magical technique must be stronger than that of himself. In order to be powerful, this is not the most unacceptable thing for Simu. The most unacceptable thing for Simu is that Lu Yue will invite divine art to the third level in such a short period of time. The fourth floor doesn't take much time.

The power of this divine invitation technique in Lu Yue's hands cannot be compared with his own. I am afraid that Lu Yue, who is using the divine invitation technique now, is already stronger than himself. If Lu Yue really cultivates the divine invitation technique to the fourth level, This combat power can still be improved a lot. By then, beating yourself may be as easy as playing house music by yourself.

I sighed helplessly in my heart. Sure enough, I can't stay with Lu Yue, a pervert, lest I be hurt by Lu Yue. I should find an opportunity as soon as possible and leave quickly, otherwise, I don't know when, I will He was severely punished by the law enforcement elders.

Although, Simu had been dealt with by law enforcement elders before, but Simu didn't want to be dealt with by law enforcement elders in front of Jiale and other juniors, so as not to lose face.

Time passed, and ten days passed like this. At this time, Qianhe's injuries were finally fully recovered. Lu Yue also broke through to the second-rank Taoist realm seven days ago, and his strength has increased a lot. Unfortunately, after so many days In terms of cultivation, Lu Yue did not practice the magic technique to the fourth level.

Fortunately, although Lu Yue didn't cultivate the Invite God Art to the fourth level, it won't take long for him to be able to cultivate the Invite God Art to the fourth level. By then, his combat power will be enhanced a lot.

This day, Lu Yue had just finished his breakfast when he heard the law enforcement elder suddenly say, "Lin Jiu, I've been out for a while, and it's time to go back to Maoshan, so I plan to go back to Maoshan in a while."

"Ah, Master Uncle, are you in such a hurry to go back? Do you want to stay a few more days?" With the guidance of the law enforcement elders, Lin Jiu felt that the strength of Jiale and other juniors had improved a lot. In a month's time, the strength of Jiale and others might break through to a higher level.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The head teacher is already urging me to go back. Besides, in this Yizhuang, except for you and Lu Yue, everyone else wants me to leave quickly. It's better for me not to be annoying."

"Uncle Shi, we don't." "Uncle Shi, we didn't think so either. We wish we could stay by your side all the time, Uncle Shi, so that my strength can improve faster."

"Really, if that's the case, Master Uncle can take you back to Maoshan. You probably haven't been to Maoshan. How about it? Do you want to go back to Maoshan to practice with your Master Uncle?" The law enforcement elder looked at Qiu Sheng and the others with a smile.

"Uncle Shi, it's fine to go back to Maoshan to practice with you. We are too stupid. If you know Maoshan with you, Uncle Shi, I'm afraid it will make you angry, so I don't want to go back to Maoshan with you. However, Uncle Shi, you You can bring the junior brother with you, he has extraordinary aptitude, with your guidance, uncle, you should be able to break through to a higher level faster."

"Hmph, do you think I don't want to bring Lu Yue back to Maoshan? Unfortunately, the timing is not right now. It's not the time to bring Lu Yue back. When Lu Yue becomes stronger, I will bring Lu Yue back without you saying it. Take Yue back to Maoshan, let’s not talk about it, I’ll go first.”

After finishing speaking, the law enforcement elder walked out of Yizhuang without waiting for the crowd to say anything, and soon disappeared from everyone's eyes.Looking at the law enforcement elders who disappeared, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai couldn't help shouting, "Uncle Shi, finally left. Next, we can relax a little bit. Two uncles, why don't we sell some good dishes today? How about celebrating?"

The proposal of Qiusheng and Wencai moved Simu and Qianhe for a while. During this period of time, because of the law enforcement elders, Simu and Qianhe did not dare to be lazy, and practiced hard every day, so that Simu and Qianhe, who hadn't practiced so hard for a long time, felt tired for a while, and besides, their senior brothers rarely got together, and they haven't had a good drink yet.

However, before they could say anything, Lin Jiu roared, "Two traitors, the teacher is still there, do you think you don't need to practice in the future? You think too much. Next, the teacher will strictly enforce the law." What the elder left behind, urge you two to work hard in cultivation."

"Master, isn't that right? Master, you shouldn't be able to do such a cruel thing, right?"

"Brother, let's have a hearty meal today. I'm leaving tomorrow. If I want to come to Brother Simu, I won't be able to stay for a few days. The three of us want to get together again. I don't know when it will be. Today is the time." How about letting us get drunk?" Chizuru suggested
"Junior Brother Qianhe, your suggestion is very good, then the three of us will get drunk today. Qiusheng Wencai, you go to the town to buy food and drink and come back." After speaking, Simu took out two silver dollars and handed them to Qiusheng in front of.

"Master, I haven't been to the town yet, can I go with the two senior brothers?" He had been living in the Four Eyes Dojo before, and had never seen any bustling towns.

Before, I heard Qiusheng and Wencai talk about how prosperous Renjia Town was, which made Jiale full of curiosity and wanted to see it. Unfortunately, because of the law enforcement elders, Jiale has not been able to step out of the Yizhuang these days One step, not to mention going to Renjia Town to see it. Now that the law enforcement elder has finally left, he naturally doesn't want to miss the opportunity to go to Renjia Town to see it.

Looking at Jiale's begging eyes, remembering that Jiale has been with me for so many years and has never seen a bustling town, he took out two silver dollars and handed them to Jiale, "Go, buy what you like. "Thank you, Master."

Wencai and Qiusheng on the side, when they saw the four-eyed uncle, who was so generous to Jiale, and gave him two silver dollars, their envious eyes were about to pop out, and they looked at Lin Jiu who was not far away, "Master , look how generous Master is, Master, do you also give us some pocket money, Master, don’t worry, we don’t ask you to give us two silver dollars like Uncle Simu, you only need to give us one Silver dollars will do."

Qiu Sheng's words made Lin Jiu's face darken. He is not as rich as his four eyes, and he doesn't feel bad at all when he takes out four silver dollars at once. Besides, he has money and he doesn't want to waste it on Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng now. They have to keep them to marry their wives. "If you don't have money, if you don't want to go, you can let other people go as a teacher, and you two can continue to stay in Yizhuang to practice."

(End of this chapter)

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