Chapter 16
"It's caused by your special physique. As long as it is good for the future, there is no harm. You just continue to practice. This situation will disappear after a period of time."

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't understand what Lin Jiu meant. They looked at Lu Yue curiously, wanting to know what was so special about Lu Yue's body.

He has been in contact with Wencai Qiusheng for a while, and Lu Yue already knows what kind of people they are. How could he tell others about his special features?
Without saying anything, I continued to practice. Since what the master said is good for my cultivation, I should absorb more.

Seeing that Lu Yue didn't answer their questions, Wencai and Qiusheng became even more curious. Unfortunately, before they could ask anything, they heard Lin Jiu's voice saying again, "You two must not disturb Lu Yue. Yue is practicing, otherwise, the rattan whip will serve you." After speaking, Lin Jiu shook the rattan whip in his hand.

During this period of time, the rattan whip in Lin Jiu's hand left them with a very deep memory. The moment the two of them saw the rattan whip, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and they didn't dare to disturb Lu Yue anymore. Fearing that it would be too late, the rattan whip in Lin Jiu's hand would fall on him again, recalling the pain he had suffered before.

The next day, after Lin Jiu and Lu Yue had absorbed the purple energy, they brought Lu Yue to the ancestral hall and asked Lu Yue to kneel in front of them, "Lu Yue, you have already practiced Maoshan Body Refining Boxing to the third level. , Today, as a teacher, I will officially teach you the method of practicing Qi in Maoshan, and the Dadong Sutra of the Shangqing, and you should memorize it carefully." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu dictated the contents of the Dadong Sutra of the Shangqing.Originally, Lu Yue thought that Lin Jiu was passing on a secret book to himself, but he didn't expect it to be a dictation, so he quickly restrained his mind and began to write down the Shangqing Dadong scripture by heart.

I don't know if it's because of time travel or physical fitness, but Lu Yue found that his memory is extremely amazing, it can be said that he has a photographic memory.After Lin Jiu dictated the Dadong Sutra to Shangqing, Lu Yue found that he had memorized everything Lin Jiu had said before.

"Lu Yue, can you now write down the scriptures of the Great Cave of the Shangqing?" This Lu Yue's aptitude is extraordinary, even if he didn't write down all the scriptures of the Great Cave of the Shangqing, he should have written down most of them.

It's just that there can't be any mistakes in this cultivation method. Once there are mistakes and omissions, at least it will not be possible to improve your cultivation level, and at worst, you will be in danger of going crazy. Therefore, unless Lu Yue completely memorizes the exercises, Lin Jiu will only I can say the exercises again.

"Returning to the master, the disciple has already written it down." Lu Yue's words shocked Lin Jiu's heart. Some time ago, Lin Jiu had already understood Lu Yue's talent.

Originally, Lin Jiu thought that with his current knowledge, even if he didn't understand Lu Yue thoroughly, he should understand most of it. Therefore, his guess should not be wrong, but unexpectedly, he still underestimated Lu Yue's extraordinaryness. "Really, you recite the Dadong Sutra of the Shangqing to listen to it."

"It's Master." Next, Lu Yue recited the Shangqing Dadong Mantra that he had memorized, and then looked at Lin Jiu to know if there were any mistakes in his recitation.

Having been under Lin Jiu's sect for a while, Lu Yue has gained a lot of understanding about cultivation, and knows that there must be no mistakes in this exercise, otherwise, it will cause great harm in the future.

"Lu Yue, you didn't make a mistake. Now, as a teacher, I will explain to you the cultivation method of the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture." After that, Lin Jiu began to explain to Lu Yue the cultivation method of the Shangqing Dadong Scripture. Law.

However, after Wencai and Qiusheng got up, they found that Lu Yue and the master were not practicing. A trace of doubt flashed in their eyes. They did not know what was going on and why they were not practicing today. "Qiu Sheng, you said why Master and Lu Yue didn't practice anymore today? Could it be that these two have gone out?"

"Wencai, you are so stupid. Junior brother has already practiced the third level of Maoshan body training boxing. It's time for the master to pass on the real cultivation method to junior brother. Today, master and junior brother should not appear, that is to say , we don’t need to practice today.”

"Really?" If this is the case, it would be great. You know, it has been extremely painful for them to be forced to practice by Lin Jiu during this period of time. They have wanted to take a good rest for a long time. find opportunities.

"How literary, you don't believe my words, otherwise, let's make a bet, if the master is really teaching the method of cultivation to the younger brother, next time we go to the town, you want to treat, otherwise I will treat you, How about it, Wencai, do you dare?"

"Don't dare, I don't have much money on me. Besides, with my junior brother here, we don't know when we will be able to go to the town? By the way, Qiusheng, do you feel that since the master accepted the junior brother? , I didn’t go out much, and stayed in the Yizhuang all the time, watching us practice.” If it was before, even if there was no business, Lin Jiu would not stay in the Yizhuang all the time, and would walk around to see if there was any What monsters and ghosts appeared.

"You are so stupid. The little junior has such a high cultivation talent. Naturally, the master should guide the little junior to practice well, so as not to make any mistakes. After all, the young junior has just started to practice. At this time, it is easy to make mistakes. However, this kind of The situation won't last for too long, and when the younger brother officially embarks on the road of cultivation, the master won't stay in the Yizhuang forever."

"Che, Qiusheng, you think too much. Although the aptitude of the younger brother is much better than ours, it is not an easy task to embark on the road of cultivation. I am afraid it will take half a year or a year." It’s time to do it.” If cultivation was so easy, they wouldn’t be in the Daoist realm now.

"That's right, forget it, Wencai, let's not talk about junior brother, let's think about how to play for a while." "Okay, okay." After that, Wencai and Qiusheng began to discuss.

However, under Lin Jiu's explanation, Lu Yue fully understood the first level of the Dadong Sutra of the Shangqing. After that, Lu Yue planned to start practicing and really stepped into the door of cultivation. Jiu took out a special disc made of gold leaf and handed it to him, "Lu Yue, before you start practicing, you need to write your name on this disc, and force out a drop of blood essence to blend in with you." In the disc text."

Looking at the strange disc in front of him, Lu Yue couldn't help asking curiously, "Master, what kind of disc is this, why is it so strange?"

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