Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 177 Reunion of old friends

Chapter 177 Reunion of old friends

Meeting Lin Jiu's gaze, Lu Yue smiled slightly and said, "It's just a small captain of the security team. It's very easy to deal with him, so, master, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Little captain of the security team, Lu Yue, your tone is not small, but you'd better be careful, the captain of the security team is not a good thing." However, Lin Jiu was still worried that Lu Yue would have an accident because of this.

As a genius disciple of the Maoshan School, Lin Jiu was placed high hopes by the Maoshan School. How could he know how to make faces? When he saw the captain of the security team, Lin Jiu found that there was a lot of evil surrounding this man , I should have done a lot of outrageous things in normal times, which is not a good thing.

"Master, don't worry, I've seen this kind of person a lot, and I know how to deal with it. I believe that he doesn't dare to do anything to us now. Besides, it's not that I don't have acquaintances here. If I want to deal with him, Isn't it difficult?"

Seeing Lu Yue's confident appearance, Lin Jiu was curious, wanting to know who the acquaintance Lu Yue was talking about, who had such great energy, "Lu Yue, who is your acquaintance?" "I remember him As I said, his family is the richest man in this rich village."

"You have a lot of friends, aren't you?" If this person hadn't deceived Lu Yue, it would indeed be as he said, it would not be difficult to deal with a security team captain.

After all, at this time, the captains of the security team are all elected by the village themselves to serve the rich people in the village, and the richest man in a village has great energy, so it is not difficult to deal with the captain of the security team in the village things.

"Master, he is my former classmate. However, we haven't seen each other for several years. I don't know if he still remembers me. Besides, his family's business is not small, and he is the only male. It will all fall on his shoulders, not necessarily staying in Fugui Village."

Seeing this, Lin Jiu didn't say anything, and followed the footsteps of the village head.However, after a while, Lu Yue suddenly heard someone calling him. He stopped and turned around, wanting to know who was calling him. smile.

"Master Lu, you came to Fugui Village, and you didn't say anything to me. Why, Master Lu, are you looking down on me?" It's your hometown, and I planned to wait until the end of a while before visiting your house, but who knew that you came here, by the way, how did you know I'm here?"

Although this was the first time Lu Yue saw Fu'an, at the moment of Fu'an, Lu Yue felt inexplicably familiar without any unfamiliarity. "Well, then this time, I won't bother with you. Before, I suddenly lost contact. I thought you didn't recognize me as a friend? Otherwise, you haven't seen you contact our friends in the past few years. ?”

"How could it be? It's just that this matter is a bit complicated. I'll explain it to you later. By the way, let me introduce you. This is my master, this is my senior brother Qiu Sheng, and the other is Wen Cai. Senior brother. Master, this is the good friend Fu'an I mentioned earlier." Lu Yue pointed to Lin Jiusan and introduced them.

"Master Lin, hello two senior brothers." "Hi nephew, by the way, this is an amulet drawn by myself, and I will give it to you." Lin Jiu took out an amulet and handed it to Fu'an in front of.Looking at the talisman in front of him, Fu An did not accept it immediately, but looked at Lu Yue suspiciously, wanting to know what was going on?

"I still don't accept it, it's a good thing." As he spoke, Lu Yue took the amulet from Lin Jiu and put it in Fu'an's hand.At this time, Fu An also reacted, looked at Lin Jiu and said, "Thank you, Master Lin." "Uncle Jiu, my nephew has been studying in the provincial capital before, and I don't know about these things. I hope Uncle Jiu will forgive me." .”

"The village chief is worrying too much. I know. After all, my disciple used to be a scholar. How could he not know what they think as a scholar? Village chief, let's continue. As for these young people, let They stay together."

"Xiao An, I will leave it to you to take care of the three disciples of Uncle Ninth. Don't neglect them, you know?" "Second Uncle, I understand. Don't worry, I will take good care of them." Seeing this, the village head didn't say anything, followed Lin Jiu and continued to walk up the mountain.

Seeing his second uncle and Lin Jiu walking away, Fu An looked at Lu Yue and asked, "Master Lu, should you explain to me now what is going on? How did you, the young master of the Lu family, become a Taoist?" Already?" "Didn't you already guess it."

"Lu Yue, do ghosts and ghosts really exist in this world, so are you a cultivator now?" Fu An looked at Lu Yue excitedly and asked. "Yes, demons and ghosts do exist, and I am also a cultivator now."

Hearing Lu Yue's confession, Fu'an was even more excited, "Then, Lu Yue, can you let me see those Taoism?" Originally, Lu Yue wanted to refuse, but when he saw it, Fu'an looked at it with fiery eyes. When I looked at myself, I couldn't say this refusal, "Okay, come with me now, and I will give you a lot of insight. Take me to a place where no one has water."

"Okay, Lu Yue, I'll take you there now, you guys, don't follow me." Fu An turned and looked at the servant behind him and said. "Yes, Master." Soon, Fu An brought Lu Yue to a small pool, and then looked straight at Lu Yue with excitement on his face.

"Look carefully, this is a fire talisman." After speaking, Lu Yue took out a fire talisman to activate it, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air, fell on the pool, and bursts of water vapor immediately rose.

"Fu'an, the amulet in your hand is more powerful than the one I used before. You must keep it safe. At a critical moment, can it save your life?" Lu Yue looked at Fu'an solemnly and asked. . "Lu Yue, don't worry, I didn't know how powerful this thing was because I didn't see it before. Now that I know it, why don't I keep it safe?" Fuan took out the amulet that he had put away before, carefully put it in the pocket.

"You'd better find a bag and hang it around your neck, so you don't have to worry about losing it, and it can be kept intact." "I see, when I go back, let the servants prepare it. Is there any other way to open my eyes, please." Fuan looked at Lu Yue and begged.

(End of this chapter)

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