Chapter 191 Wonderful Feelings

Before, Lin Jiu had already guessed that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng would open their mouths like a lion, but Lin Jiu didn't expect Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng to dare to ask for so much, and looked at them angrily.

"Master, it's fine if you don't give it. Don't look at us like this. We are afraid. However, Master, you also said that the two of us dug such a big hole. We have put in some effort. Otherwise, Master Give the two of us a silver dollar, and let Wencai and I share it."

Seeing Lin Jiu's expression, Qiu Sheng knew that it was impossible for Lin Jiu to give them two silver dollars, so he could only lower his request and get one silver dollar.From Qiu Sheng's point of view, Lin Jiu should give them a silver dollar for the money they made this trip.

"A silver dollar, thanks to what the two of you said, even if you are looking for a worker, it is just a few copper coins. You two dare to ask the teacher for a silver dollar. It is amazing. But forget it, this time I made some money for the teacher. For the money, I will give you two silver dollars, and this silver dollar will be saved for the two of you as a teacher, and you will use it when you marry a wife in the future, so I won’t give it to you two, so as not to spend it.” After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu refused Pay attention to Wencai and Qiusheng again, and walk forward.

Looking at Lin Jiu's back, Wencai and Qiusheng were full of depression, "Master, since you don't plan to pay us, why do you ask the two of us to make us happy?"

Before, both Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng thought that Lin Jiu would give them the salary, but Lin Jiu had no such plan at all. "That's right, Master, you are too bad. Since you don't intend to give us two wages, why make us happy for nothing. Before, we were still thinking about how to spend the money?" Wen Cai complained looking at Lin Jiu.

Hearing this, Lin Jiu turned around, looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng and said, "Look, this is the reason why the teacher doesn't give you two wages. Once the money is given to you, you won't be able to save it at all." It will only be squandered by you, but the teacher is different, I can save this money for you, and give it to you when you marry your daughter-in-law.

As for why I ask you, I want you to know how much money there is here as a teacher. Of course, if you don't want to know, I will not say it in the future as a teacher? "

"Master, how is this possible? You must tell us the salary in the future." Although, it is impossible for them to get this salary in a short time, at least let them know a number, which can give them some comfort .

Then, Wencai thought of something, looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked, "Master, how much is the salary of the junior brother this time?" You can borrow money from your junior brother.

"Before, the village chief gave the teacher sixty silver dollars. After deducting one of you two, there are still 59. Lu Yue contributed more than the teacher this time. Therefore, Lu Yue got thirty silver dollars. There are 29 teachers, Lu Yue, do you have any objections?"

"Master, I don't have any opinion, just give it as you see it." Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu nodded with a smile. Afterwards, Lin Jiu took out the previous money bag, intending to count thirty silver dollars, and handed it over to Lu Yue. To Lu Yue.Looking at the money bag in Lin Jiu's hand, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng felt a burst of envy in their hearts, wishing to snatch the money bag from Lin Jiu's hand and take it for themselves.

However, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng knew very well that the consequence of doing so would be nothing but a beating by Lin Jiu.I can only envy in my heart that Lu Yue can get this many silver dollars. At the same time, I made up my mind that after returning home, I must practice hard. If they can reach Lu Yue's level, if they want to make money again, it will be easy A lot.

Regarding Lu Yue's current state, both Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng knew that, in their view, with their aptitude, if they worked hard, it was not impossible to reach Lu Yue's state. matter.

Unfortunately, what Wencai and Qiusheng didn't know was that even if the two of them could reach Lu Yue's current state, it was impossible for them to have Lu Yue's combat power.

Because, Lu Yue's current combat power is definitely not a warlock. It can be possessed, even if it is a stronger human master, it may not necessarily be possessed. With Lu Yue's current combat power, he can compete with the earth master, and even some weak A little land master is not Lu Yue's opponent at all, and will die in Lu Yue's hands.

Looking at Lin Jiu who was counting the silver dollars, Lu Yue quickly said, "Master, those silver dollars should be used to improve the food in Yizhuang. Don't give them to me. I don't need money."

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu was taken aback. He didn't expect Lu Yue to say that. Then, he looked at Lu Yue and said, "No need for Lu Yue. I have a lot of money in my hands as a teacher. It can improve the food. I don't need to use your money. The money You should keep it for your cultivation." "Master, I really don't need it, I'm not short of money, you see." Lu Yue took out a few gold bars from the storage bag.

Looking at the gold bar in Lu Yue's hand, Lin Jiu's eyes widened. Although he had been down the mountain for a while, Lin Jiu had never owned a gold bar because of his fate and lack of money. He also knew what Lu Yue said was true. There is really no shortage of money. "In this case, let's use the money to improve the food in Yizhuang." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu put away the silver dollars in his hand.

Lin Jiu had never seen a gold bar, and Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng had never seen a gold bar. Therefore, when they saw Lu Yue take out the gold bar, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's eyes widened, and they looked at it in disbelief. Looking at the gold bars in Lu Yue's hands, they didn't expect Lu Yue to be so rich.

Afterwards, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Lu Yue, "Little brother, is this a gold bar? We haven't seen a gold bar yet, little brother, can you let us see it?"

For such a trivial matter, Lu Yue naturally would not refuse, and put a gold bar in the hands of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng respectively. As for the remaining gold bars, Lu Yue put them in the storage bag.

"Is this a gold bar? It's so beautiful, little brother, can you put this gold bar on them first, let us experience what it's like to have a gold bar in our arms, and return the gold bar to you when we return to Yizhuang Ah." Holding the gold bars in their hands, Wencai and Qiusheng felt a sense of pride, as if there was nothing they couldn't afford. This feeling was so wonderful that Wencai and Qiusheng wanted to feel more. a while.

"Okay, two senior brothers, put these two gold bars in your hands first, and return them to me when you return to Yizhuang."

(End of this chapter)

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