Chapter 17

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu quickly said seriously, "Lu Yue, don't talk nonsense, this is your practice disc, we cultivators, the reason why we practice is to cultivate to become immortal, but, we want to become immortal It is extremely difficult, what's more, it is still the age of the end of the Dharma, and it is even more difficult to become a fairy. However, God has the virtue of being good at life, and has left a way for us practitioners in the age of the end of the Dharma. That is this practice Disc text, after this disc text recognizes its owner, it will be integrated into your soul. If the soul is immortal, this disc text will not disappear.

As for the function of this disc, it is to record the merits of our cultivators. When we have accumulated enough merits, even if you cannot cultivate into immortals in this life, you will still have the opportunity to embark on the road of cultivation in the next life. Practice to accumulate merit.

Of course, if you don't want to be reincarnated, you can also rely on the disc in your hand to work in the underworld. However, it is not an easy task to work in the underworld. Not only does it require a lot of merit, but you also need Something else will do.There is also this disc text, which can communicate with heaven and earth, and transform into a heavenly or earthly talisman.Tianlu is under the jurisdiction of the heavenly court, not only can invite the immortals in the heavenly court to help, but it is also easier than others to get the opportunity bestowed by the immortals.

It's just that it is not an easy task to transform the disc text into a celestial talisman. It requires not only qualifications, but also opportunities and luck. It is extremely difficult, even impossible, to obtain the heavenly talisman. As for the celestial talisman, it can communicate with the underworld, become an underworld to walk in the world, work for the underworld, accumulate merit, and even become an official of the underworld easily after death. The benefits are also great. Small. "

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue's heart full of curiosity, wondering if he would be able to get the Dilu in the future.Afterwards, Lu Yue took the disc text in Lin Jiu's hand, "Master, you didn't give me a pen, how could I write my name on the disc text?"

"You don't need a pen to write a dish. You can write with your fingers. Also, when you write a dish, something bad will happen. You must persevere. Otherwise, the dish will lose its transformation. possible."

"Yes, master, I understand. By the way, master, have you successfully written the dish?" After speaking, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked.My qualifications are better than Lin Jiu's. If Lin Jiu succeeds, then I have a great possibility of success.

"Stinky boy, do you think you are such a useless person as a teacher? Of course he succeeded, and as a teacher, he also transformed the dish script into a land talisman." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu hit the top of Lu Yue's head hard. one time. "Oh, it hurts so much, Master, did Brother Wencai and Brother Qiusheng succeed?"

"No, those two things that are not up to date have not been written successfully. I hope you can give the teacher some success in writing. Otherwise, this disc can only wait until you refine the aura and write your own name with the aura. However, in this way, the possibility of transformation will be lost." "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely succeed."

Although Lu Yue still doesn't fully understand the disc writing, he also knows that writing the disc writing should be the most important hurdle for him to embark on the road of cultivation. Only after passing through can he have the possibility to climb to a higher level.

Afterwards, Lu Yue spread out the inscription on the disc, and moved his index finger on the inscription on the disc. As he moved his finger, Lu Yue saw a golden light appearing on the inscription on the disc. With his finger, he left his name, At the beginning, Lu Yue didn't feel anything unusual.

But soon, after he finished writing his surname, Lu Yue felt a great pressure on him, which made Lu Yue feel uncomfortable. At the same time, a voice full of temptation sounded in his heart, "Lu Yue , give up, if you don't give up, you will die under this pressure, with your aptitude, even if you don't have the help of this heaven and earth talisman, it is not impossible to become a fairy, why take the risk of writing it down?"

This voice was full of doubts, making Lu Yue believe in this voice, he was not deceiving himself, if he continued, he would really die under this pressure.

The finger that was swiping on the disc inscription stopped involuntarily. At this time, Lu Yue did not notice that as his hand stopped, the Lu Yue that appeared on the disc began to fade gradually, and when the word Lu disappeared completely , Lu Yue will lose the possibility of writing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu on one side felt anxious, wishing to remind Lu Yue to continue writing, but Lin Jiu did not dare to do so, because once he reminded him, not only would Lu Yue lose the possibility of writing, but he would also lose the possibility of writing. Even oneself will be severely punished.

Fortunately, the moment Lu Yue's fingers paused, a blue light gushed out of his body, enveloping Lu Yue, offsetting the pressure on his body, and allowing Lu Yue to recover. Thinking of the previous situation, Lu Yue felt lucky, fortunately At the critical moment, this innate wood spirit body helped him, otherwise, he might have failed, so he continued to swipe his fingers, and easily wrote his name on the disc. After that, Lu Yue bit his hand and forced out a drop of blood into the disc text.

Following this, this drop of blood essence merged into the disc text, and Lu Yue saw bursts of golden light blooming on the disc text, disappearing the blood essence he had forced out, making the name he wrote, as if branded on it, and letting Lu Yue Yue was curious for a while, not knowing how this disc text came about.

Afterwards, Lu Yue planned to study Die Wen carefully, but unfortunately, before Lu Yue could do anything, he saw the Die Culture enter the body as a stream of light and disappeared.

Although the disc text has disappeared, Lu Yue can still clearly sense the existence of the disc text, and even sensed that the moment the disc text entered his body, a wave of Lu Yue gushed out of his body into the disc text , so that the appearance of the dish text has changed and turned into a jade plaque.

At the same time, a strange word appeared on the jade tablet. Lu Yue was sure that he had never seen this word before, but the moment he saw this word, Lu Yue recognized it as a word of heaven, which made Lu Yue feel puzzled. What's more, he hurriedly asked Lin Jiu, "Master, after this plate of text entered my body, it became a jade tablet, and a strange text appeared on this jade tablet.

The disciple can be sure that he has never seen that character, but the moment he saw the character, the disciple recognized that it was a heavenly character. Master, what is going on? "This matter of cultivation has a lot to do with it, so I should ask clearly and say hello.

"Lu Yue, are you telling the truth?" While speaking, Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue's face, stretched out his hands to grab Lu Yue's arms, and looked at Lu Yue firmly.

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