Chapter 190 Salary
Seeing Lin Jiu and Lu Yue coming back, Master Fu and others hurriedly came to Lu Yue and Lin Jiu and asked, "Two priests, how are you? Has the zombie been killed?" , Master Fu and others looked at Lu Yue and Lin Jiu nervously, fearing that they would say that they hadn't killed the Western zombies yet.

"Master Fu, village chief, don't worry, that zombie has been killed by us. Now village chief, you can take people up the mountain to dig a well. By the way, the location has been moved by the zombie. I will accompany you up the mountain later." , Re-determine the location, so as not to make mistakes, and the village chief troubled you to bring some glutinous rice and garlic, we need to purify the place where the zombies were dug, so as not to pollute the land."

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, the village chief and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly assured them, "Uncle Jiu, don't worry, I'll let someone prepare it now, and we'll go up the mountain in a while."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu nodded without saying anything. Then, Lin Jiu thought of something, looked at Lu Yue who was not far away, and said, "Lu Yue, you don't have to follow after a while, and have a good chat with Fu An. Let Wencai and Qiusheng follow suit as teachers."

You won't learn anything from following along this time, so it's better to let Lu Yue and Fu An reminisce about the old days. After all, these two people have been missing for several years, and they will definitely have a lot to say.

How could Lu Yue not know what Lin Jiu was thinking, and naturally he would not refuse, nodded and said, "Thank you, Master." After speaking, Lu Yue and Fu An left.

Seeing Lu Yue's leaving figure, Wencai and Qiusheng were envious for a while. They didn't want to go with Lin Jiu, they wanted to eat and drink in the mansion, because the relationship between Lu Yue and Lin Jiu was so important to the servants in the mansion. , taking care of Wencai and Qiusheng extremely well.

Let Wencai and Qiusheng have a good experience of the life of a rich young master. This kind of opportunity can be said to be extremely rare. After missing this time, I don’t know when I will be able to enjoy it. It is important, whether the two of them follow up or not will not have any effect. "Master, can the two of us not go?"

As soon as Qiu Sheng's words fell, Wen Cai quickly echoed, "Master, we dug a hole just now, and it was extremely hard, and we haven't slowed down yet. Otherwise, Master, you can go by yourself." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai looked at Lin Jiu cautiously. , wanting to know if Lin Jiu would agree.

How could Lin Jiu not be able to guess what Wencai and Qiusheng were thinking, and didn't say anything, but just looked at Wencai and Qiusheng with sharp eyes, which made Wencai and Qiusheng even more uneasy Get up, and as time goes by, this anxiety becomes more and more serious.

After a while, Wencai and Qiusheng could no longer bear the pressure in their hearts, looked at Lin Jiudao, "Master, if you disagree, just say so, don't look at us like this, panicked, really , Master, don’t look at us like this anymore, it’s too intrusive, Master, just treat what we said before, Master, and we will definitely follow you, Master.” After finishing speaking, Wen Cai He and Qiusheng looked at Lin Jiu cautiously.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu ignored the others, found a chair and sat down, and waited for the village chief to come back.The village chief didn't make Lin Jiu wait too long, and soon, he appeared in front of Lin Jiu again. After that, Lin Jiu took the village chief and others up the mountain.

After going up the mountain, Lin Jiu quickly determined the place to dig the well again. After watching the workers start digging, Lin Jiucai waited for Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng to come to the place where the zombies appeared, and dispelled all the corpse gas left in the pit. , Lin Jiucai looked at the village chief and said, "Village chief, the matter in the pit has been purified by the poor way. Next, I will trouble the village chief to fill in the pit."

Hearing this, the village chief breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem, Uncle Jiu, let us take care of this trivial matter, Captain, did you hear Uncle Jiu's words, why don't you hurry up and fill this pit Come on." The village chief shouted while looking at the captain of the security team not far away.

Regarding the instructions of the village chief, the captain of the security team did not dare to be negligent, let alone dissatisfied, otherwise, he would not have any good fruit for himself. You can tell your subordinates to do it, and he does the same.

Naturally, Lin Jiu wouldn't stay here forever. After dealing with it, Lin Jiu left and was going back to Yi Zhuang. You must know that there was still a little zombie in Yi Zhuang.They haven't found food for the little zombie yet, so they can't keep the little zombie hungry, otherwise, they don't know what will happen.

Although Wencai and Qiusheng were extremely reluctant to part with the life of a rich young master and wanted to stay for another day, Lin Jiu had already told them about his worries before, and Wencai and Qiusheng were more worried than enjoying themselves. Naturally, there would be no hesitation about the matter after his death, so when Lin Jiusan and the others came back, they tidied up and left.

After leaving Fugui Village, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, how much is the reward this time?" Before, they saw the village chief and handed Lin Jiu a heavy bag. It was said that it was filled with silver dollars, so there should be dozens of silver dollars in a bag. If this is the case, the two of them should be able to share a few coins.

"Why, Wencai Qiusheng, you two want wages, so tell me, according to your contributions, how much should you be paid as a teacher?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Wencai and Qiusheng curiously, thinking You have to know how much these two people will ask for.

Lin Jiu's words made Wencai and Qiusheng stunned. They didn't expect Lin Jiu to say this, and they were overjoyed. Could it be that Master planned to give them wages this time? Thinking of their hearts filled with joy, they looked at Lin Jiu and said, " Master, although Wencai and I didn't do much, we still put in a lot of effort, and it shouldn't be too much to give each of us a silver dollar?" After speaking, Qiu Sheng tugged on Wencai's sleeve, signaling Wencai spoke.

In this regard, Wencai and Qiusheng were absolutely on the same front, and hurriedly said, "That's right, Master, Qiusheng is right. Although the two of us did not contribute much, it can be regarded as only a little effort. Isn't a silver dollar too much?"

"For a silver dollar, you both have to export it. Tell me, apart from digging a hole, what help do you two have? No, not only did you two have no other help, but you also caused us two , if it wasn't for your little junior brother to take action, the two of you would definitely be targeted by the captain of the security team?"

(End of this chapter)

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