Chapter 189

Afterwards, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu stepped on Yu steps and hit the Western Zombie.Looking at Lin Jiu and Lu Yue who were hitting him, the Western Zombie was full of panic at this time.

This sun has hurt him too much, he can't go head-to-head with Lu Yue, otherwise, he must be the one who dies in the end.Now, I have a coffin board on my body to block the sun, so be careful, it is not impossible to delay for some time, hold the coffin board, and want to escape.

The Western Zombie thought very well, but how could Lu Yue give the Western Zombie a chance to escape?Using the wooden stake method again, many vines condense and wrap around the Western Zombie, trying to bind the Western Zombie.As for Lin Jiu beside him, he continued to hit the Western Zombie.

Looking at Lin Jiu who was hitting him, the Western Zombie was full of fear.Although Lin Jiu's harm to him was worse than that of Lu Yue, but his situation is not very good now. If he is entangled by Lin Jiu, he will have only a dead end.

Quickly divided the cloak behind him into two halves, and wrapped his wings to reduce the sun's damage to the wings, so that he could last longer. As long as the sun goes down, Lin Jiu, the master and his apprentice, can't do anything to themselves. So, I can only watch myself leave.

After getting rid of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he can continue to suck blood and recover from injuries. As long as there is enough blood, it is not difficult to recover from injuries.After all, as long as they are not killed on the spot, these zombies can suck blood to recover.

When Lin Jiu saw the Western Zombie flying up, he thought that he couldn't kill the Western Zombie today, but at this moment, Lin Jiu saw a wooden stake suddenly appearing in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he immediately understood Following Lu Yue's plan, he jumped onto the stake.

As soon as he jumped on the wooden stake, Lin Jiu saw a taller wooden stake not far away. Then, with the help of the wooden stake, Lin Jiu quickly appeared in front of the Western Zombie. , jumping on the coffin board, and using the jackhammer, it is not an easy task for the western zombies to be unable to rise, and even to fly.

Seeing Lin Jiu appearing on the coffin board, the Western Zombie wanted to get rid of Lin Jiu, but before he could do anything, he saw a vine flying out of the stake, wrapped around his body, and pulled His body kept falling to the ground.At this time, the Western Zombie was holding the coffin board with both hands, unable to tear off the vines on his body.He could only watch helplessly as his body continued to fall to the ground.

This is not the thing that makes Western Zombies feel desperate the most. What makes Western Zombies feel desperate is that under Lin Jiu's attack, a big hole appeared in the coffin board on his body, allowing the sun to shine on him. And as Lin Jiu continued to attack, the Western Zombie could clearly see that there were many cracks on the coffin board, which would break apart in a short time.

Knowing that I have little hope of surviving today, the reason why I ended up like this is because of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, but, in the eyes of Western Zombies, compared to Lu Yue, this Lin Jiu It was easier to deal with, and Lin Jiu was closer to himself.

Afterwards, the Western Zombie wanted to hug Lin Jiu. Even if he died, he would drag Lin Jiu to him. At the moment when the coffin board was broken, the Western Zombie endured the pain caused by the sun, and grabbed Lin Jiu. Go, want to catch Lin Jiu.

However, Lin Jiu has been killing demons for so many years and has rich experience. How can he not see through the plan of the Western Zombie? The moment the coffin board was smashed by himself, Lin Jiu took out all the garlic on his body and threw it on the Western Zombie. Go, let the Western Zombie's injury be a little bit worse, and he jumped down by himself. This height is nothing to Lin Jiu.

Looking at Lin Jiu who fell on the ground, the Western Zombie wanted to go to Lin Jiu's side and die with Lin Jiu, but how could Lu Yue give him this opportunity, more vines wrapped around the body of the Western Zombie, and the Western Zombie couldn't move. At the same time, he swung the Golden Sun Sword and stabbed at the Western Zombie.Seeing the Jinyang sword stabbing at him, the Western Zombie began to struggle violently, trying to break free from the vines on his body so as to avoid Lu Yue's attack.

It's a pity that under the sun's exposure, the Western Zombie's strength has been weakened a lot, unable to break free from the vines on its body, it can only watch helplessly as the golden sun sword stabs itself, piercing its heart.After piercing the Western Zombie's heart, Lu Yue knew that the possibility of the Western Zombie surviving was almost zero, so he quickly backed away and became injured by the Western Zombie.

Soon, Lu Yue realized that he had underestimated the power of the golden yang sword. When the golden yang sword pierced the Western Zombie's heart, it burned the Western Zombie's heart into nothingness. After that, the flame began to burn The body of a Western zombie.

However, the strength of this Western Zombie is much stronger than that of the female zombie who died in Lu Yue's hands before. Three seconds later, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu saw the flames in the body of the Western Zombie, and they felt relieved immediately. In one breath, he knew that the Western zombie had been beheaded by himself, otherwise, the Western zombie burned by the flames would not scream at all.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath. Lu Yue felt extremely tired after performing all kinds of Taoism and chasing zombies.

However, before this Western zombie was not beheaded, Lu Yue did not dare to relax a bit, otherwise, this Western zombie would never let him go.Looking at Lu Yue who fell on the ground, Lin Jiu quickly appeared beside Lu Yue, looked at Lu Yue worriedly and asked, "Lu Yue, are you okay?"

"Master, I'm fine. I'm just too tired. I'll be fine after a while." Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu was relieved. After nothing happened, he looked at Lu Yue and said, "Since this is the case, then you should sit here and have a good rest for a while, and leave other matters to the teacher."

Although the Western Zombie has been burned to ashes, the ashes still need to be disposed of. If the ashes are allowed to be scattered here, it will pollute the land and make it impossible for a blade of grass to grow in the vicinity for a long time to come.

For these, Lin Jiu is very familiar with them, and has already dealt with them many times, and soon, everything was dealt with, and at this time, Lu Yue also recovered.Seeing this, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue walked to the rich house.

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(End of this chapter)

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