Chapter 145
For example, the Western missionaries who came here before saw Tulong and others, and found that Tulong and others were very similar to the legendary vampires. They held a cross in their hands and chanted the Bible, trying to drive Tulong and others away.

Tonight, if they can expel these vampires in front of the people of Jiuquan Town, not only will the people of Jiuquan Town be grateful to them Western missionaries, but it will also greatly enhance the prestige of the church, so that they can be more powerful in the future. Okay preaching here.

These Western missionaries think very well. If cultivators like Tulong are no longer here, the plan of the Western missionaries may succeed. Unfortunately, there is a zombie who knows the way of Dragon Tu. These Western missionaries The plan is doomed to fail, Dragon Slayer is not a simple Western zombie, and they will die here because of their own arrogance.

The moment he saw the Western missionaries, Tu Long felt a burst of disgust in his heart, and at the same time, a killing intent surged in his heart, wanting to kill all the Western missionaries in front of him.

Having great strength and not being a good person, Tulong naturally wouldn't suppress the thoughts in his heart. He jumped up and appeared in front of a Western missionary. Before he could react, he bit the man's neck Going up, frantically absorbing blood, within a few seconds, all the blood on this person's body was sucked up and he fell to the ground.

After absorbing the blood of this Western missionary, Tu Long could clearly sense that his own strength had increased a little compared to before, and the eyes he looked at other missionaries became even hotter.

At this time, in the eyes of Tu Long, these Western missionaries are not human beings, but treasures that can quickly increase their strength.Appeared in front of a Western missionary again and continued to suck blood.Seeing their companions dying in Tulong's hands, the other Western missionaries suppressed the fear in their hearts, waved the cross in their hands, and struck Tulong.

When he saw these crosses, Tu Long sensed a hint of danger on these crosses, so Rulong would naturally not let these crosses hit him, jumped up with the missionary in front of him, and came to the room On top, keep sucking blood.

Soon, the blood on this missionary was sucked dry, and after that, Tulong appeared in front of another missionary again, caught him and flew to the roof, and continued to suck blood.In just one minute, five missionaries died at the hands of Tulong, but they had nothing to do about the atrocities committed by Tulong. They could only watch helplessly as many of their companions continued to die at the hands of Tulong.

"Hurry up, this demon is stronger than we estimated. Even if we join forces, we are not his opponent. Hurry up and leave here, invite Lin Jiudao and others to come and kill this demon. We must not let this demon Survive." After hearing what the bishop said, the other missionaries did not stop, and planned to go to Simu Taoist Temple to seek help from Simu and others.

"It's too late to leave now." The blood on these missionaries has a greater effect on him than the blood on other people. So, how could Tu Long let these leave?Hastily drove the zombies killed by him to prevent these missionaries from leaving.

At the same time, Tulong also accelerated the speed of slaughter. In Tulong's view, letting one of these missionaries escape is not a small loss for him. After all, after reaching their level, if you want to improve, Not an easy task.

But for some reason, the missionaries in front of them can improve their own strength after absorbing their blood. So, how could Tu Long let these Western missionaries leave?

With the help of many zombies, none of the many Western missionaries could escape. In the end, all of them were bitten to death by the dragon slaying, and the dragon slaying who sucked up dozens of missionaries was stronger than before. Little, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and he looked even more evil.

Afterwards, Tu Long planned to go to the Four Eyes Daoist Temple and kill all the people there. Others didn't know that Lin Jiu and others were not in the Taoist temple at this time.

But Tulong knew very well that Lin Jiu and others were not in the Taoist temple, but in the church, fighting zombies. For such a good opportunity, how could Tulong give up?

Before Tulong started to act, he sensed a call from the church, urging him to go to the church now. At this time, Tulong's strength has improved a lot, and he can still resist and control the call in the church. own body, do not go to church.

But those zombies who were bitten to death by the dragon before could not stop this call, and went to the church one after another to obey the orders of the Western Zombies.Even Tu Long discovered that those missionaries who were killed by him before also quickly transformed into zombies under this call and went to the church.

Although Lin Jiu and Simu haven't discovered why the Western Zombies are screaming loudly, the instinct of Lin Jiu and Simu tells them that this is definitely not a good thing, and they must stop the Western Zombies as soon as possible. Keep screaming.

But just when they were about to make a move, they were stopped by Lu Yue, "Master, Master Uncle, I sense that there are many zombies who were bitten to death by the dragon slaying, and they are coming here, wanting this Western zombie!" The reason for screaming is to summon these zombies.

However, master and uncle, I didn't sense that Tulong was coming here, and the Western Zombie didn't stop screaming now. I think this Western Zombie wants to summon Tulong to come, so we better not disturb it. "Although, after Tulong came, it would be much more difficult for them to kill the Western Zombies, but this would at least prevent Tulong from continuing to do evil.

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu and Simu's hearts were full of murderous intent. They didn't expect that the dragon slaying would be so evil, and they would wantonly kill the people to improve their own strength. It was too inhumane. However, thinking about it now Tulong has become a zombie, and naturally he will no longer have any humanity. Afterwards, Simu and Lin Jiu stopped one after another, wanting to wait until Tulong came.

At the beginning, Tulong was able to resist the call of the Western Zombies, but as time passed, Tulong could no longer suppress the impulse in his heart, and quickly jumped towards the church.

Sensing that Tulong was summoned and was approaching here quickly, Lu Yue nodded to Lin Jiu and Simu, "Master, the Tulong has come."

"Lu Yue, let you deal with the other zombies, Junior Brother, let you deal with the dragon slaying first, and let me deal with the Western zombies in front of you." Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue and Simu with a serious expression and said .

(End of this chapter)

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