Chapter 215 Baguazhang

After suppressing the Thunder Snake condensed by Lu Yue, Zhao Ji looked at Lu Yue with a smile and said, "Boy, if you want to use Lightning Ben Lei Fist and Palm Thunder Fist to hurt me, it's still worse, so hurry up and use your strongest method. "If Lu Yue can practice Palm Thunder and Lightning Ben Lei Fist to such a level, then he must have cultivated the wooden stake Dafa to a higher level.

After all, the innate wood spirit body is most suitable for cultivation, which is the wood attribute Taoism, and the strongest wood attribute Taoism in Maoshan is the Wooden Pile Dafa. Although Lin Jiu has not practiced the Wooden Pile Dafa, he also knows the practice secrets of the Wooden Pile Dafa , How could it not be passed on to Lu Yue?

Hearing this, without any hesitation, Lu Yue slapped "Pile Dafa" on the ground. A thicker wooden stake, from the depths of the ground, covered the entire front yard in an instant, and Zhao Ji had to jump to the ground. On the roof, it avoided the fate of being jacked up by wooden piles.

"Elder Taishang, be careful next time, or you will be seriously injured by me." If it was another junior who dared to speak like this in front of his face, Zhao Ji would definitely let him know why Hua'er was so popular , can be replaced by Lu Yue, but Zhao Ji dare not.

Because, he knows that with Lu Yue's current combat power, he is qualified to say such a thing, at least, before Lu Yue's spiritual power is exhausted, he dare not be careless, otherwise, he will really be rejected by Lu Yue. It is not impossible to be seriously injured or even die in Lu Yue's hands, because the front yard is now Lu Yue's territory.

After reminding Zhao Ji, Lu Yue didn't say anything else. Under Lu Yue's control, many wooden stakes flew up from the ground and hit Zhao Ji's body.The speed of the wooden posts was so fast that there were bursts of sound of breaking through the air, so Zhao Ji dared to be careless. He used all his strength to make the Eight Diagrams around him bigger and bigger, and transferred Lu Yue's wooden posts to the In other places, it is hoped that this method can be used to resist Lu Yue's attack.

Zhao Ji thought well, but soon realized that he had underestimated the power of the innate wood spirit body. The wooden stakes that had been knocked out by him before, flew back upside down under Lu Yue's control, bringing With the sound of breaking through the air, he continued to bump into himself.

This discovery changed the faces of all the people present. They did not expect that Lu Yue had practiced the Wooden Pile Dafa to such a state. Moreover, the power of the stake Dafa is stronger than in their hands.

However, Lin Jiu and the others didn't have any worries, because they knew that the strength of the Supreme Elder was more than that. With Lu Yue's strength, it would be extremely difficult to hurt the Supreme Elder unless Lu Yue could use a more powerful force. Strong means will do.

Sure enough, the next scene let Lin Jiu and others know that their previous guess was not wrong.Looking at the many wooden stakes that hit him, Zhao Ji did not use other Taoist techniques, but continued to use Bagua Zhang. The Bagua around him became clearer and clearer under Zhao Ji's urging. Gushes out and hits the stake.

Soon, under the attack of Lei Huo, the many wooden stakes that Lu Yue had condensed before turned into a pile of coke and fell to the ground.After that, Zhao Ji looked at Lu Yue pretending to be disdainful. Although he didn't say anything, Lu Yue could clearly feel the ridicule in Zhao Ji's heart.

This discovery made Lu Yue's complexion ugly.Without saying anything nonsense, the wooden stake under his feet, under the control of Lu Yue, flew up again and hit Zhao Ji.

"Lu Yue is useless. Although the power of the wooden stake method is powerful, your understanding of the wooden stake method is too low. If you want to use the wooden stake method to hurt me, it is still a little bit worse. Let me see. You have other means, of course, if you have no other means, then I will start to draw blood."

"Old man, don't be too happy too early. The method of wooden stakes is not that simple. You, thunder and fire, are still a little short of trying to stop my attack." Said, Lu Yue spread his hands, As soon as the ground was lifted, vines flew out from the ground, turned into sharp swords, and stabbed at Zhao Ji.

"Impolite brat, how dare you call me that. After I catch you, I will teach you a lesson and let you know the consequences of disrespecting your elders." As he spoke, he continued to gossip, cohesive One after another, they came out of the mountain peaks and threw them on the stakes and vines.

Seeing this, Lu Yue was not to be outdone, and cast the thunder in his palm, condensing powerful thunderbolts, and struck these mountain peaks. At the same time, those vines and wooden stakes also continued to strike Zhao Ji.With the power of the thunder in the palm, these mountains were easily destroyed.

Lu Yue didn't stop using palm thunder just because he destroyed the mountain, he continued to use palm thunder, condensed powerful lightning bolts, and hit Zhao Ji, trying to make Zhao Ji lose energy to deal with many woods Attack of piles and vines.

Although Zhao Ji's cultivation was much stronger than Lu Yue's, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the palm thunder's attack, because he knew very well in his heart that with Lu Yue's understanding of the palm thunder, these palm thunders would On himself, he can easily seriously injure or even kill him, so how dare Zhao Ji let these palm thunders fall on him.

In addition to Baguazhang, Zhao Ji is best at swordsmanship, but to perform swordsmanship, you need to use a magic weapon. Now that Lu Yue has not used a magic weapon, how can he, an elder, use a magic weapon first?In this way, if he wants to resist these palm thunders, he can only rely on the method of Baguazhang.

Fortunately, after so many years of practice, Zhao Ji has cultivated Baguazhang to a very high level. In Zhao Ji's hands, it can be said that Baguazhang is ever-changing. If he wants to deal with Lu Yue's attack in a short time, he can still do it arrived.

Of course, the main reason for this is that Lu Yue's current cultivation base is too low. The reason why he can have the current combat power is because of the magic spell, which cannot last long. He only needs to persist for a while, and Lu Yue will Because of the exhaustion of spiritual power, he can only be slaughtered by himself.Otherwise, even if he could defeat Lu Yue, he might have to pay some price.

Up to now, the head teacher and others already know that Lu Yue is more extraordinary than they estimated before. If Lu Yue is not allowed to become the young head teacher, when they meet the ancestors of the Maoshan School in the future, I am afraid that these ancestors will They will never let themselves go.Thinking of this, the head teacher and the great elder wanted to stop it, and the two continued to fight to avoid any damage.

(End of this chapter)

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