Chapter 178

"Okay, take a good look. This is the unique skill of the Maoshan School, Lightning and Thunder Fist." In order to let Fuan see more clearly, Lu Yue did not release the lightning from his fist, but stayed for a while Lu Yue released the lightning from his fist and landed on the pool. The lightning surged, electrocuting many fish and floating up.

"That's amazing Lei Fa, Lu Yue, now I finally know why you became a Taoist priest." If he had the opportunity, he would choose to be a Taoist priest like Lu Yue did.

However, soon Fuan realized that something was wrong. It turned out that just now, there were many dead bats in the pool.Looking at the many bat corpses on the water, Fu An looked at Lu Yue solemnly and asked, "Lu Yue, is there something wrong with our village?" Otherwise, how could there be so many bats here.

"There is indeed a problem, but Fuan, you don't have to worry too much. With my master's ability, it is not difficult to solve this problem. Let's go, let's go to my master and tell him the situation here. .”

"Lu Yue, I'm going to trouble you. You must solve the problems in our village?" Fu'an didn't believe in the existence of ghosts and ghosts before, but after seeing Lu Yue's ability, Fu'an already knew that such things as ghosts and ghosts existed. Immediately, he remembered the rumors circulating in the village. Now it seemed that these stories were not necessarily fake, so Fuan naturally did not dare to be careless.

Seeing Fu'an's worried look, Lu Yue quickly comforted him, "Fu'an, I told you not to worry. My master is much stronger than me. This problem in your village is not difficult for the master. , you can rest assured."

"Lu Yue, what you said is true?" "Of course, it's not like you don't understand me as a person. Am I the one who would use this kind of thing to deceive you? Don't worry, we will go to my master now , Tell him what happened, don't worry."

"Lu Yue, I will leave the matter of our village to you. You must solve this matter, otherwise, what will happen to our village?"

"Okay." After speaking, Lu Yue took Fu An to Lin Jiu's place.The surrounding area was full of vegetation. For Lu Yue, it was not difficult to find where Lin Jiu was. Soon, Lu Yue and Fu An appeared in front of Lin Jiu.

"Master, there is something wrong with the water in Fugui Village. Just now I found a lot of dead bats in the pool not far away?" After speaking, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously, wanting to know what happened. What's going on?

"Ah, Daoist Lu, are you telling the truth?" As soon as the village head finished speaking, Fu An quickly said, "Second Uncle, I saw it with my own eyes, Daoist, you must help our village. "

Hearing Fu'an's words, the village chief was shocked. He didn't expect that Fu'an, who had never believed in these things, would say such a thing. It seems that his nephew should have learned a lot from Lu Yue. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a big change.I became more and more convinced of Lin Jiu's ability, "Uncle Jiu, my nephew is right, you must help our village, otherwise, what will happen to our village?"

"Village chief, you don't have to worry too much. If I'm not mistaken, there should be zombies in your village, and this zombie is not far from the water pool where the Dragon Ball is. That's why it polluted the water source and disturbed the animals. The villagers keep getting sick. Village chief, this water is undrinkable, we need to find another water source, otherwise, it will not be as simple as getting sick."

Although Lin Jiu didn't say it clearly, how could the village chief not know the unfinished meaning of Lin Jiu's words? , there is only this water source, if there is a problem with this water source, then our village will have water to drink." The village chief looked at Lin Jiudao in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'll find another water source for you in a while. As for the original water source, you won't be able to drink it again until three months later." "Thank you Uncle Jiu, don't worry, Uncle Jiu. Certainly not less." The village chief looked at Lin Jiu happily and promised.

Hearing this, Lin Jiu didn't say much, and called Lu Yue and the others to him, and began to look for other water sources.Fu'an and the village chief naturally followed Lin Jiu and the others, wanting to know if Lin Jiu could find the water source.Soon, Lin Jiu determined the location of the water vein, looked at Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, lay a wooden stake at the place where the red ropes converge, that's where the water vein is."

"Yes, master, I know." As he said that, Lu Yue came to the place where the red ropes gathered, and slapped them hard with his palms, leaving only [-] centimeters of the one-meter-long stake outside.

The method Lu Yue showed made the village head and others not far away, with a flash of eyes, and a casual slap, they were able to drive a wooden stake into the ground. It is not difficult to see how powerful Lu Yue is, and he felt a little relaxed With a sigh of relief, after Lin Jiu makes a move, the problem here must be solved soon.

"Village chief, let people start digging the well. The water veins in the ground are not small. It is not a problem to supply the villagers with water." "Okay, Uncle Jiu, I will let people start digging the well now." He began to tell the security team to find the workers and start digging the well.

At this time, the captain of the security team was holding a lot of things in his hands, and he didn't dare to put them down, which made Fu'an feel puzzled. He didn't know what was going on. Then, Fu'an thought of something, looked at Lu Yue beside him and asked, "Lu Yue, Did the captain of the security team offend you?" If that's the case, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

"Before, we had some unhappiness, but I agreed, as long as he holds those things before we go back, I will not care about what happened before, otherwise, I need you, the young master Take action and remove him from his post."

"Since this is the case, then I won't say anything more. If he can't do it, just tell me and I'll help you deal with him." A small security team captain, relying on his own identity, wants to deal with him , is not a difficult matter.

Previously, the captain of the security team had been paying attention to Lu Yue and Fu An. When he saw Fu An looking at him unkindly, he felt a bit of bitterness in his heart. He knew that Lu Yue had told Fu An about what happened before, otherwise, Fu An would not in this way.

Now the captain of the security team can only pray in his heart that Lu Yue can keep his promise, otherwise, the position of the captain of the security team will be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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