Chapter 218

"Qiu Sheng, Wencai, I'm a teacher for your own good. The two of you have poor aptitude. If you want to improve your cultivation, you can only continue to practice and practice for a longer time than others. Only in this way can you improve your cultivation?"

While talking, Lin Jiu's gaze became more and more hostile, which made Wencai and Qiusheng understand that if they dared to say anything, their training time would be longer, and they looked downcastly. Lin Jiu said, "Yes, Master, we know."

Seeing Wencai and Qiusheng's dejected looks, Lin Jiu's anger became even worse. They were really two pieces of mud that couldn't support the wall. Before, the two of you were not allowed to sleep, understand?"

Although Wencai and Qiusheng didn't know what was going on, but seeing Lin Jiu's extremely ugly face, they didn't dare to have any objections, otherwise, they didn't know what punishment would be waiting for them. ?Nodding his head, he returned to the courtyard and began to practice.

Although Lin Jiu didn't target them, Ren Tingting and Awei also made them worry for a while, fearing that they would implicate themselves, so they quickly came to the courtyard and began to practice.

Lu Yue did not practice in the courtyard like Qiu Sheng and others, but followed Lin Jiu to Lin Jiu's room, "Master, can the palm thunder be compressed to increase its power?"

Although Lu Yue didn't write down everything after being taken by the Patriarch, but some things that the Patriarch was willing to let Lu Yue write down, Lu Yue still wrote down, such as the compression of the palm thunder before.

"It seems that, Lu Yue, you have received the guidance of the patriarch. Yes, the palm thunder can indeed be compressed, and the power of the compressed palm thunder will increase a lot. However, Lu Yue, your understanding of the palm thunder is still low. If you want to It is basically impossible to do this, the most important thing for you now is to break through to the realm of human teacher first, once you can break through the realm of human teacher, your strength will improve a lot." Lin Jiu earnestly said to Lu Yue Persuade.

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue rejoice, "Master, you are wrong. The patriarch left me something. It won't take long before I can complete the compression of the palm thunder." The improvement of Lei's power has been enhanced a lot.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lu Yue's face became even stronger.Originally, Lu Yue thought that after he said this, Lin Jiu would let him try it.Unexpectedly, after Lin Jiu heard his words, he warned solemnly, "Lu Yue, you don't know something. It is not an easy task to compress the thunder in the palm of your hand. Even if you have the things left by the ancestor to help you , To succeed, it is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time.

With all this time, you might as well improve your cultivation first. With your current accumulation, it is not difficult to break through the realm of human masters. Once you can break through the realm of human masters, your strength will definitely be stronger than Compress the palm thunder, the improvement is greater. "

Hearing this, Lu Yue fell silent. After a while, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu firmly and said, "Master, I am not willing to give up like this. Therefore, Master gave me a week's work. I don't have any gains, so I will give up the idea of ​​compressing the thunder in my palm, and practice with all my strength, trying to break through the human master realm as soon as possible, how about it?"

A week's time is nothing, and Lu Yue can afford to waste it, "Okay, just do as you said, if you don't make any progress within a week, or if you don't make much progress, you need to give up." Compress the palm thunder and practice with all your strength, you know?"

"Yes, Master, I understand. By the way, Master, I already have a storage ring, so I will use this storage bag for you." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue took out the storage bag, unacknowledged the owner, Pass it in front of Lin Jiu.

Looking at the storage bag in front of him, Lin Jiu did not refuse. With the storage ring, Lu Yue really doesn't need this storage bag, and he really needs a storage bag that can hold some things "Why? The master has the audacity to accept this storage bag. By the way, Lu Yue has recorded in this book about compressing the palm thunder, which should be of great help to you." Then, Lin Jiu took out the bag from the secret compartment. A book was handed to Lu Yue.

"Thank you, master, then master, I'm going to practice." After speaking, Lu Yue took the cheat book from Lin Jiu's hand, and went to the backyard to start studying the matter of compressing palm thunder.

Before, Lu Yue knew that it was not an easy task to compress the palm thunder and increase the power of the palm mine, but when Lu Yue started to try, he realized that the difficulty was greater than he imagined. Even if Lu Yue received the guidance of the tenth generation head teacher and the help of many ancestors' cultivation experience, he still has no clue.

The more difficult it is, the stronger the power will be after success. So, how could Lu Yue give up, and carefully understand the things left by the previous ancestors. Before, the ten generations of ancestors deliberately left these insights so that Lu Yue could complete the palm thunder. As long as Lu Yue is not too stupid, relying on these insights, one day he will definitely be able to compress the thunder in the palm of his hand.

And Lu Yue is not only not stupid, he can even be said to be extremely smart. At the beginning, Lu Yue didn't have any clues, but as he continued to study, Lu Yue found some clues, and a palm thunder appeared in Lu Yue's hand. Palm, began to try to compress the palm mine.

At the very beginning, Lu Yue discovered that the originally docile palm thunder suddenly became violent, which made Lu Yue dare not continue to try, otherwise, the palm thunder might explode on his palm, and the palm of his hand would explode. As soon as he lifted it, he drove the palm thunder in his hand to fly into the sky.

Before, the power of the palm thunder condensed by Lu Yue was not very powerful, and it could even be extremely weak, but just like this, Lu Yue couldn't compress this palm thunder. Things need to keep trying.

Afterwards, Lu Yue continued to try. In the next time, Qiu Sheng and the others saw thunder and lightning flying from the backyard and wreaking havoc in the air. Qiu Sheng and the others were taken aback and could not practice with peace of mind.

"Master, the disturbance caused by the junior brother is too great, which prevents us from cultivating with peace of mind. Master, you should really talk about the junior brother, otherwise, how can we cultivate?"

Qiusheng's words made Wencai's eyes brighten. In this respect, Wencai's head is not stupid at all. He immediately understood what Qiusheng meant, and hurriedly came to Lin Jiu and said, "That's right, master, little junior brother is too shameful!" Now, with such a big commotion, there is no way for us to practice at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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