Chapter 144 Regret
However, the Western Zombie, who was absorbing the evil energy in the coffin, felt an urgency in his heart after feeling the presence of Lu Yue and the others, urging him to quickly absorb the blood of Lu Yue and the others, which would greatly improve himself. Great benefit.As soon as this idea came up, the Western Zombie couldn't control it anymore, flew out of the coffin, and flew to where Lin Jiu and the others were, trying to bite Lin Jiu and the others to death.

Looking at the zombies flying towards him, Lin Jiu waved the mahogany sword in his hand and stabbed at the western zombies, wanting to see whether the western zombies were really as Lu Yue said before, their Taoism and The mahogany sword does not do much damage to Western zombies.

When the mahogany sword stabbed the Western zombies, Lin Jiu found that his mahogany sword lost its due effect on the zombies and turned into an ordinary wooden sword, which couldn't hurt the Western zombies at all.

Fortunately, Lin Jiu had already expected this situation, and was not surprised at all. He stepped on Yu steps and quickly backed away, just avoiding the claws of the Western Zombies.

Seeing this, Simu hurriedly took out a handful of garlic paste and threw it at the body of the Western Zombie. The movement of the four eyes was extremely fast, and the Western Zombie did not expect that there would be garlic paste in the hands of the four eyes. On the face, the Western Zombie screamed, and kept wiping the garlic on his face with his hands, trying to wipe the garlic off his face.

But Xiyang's hand, not only did not wipe off the garlic paste on his face, but also stained his hands with a lot of garlic paste, and there was a crackling sound of corrosion, exposing the bones inside. The injury was serious, and he wanted to It may take a while to fully recover.

Seeing the horrors of the Western Zombies, Lin Jiu and Si Mu were filled with shock. They did not expect the mashed garlic to do so much damage to the Western Zombies.Before, Lin Jiu and the others had never encountered Western zombies. They thought that even if this garlic paste was useful to Western zombies, it would not be very useful. But now it seems that this garlic paste is simply the nemesis of Western zombies. big.

Fortunately, they listened to Lu Yue's words and prepared a lot of garlic paste. With these garlic paste, it is not difficult to kill this Western zombie.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu and Si Mu took out a lot of garlic paste and threw it at the Western Zombie, wanting to kill the Western Zombie as soon as possible.Before, the Western Zombie did not expect that Simu would prepare mashed garlic before Simu came. He was unprepared, so Simu could easily succeed.

Now, he already knew that Simu and Lin Jiu held the mashed garlic that restrained him greatly, so he naturally didn't dare to be careless. Seeing Lin Jiu and Simu take out the mashed garlic again, the Western Zombie Jumping high, at the same time, driven by the western zombies, the cloak behind him blocked his body completely behind, allowing Simu and Lin Jiu to throw the garlic paste and land on the cloak without any effect. role.

Before, Lu Yue knew that it was not an easy task to deal with the Western zombies in front of him, so he secretly guarded. After seeing the Western zombies driving the cloak to protect himself, Lu Yue knew that his chance had come. Jumping up, he used the Lightning and Thunder Fist, condensing a powerful thunder and lightning, and struck the Western Zombie.

Whether it is a Western zombie or a local zombie, they were restrained by lightning. At this time, the Western zombie was busy resisting the garlic, and the attack speed of the lightning was extremely fast. The Western zombie did not avoid the lightning. cried out.

Before going through that scene, Lin Jiu and Simu already understood that the Western Zombie was smarter than they expected, and it was not easy to kill the Western Zombie with the help of garlic paste. After all the clothes on his body are destroyed, he can use garlic paste to kill the Western Zombie.

Let's look at the damage caused by Lu Yue's Lightning and Thunder Fist to Western zombies. How can Lin Jiu and Simu not understand that the Taoism they learned is not really useless.

Afterwards, Simu and Lin Jiu looked at each other, took out a fire talisman, turned it into a ball of flame, and hit the western zombie.Even if the Western Zombies couldn't be injured by this, the clothes on the Western Zombies should be burned to ashes, so that the Western Zombies can be completely exposed to them, so that the mashed garlic in their hands can have an effect.

Seeing the flames hitting him, the Western Zombie wanted to dodge. Whether it was lightning or flames, it would do him great harm. How long, I will die in the hands of Simu and Lin Jiu.

It's just that I was hit by lightning and thunder before, and my body was in a paralyzed state, unable to dodge the flames hitting me. Fortunately, they are now in the church, with a lot of evil spirits.Having been nourished by evil energy for so many years, although Western zombies cannot use evil energy to quickly improve their strength like Eastern zombies, they can also drive some evil energy.

Therefore, the moment he realized that his body could not move, the Western Zombie drove the evil spirit around him into a stream of cold, and flew towards the flame. The moment the cold evil spirit touched the flame, it extinguished the flame and disappeared into the void At the same time, part of the evil spirit, driven by the Western Zombie, entered the body, allowing the Western Zombie to recover its ability to move.

The Western Zombie, who had regained his ability to move, did not immediately attack Lu Yue and the others, but flew high, hung on the ceiling, and began to scream loudly.Although Lin Jiu and the others still don't know why the Western Zombies screamed loudly at this time, they also know that this is definitely not a good thing for them. They must stop it, otherwise, something bad may happen matter.

However, Tu Long said that after seeing Lin Jiu and others going to the church, he returned to the mayor's house and planned to kill in Jiuquan Town to improve his strength so that he could kill Lin Jiu and others after the death of the Western Zombies. Kill them all.

Under the frenzied attack of Tulong and other zombies, Jiuquan Town became extremely chaotic. This time they clearly saw the horror of zombies, and felt a burst of regret in their hearts. They should not have opened the church before. There will be no zombies.

It's just that it's too late to regret it now, what they can do now is to go to the Four Eyes Dojo and ask Uncle Jiu to kill these zombies.Of course, not everyone is going to the Four Eyes Dojo at this time, asking Uncle Jiu and others to help them kill the zombies, otherwise, they will all die in the hands of these zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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