Chapter 216

But before the head teacher could speak, he heard Lu Yue's voice, and suddenly said, "Old man, I'm afraid you forgot. In addition to borrowing strength, this magic trick can also invite gods. Before, I didn't really Please God upper body, today, I will let you have a good experience, please God upper body power, old man, you have to hold on, don't cry. Respectfully invite Patriarch upper body?"

As he spoke, Lu Yue chopped the ground fiercely, and a flash of spiritual light quietly merged into Lu Yue's body, causing a great change in the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body.

After the aura on Lu Yue's body changed, Zhao Ji and the others sensed a familiar aura. Although they didn't know which patriarch was on Lu Yue's body at this time, the head teacher and the others knew very well that it was definitely theirs. The patriarch of Maoshan School.

"Maoshan disciples obey the order. In the name of the tenth generation head teacher of the Maoshan school, I appoint Lu Yue as the young head teacher of the Maoshan school." "We will follow the order of the ancestor." Zhao Ji, who was in the distance, said, "This time, God please, this boy asked me to give you a good beating, and let him out of the anger in my heart, boy, you are ready."

Hearing this, Zhao Ji's heart was full of bitterness. He never thought that Lu Yue's resentment towards him would be so deep that even the patriarch could be affected.It turns out that after the invitation to the gods is successful, if the person who invites the gods has a deep obsession, it can influence the invited gods and let the gods complete their obsessions for themselves.

"Patriarch, I'm ready, I hope Patriarch can strike more lightly?" The person in front of him is his Patriarch, even if Zhao Ji can beat him, he would not dare to do it, otherwise, it will be extremely serious in the future, and even more serious The important thing is that Zhao Ji doesn't want to be missed by this man after his death.

This patriarch's heart is not very big, Zhao Ji doesn't want to be missed by him, otherwise, after his death, he will become extremely sad in the future.Before Lu Yue's combat power, his combat power was not much weaker than his own, just because the Taoism he mastered was not comparable to Lu Yue's.

But facing the tenth generation patriarch, I don't have any advantages, and Lu Yue still has a lot of spiritual power at this time, so it is not difficult to deal with him.

"That can't be done. I don't know how you offended this kid. Anyway, this kid has a deep resentment towards you. If I show mercy to you, if I want to go back, I'm afraid I will lose something. So, boy, you can only I prayed for myself, kid Lu Yue’s spiritual power will be exhausted soon, otherwise, you may have to suffer some hardships.” Saying this, the tenth generation patriarch stepped on Yu steps and appeared in front of Zhao Ji in an instant, waving his fists, Zhao Ji hit him.

Zhao Ji didn't expect the speed of the tenth generation patriarch to be so fast. When it was too late to stop him, he could only watch as the fist hit his eyes and sent Zhao Ji flying.

At this time, Zhao Ji didn't have the energy to pay attention to the pain in his body, and quickly used the Bagua Palm, condensing a gossip, trying to block the ten generation head teacher from getting close to him.

But seeing the gossip condensed by the Tenth Headmaster pointing at him, a powerful thunder and lightning gushed out from the fingers of the Tenth Headmaster, knocking away the gossip condensed by Zhao Ji.

Afterwards, the Tenth Headmaster appeared in front of Zhao Ji again, swung his fist and hit Zhao Ji's other eye, and a pair of panda eyes appeared, "That's right, this looks good, the time is up, I should go back too It's gone." As soon as the words fell, Lin Jiu and the others saw the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body, which quickly weakened, and after that, Lu Yue also sat on the ground paralyzed because of the exhaustion of his eyes due to spiritual power.

At this time, Lu Yue didn't pay attention to the situation on his body, but immediately looked at Zhao Ji who was not far away, wanting to know if he had done anything to Zhao Ji behind him.Seeing Zhao Ji's panda eyes, Lu Yue couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Looking at Lu Yue's smile, Zhao Ji felt extremely intrusive, stepped forward and appeared in front of Lu Yue, "Lv Yue, it seems that you like this look very much. If this is the case, I will do good deeds today and help you Give me a shot." As he said that, Zhao Ji swung his fist and punched Lu Yue's eyes, which also made Lu Yue have a pair of panda eyes.

Feeling the pain in his body, Lu Yue knew that he must also have a pair of panda eyes. This time, Lu Yue didn't say anything cruel. How could Lu Yue not know what happened to him, let alone facing Zhao Ji now. The powerful elder Taishang, even in the face of Wencai and Qiusheng, Lu Yue couldn't beat them, so naturally he would not say anything harsh, so as not to suffer flesh and blood.

Fortunately, after Zhao Ji gave Lu Yue two punches, he did nothing more, which made Lu Yue feel relieved. Then, Lu Yue struggled to get up and came to Lin Jiu's side.

"Lu Yue, you are very good. You are qualified to become the young master of Maoshan. This is the token of the master. Now I will give this token to you. From now on, you will be the young master of Maoshan." The teacher took out a token and handed it to Lu Yue.

Looking at the token in front of him, Lu Yue was taken aback. He didn't expect that he could become the head teacher of Maoshan so easily. He thought that there were still many difficulties for him to become the headmaster of Maoshan.

"Thank you, Master." After speaking, Lu Yue took the token in his hand.As soon as Lu Yue saw the token, he saw Lin Jiu and the Great Elder not far away, bowed to him and said, "I have seen the young master." How dare Lu Yue accept the gift of the two, and quickly avoided saying, " Master, Uncle Martial, don’t you offend me, how dare I, a junior, accept the gift from both of you?”

"Hmph, now I know how to be polite, why didn't you know how to be polite before, and you were rude to me, the Supreme Elder?" Zhao Ji, who was not far away, looked at Lu Yue with dissatisfaction and said.

He didn't forget that because of Lu Yue, he was severely punched twice. I don't know what special method the tenth headmaster used. Zhao Ji found that it was not easy for him to have dark circles. With his current cultivation base, it would take a few days to complete.

"Isn't it because you, the Supreme Elder, want my blood, that I would be rude? If you, the Supreme Elder, don't want my blood, would I do this?" As he said, Lu Yue planned to put the token in his hand, Store in storage bag. "Lu Yue, this token of teaching is also a magic weapon, you need blood to recognize the master, and this is a storage ring, you are now the young teacher of Maoshan, using the storage bag will lose your status. "Speaking, the head teacher took out a storage ring and handed it to Lu Yue.

For this, Lu Yue naturally would not refuse, "Thank you, Master." After speaking, Lu Yue took the storage ring from the Master's hand, and together with the Master's token, recognized the master with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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